Information and Technology Essential Standards
Sources of Information
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SI Kindergarten – C lassify useful sources of information SI 5 th Grade – Apply criteria to determine appropriate information resources for specific topics and purposes. Image used under CC license from /
SI Grades 6-8 Evaluate resources based on specified criteria Image used under CC license from
SI Grades 9-12 Evaluate resources needed to solve a given problem Image used under CC license from
Technology as a Tool
TT K-5 Use technology tools and skills to reinforce classroom concepts and activities. Image used under CC license from
TT Grades 6-8 Use technology to access, organize, and share information. Use technology to complete assigned tasks.
TT Grades 9-12 Choose appropriate tools to access, organize, and share information. Use the chosen tools appropriately.
Research Process
RP Kindergarten – Understand the importance of good questions in conducting research. RP 5 th grade – Apply a research process Image used under CC license from /
RP Grades 6-8 Apply a research process for collaborative or individual research; to complete a given task; to complete a project-based activity Image used under CC license fromhttp://
Grades 9-12 Design project-based products that address global problems Image used under CC license from
Safety and Ethical Issues
SE 5 th Grade – Understand issues related to the safe, ethical, and responsible use of information and technology resources. SE Kindergarten – Remember safety and ethical issues related to the responsible use of information and technology resources. Image used under CC license from / /
SE Grades 6-8 Analyze and use responsible behaviors when using information and technology resources Image used under CC license from
SE Grades 9-12 Analyze and use responsible behaviors when using information and technology resources Image used under CC license from
Informational Text
IN Kindergarten Understand the difference between text read for enjoyment and text read for information. Image used under CC license from
IN 5 th Grade Analyze appropriate strategies when reading for enjoyment and for information. Image used under CC license from /
Common Core and ITES
Sources of Information K ELAWhen doing research, use books, websites, encyclopedias, and discuss reliable places to get your information. Author’s Purpose Evaluate resources for reliability when conducting a research project. Evaluate content for relevance to assigned task (ex. session of effective Internet searching) Look at when the information was published to make sure that it is current or appropriate. Evaluate point of view, bias, internet for research projects.
Technology as a Tool K ELA/SciencePublish your work using a variety of methods ing, blogging, and using teacher websites to collaborate throughout the school Communicati on of Information: Blogging, Info Graphics, Video Podcast Organize information for the Science Fair or science experiments. MathCreate a variety of graphs, choosing the correct graph to match the data. Use a spreadsheet to create a budget for a household, school store, etc.
Research Process K ELA/ Science/ Social Studies Develop a plan for your research using appropriate resources Grade 6: Teacher picks specific topic and teacher picks resources. Work individually or in groups to find the answer to your research question Grade 7: Teacher gives out broad topic; student narrows topic (with teacher guidance); student and teacher both pick resources. Grade 8: Student picks topic (with teacher permission) and student picks resources.
Safety and Ethical Issues K ELA/ Science/ Social Studies Correctly cite where you got your information Ethical behavior taught through research process Safely , blog, and communicate with others being aware of inappropriate online behaviors Safety initially taught directly at the beginning of the school year, then offer set of resources to match core content (ex. NSTeens, Gaggle, Government Sites)
Informational Text K-5 SciencePractice strategies to look at following directions/ steps to doing an experiment Organize information in charts and graphs to prove or disprove your hypothesis
Integration of Skills Image used under CC license from
You are not alone. Image used under CC license from
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Allison Bryan Cybrarian, CTEC Media Facilitator, ABSS