Offer Versus Serve Welcome!
Offer Versus Serve Is this meal reimbursable?
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Goals of the OVS Webinar You will understand the offer versus serve (OVS) rules and regulations for the USDA Nutrition Standards effective July 1, 2012 for lunch, and July 1, 2012, 2013 and 2014 for breakfast.
Goals of the OVS Webinar You will know the changed definitions for: Menu item Food component Food item
Goals of the OVS Webinar You will be able to recognize a reimbursable meal under OVS based on the Menu Food items selected
Meal Service Types Traditional Student must take all food components or food items Offer versus Serve Student may decline food components or food items based on the rules and regulations regarding OVS
Meal Service Types Family-Style Food is served in bowls and children help themselves The required quantity for every child must be available on the table. Children must take at least ½ cup fruit or vegetable or combination of both. Children must take three components in the required serving sizes (½ cup F/V = full component rule applies)
Goal of Offer versus Serve (OVS) Reduce food waste Permit student choices
Menu Item Menu item as used in Nutrient Standard Menu Planning is removed. Menu item now refers to a food or combination of foods as listed on a menu. A menu item may contain one or more food items and/or food components. Sandwich: Beef patty plus a bun Entrée salad: Leafy salad greens and tuna
Food Component The five required food components for lunch are: Meats/Meat Alternates (M/MA) Grains (G) Fruits (F) Vegetables (V) Milk (M)
Food Component The three required food components for breakfast are: Grains (G) Fruits (F) Milk (M) Substitution of M/MA for G may be made under specific conditions. Substitution of V for F may be made under specific conditions.
Food Item Food items are foods that are offered to provide the food component. One or more food items may provide the required quantity of the food component. Fruit juice plus a fresh fruit Ground beef plus peanut butter/celery M/MA may be in a maximum of two dishes M/MA may not be in a dessert
Food Item When the planned amount of a food component is served in more than one food item, the student must take all of the food items providing that food component to count the component for OVS Exception: the ½ cup F or V or both = full amount of either the F or V component
General Rules and Regulations You must offer all food components required for the meal to all students. Serving sizes must equal the minimum required quantities.
General Rules and Regulations Students may take a smaller portion but if it is less than The planned minimum quantity of M/MA or G for lunch, or The planned serving size of the food item for breakfast Then, it may not count as the component for OVS. If the meal does not meet the requirements for OVS, it may not be claimed for reimbursement.
Planned Minimum Quantity Example: Spaghetti, Roll Spaghetti = 2 oz. eq. M/MA, 1 oz. eq. G, and ¼ c V Roll = 1 oz. eq. G Possible menu options Spaghetti & Roll = 2 oz. eq. M/MA and G or, Spaghetti only = 2 oz. eq. M/MA and 1 oz. eq. G
General Rules and Regulations The meal must be priced as a unit and the price may not change based on the number of components or food items taken or the size of the portions.
Rules for Lunch OVS OVS is mandatory at grades OVS is optional for Pre K – grade 8 All lunches must offer the five food components You must now allow all students K-12 to decline two components at lunch Students must select at least ½ cup of fruit or vegetable or combination of both
Rules for Lunch OVS Students must take the full daily required quantity of a component to count it as one of the required components for OVS except: ½ cup fruit (F) or vegetable (V) (or combination of both) counts as ONE F or V. But, the second F or V must be the full quantity.
OVS and the ½ cup F/V Rule: K-8 K-8 daily fruit/vegetable requirements: ½ cup fruits ¾ cup vegetables If the student takes ½ cup vegetable it counts as the full component. If the student takes ½ cup fruit, they have taken the full component for the second fruit/vegetable. ½ cup F + ½ cup V = 2 full components
OVS and the ½ cup F/V Rule: daily fruit/vegetable requirements 1 cup fruits 1 cup vegetables If the student takes ½ cup vegetable or fruit, it counts as the full component. If the student takes 1 cup of the other (F or V), they have taken a second full component. ½ cup F or V + 1 cup F or V = 2 full components
Lunch OVS All five components in the required daily amounts for each grade group must be offered. M/MA Grades K-5 and 6-8 daily minimum is 1 oz. eq. Grades 9-12 minimum is 2 oz. eq. G Grades K-5 and 6-8 daily minimum is 1 oz. eq. Grades 9-12 minimum is 2 oz. eq. Milk (M) Grades K-12 minimum is 8 fluid oz.
Lunch OVS Fruits Grades K-5 and 6-8 minimum is ½ cup Grades 9-12 minimum is 1 cup Vegetables Grades K-5 and 6-8 minimum is ¾ cup Grades 9-12 minimum is 1 cup K-5, 6-8: ½ cup F or V (or combination of both) may count as the full component for either the F or the V 9-12: ½ cup F or V (or combination of both) may count as the full component for either F or V (or combination of both) but not for both F and V
Lunch OVS All five components in the required daily amounts for each grade group must be offered. Students may not be required to take the entrée or grain or milk Students may be required to take the ½ cup F or V or combination.
Lunch OVS: How it Works Compo -nents Food Items ExampleSelections for Grades K-5, 6-8 Minimum for OVS (3 of 5 components) M/MA1 or 2 food items Hamburger Patty, 2 oz. eq. XXXX GAny number On Bun, 1.5 oz. eq. XXXX FAny number ½ cup Juice or ½ cup Grapes X X XX XX VAny number ½ cup Baked Beans and ½ cup Lettuce, Tomato, Onion X X X X X X Milk2 VarietiesLow-fat NF Chocolate XXXX For this menu, the hamburger is served as bun plus patty, two food items in one menu item, so both must be taken if either is taken. The combination of three food items that does not qualify as a reimbursable meal is: Hamburger plus Milk = no F or V.
Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? 2 M/MA 1 ½ G ½ c V 1/2 c F
Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? Yes, M/MA, G, ½ cup V No, no F, V Yes, M/MA, G, ½ cup F 2 M/MA 1 ½ G ½ c V ½ c F
Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? ½ c V ½ c F
Is this meal reimbursable for K- 5, 6-8? Yes, F, V, M No, only F, M Yes, V, F, M ½ c F ½ c V
Lunch OVS: How it Works For this menu, the spaghetti has three food items/components in one menu item, but there is only ¼ cup V in it. The M/MA and the G are offered in two menu items. The student must take the full amount of the component planned for the lunch. What has the menu planner planned? Think about the weekly minimums and maximums. Com po- nents Food Items Example May take 1 of each food item Selections for K-5, 6-8 Minimum for OVS (3 of 5 components) M/M A 1 or 2 food items Spaghetti, 1 oz. eq. Cheese Bread 1 oz. eq. XXXX X X XXXX X X XXXX X X XX XX X G Any number Spaghetti, 1 oz. eq. Cheese Bread 1 oz. eq. XXXX X X XXXX X X XXXX X X XXXX X F Any number ½ cup Apple Slices or ½ cup Can. Fruit XXX XXX X X V Any number ¼ cup in Spaghetti ½ cup equiv. Salad + ¼ cup Steamed Broccoli XXXXXXXX XXXXX XX XX XXXX XX Milk 2 Varieties Low-fat NF Chocolate XX
Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G ½ c F
Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? No, no ½ cup F or V Yes, G, M/MA, V Yes, G, M/MA, F ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G ½ c F
Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G ½ c F ½ c V
Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? No, no ½ cup F, V No, only ¼ cup Broccoli Yes, F, V, M ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V ½ c F ½ c V
Lunch OVS: How it Works Comp o- nents Food Items Example May take 1 of each food item Selections for Grades 9-12 Minimum for OVS (3 of 5 components) M/MA 1 or 2 food items Spaghetti, 1 oz. eq. Cheese Bread, 1 oz. eq. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX G Any number Spaghetti, 1 oz.eq. Cheese Bread 1 oz.eq. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX F Any number ½ cup Apple Slices +½ cup Can. Fruit X X XXXX XXXX X X V Any number ¼ cup in Spaghetti ½ cup equiv. Salad + +¼ cup Steamed Broccoli XXXXXX XXXX X XXXX XXXX XXXXXX Milk 2 Varieties Low-fat NF Chocolate XXX For this menu, the spaghetti has three food items/components and the Cheese Bread has two. For 9-12, the required amount is 2 M/MA and 2 G, so to count either M/MA or G, both Spaghetti and Cheese Bread must be selected. It is impossible to get the full 1 cup component of V without the spaghetti item.
Is this meal reimbursable for Grades 9-12? ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G
Is this meal reimbursable for Grades 9-12? No, no ½ cup F, V Yes, M/MA, G, ½ cup V No, no ½ cup F, V Only 1 M/MA, G ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V
Is this meal reimbursable for Grades 9-12? ½ c F ½ c V 1 M/MA 1 G 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V
Is this meal reimbursable for Grades 9-12? Yes, M/MA, G, F Yes, M/MA, G, V No, no ½ cup F, V 1 M/MA 1 G 1 M/MA 1 G ½ c V ½ c F
Is this meal reimbursable for Grades 9-12? ½ c V ½ c F 1 M/MA 1 G 1 M/MA 1 G ½ c V
Is this meal reimbursable for Grades 9-12? Yes, M/MA, G, V Yes, V, F, M No, 2 nd V, F must be full 1 cup ½ c F ½ c V 1 M/MA 1 G 1 M/MA 1 G ½ c V
More Lunch Examples Pizza: 2 M/MA, 1/8 c V, 2 G Deli Sandwich: 2 M/MA, 1/4 c V, 2.25 G Corn: ½ cup V Salad: ½ cup V (1 cup Salad) Apple, size 138: 1 cup F Juice: ½ cup F Canned Fruit: ½ cup F Milk Varieties: 1 M
Is this meal reimbursable? K-8: 9-12: 2 M/MA 2 G 1/8 c V 2 M/MA 2.25 G ¼ c V ½ c
Is this meal reimbursable? K-8: 9-12: Yes for both No, no F, V Yes, M/MA, G, V
Is this meal reimbursable? K-8: 9-12:
Yes, M/MA, G, V No, no ½ cup F, V Yes, M/MA, G, F
Is this meal reimbursable? K-8: 9-12: 1 c
Is this meal reimbursable? K-8: 9-12: Yes, V, F, M Yes K-8; No 9-12, 2 nd V, F must be 1 cup
Is this meal reimbursable? K-8: 9-12:
Yes, V, F, M No, only V, F
Is this meal reimbursable? K-8: 9-12:
Yes K-8, No 9-12 Yes F, V, and M
Is this meal reimbursable? K-8: 9-12:
Yes, F, V, and M No, only F, M 1 c = ½ c
Rules for Breakfast OVS : Food Based Menu Planning Optional at all grade levels School breakfast must offer four food items (food item = full serving) daily 2 servings of Grains and/or M/MA Two oz. equivalents (eq.) G = 2 servings Two oz. eq. M/MA = 2 servings 1 oz. eq. G + 1 oz. equivalent M/MA = 2 servings 1 serving of ½ cup Juice/Fruit/Vegetable 1 serving of 8 fl. oz. Milk
Rules for Breakfast OVS : Food Based Menu Planning Students K-12 are allowed to decline one food item at breakfast Double servings of same G or M/MA = 2 servings
Rules for Breakfast OVS : Nutrient Standard Menu Planning Optional at all grade levels School breakfast must offer daily a minimum of three menu items 2 Side Dishes 8 fl. oz. Milk Students K-12 are allowed to decline one menu item at breakfast
Rules for Breakfast OVS : Updated Meal Pattern School breakfast must offer three food components daily composed of three or more food items Grains (minimum 1 oz. equivalent daily) ½ cup Fruits 8 fl. oz. Milk
Rules for Breakfast OVS : Updated Meal Pattern (cont.) Students K-12 are allowed to decline one food item at breakfast if four or more food items are offered. Students may decline any one food item, including Fruits Fruits ½ cup cup
Rules for Breakfast OVS : Updated Meal Pattern School breakfast must offer daily three food components composed of three or more food items Grains (minimum 1 oz. eq. daily) 1 cup Fruits Milk Students K-12 are allowed to decline only one food item at breakfast Students must select at least ½ cup of fruit or vegetable or combination of both
Breakfast OVS: The three required components in the required daily amounts for each grade group must be offered. G K-12 daily requirement is 1 oz. eq. F K-12 daily requirement is 1 cup M K-12 daily requirement is 8 fluid oz.
Breakfast: Substituting Vegetables for Fruits Four of the subgroups of vegetables may be substituted for fruit at any time Dark green Red/orange Dry beans/peas Other A starchy vegetable may be substituted for fruit IF two cups of the four subgroups above are also planned for the week
Breakfast: Substituting M/MA for Grains Every breakfast must offer a minimum of one grain equivalent. After one grain equivalent is offered, you may offer an additional grain OR offer a M/MA along with the required grain in order to meet the weekly minimum. If you offer a grain and a M/MA, the M/MA is considered a grain substitute when counting food items.
Breakfast OVS OVS is based on food items A food item is a specific food that is offered to provide the food component A minimum of 1 oz. eq: a serving of, for example, cereal, toast, biscuit, or muffin is a food item If > 1 oz. eq: larger cereal, biscuit or muffin Counted as one food item if served whole Counted as two food items if divided for serving separately Must be planned to allow student to take the minimum of 1 oz. eq. 1 oz. eq. + ½ oz. eq. is two food items ¾ oz. eq. + ¾ oz. eq. must be offered together
Breakfast OVS A food item is a specific food that is offered to provide the food component A biscuit with sausage and a bean/cheese burrito with a total of 2 oz. eq. of G and M/MA is: Counted as one food item if served as one item Counted as two food items if student may decline one of the two ingredients Biscuit and/or sausage Tortilla and/or beans/cheese An English muffin with two halves, each = 1 oz. eq. of G Counted as one if served whole Counted as two if may take only 1 half
Breakfast OVS Three or more food items must be offered. If only three food items are offered, there can be no OVS If four or more food items are offered, only one food item may be declined.
Breakfast OVS: Food Items & OVS 3 Food Items: No Offer versus Serve 4 Food Items: Decline 1, Must take 3 5 Food Items: Decline 1, Must take 4 6 Food Items: Decline 1, Must take 5
Breakfast OVS: How it Works (July 1, 2014) Compo -nents Food Items ExampleSelections Minimum for OVS (1 food item declined) GAny number Bagel, 2 oz. eq. Cream Cheese FAny number 1 cup Apple, size 138 Milk2 VarietiesLow-fat NF Chocolate With this menu, there are only three food items, so there can be no offer versus serve. The cream cheese is an extra, not a food item.
Breakfast OVS: How it Works (July 1, 2014) Compo -nents Food Items ExampleSelections Minimum for OVS (1 food item declined) GAny number Cereal, 1 oz.eq. Toast, 1 oz.eq. XXXX XXXX XXXX X X FAny number ½ cup Juice + ½ cup Grapes XXXX X X XXXX XXXX Milk2 VarietiesLow-fat NF Chocolate XXXX For this menu, there are five separate food items. Any one food item may be declined, but only one. Therefore student may never decline both of the fruits and will be taking at least ½ cup fruit.
Is this meal reimbursable for K-8? 9-12?
Yes, only juice declined Yes, only grapes declined No, 2 items declined
Is this meal reimbursable for K-8? 9-12?
Yes, milk declined Yes, toast declined Yes, cereal declined
Breakfast OVS: How it Works (July 1, 2014) Compo -nents Food Items ExampleSelections Minimum for OVS (1 food item declined) GAny number Biscuit 1 oz.eq. Sausage 1 oz.eq. X X X FAny number ½ cup Juice + ½ cup Grapes XXXX X X XXXX Milk2 VarietiesLow-fat NF Chocolate XXX For this menu, there are four food items if it is served as a breakfast sandwich with biscuit and sausage combined. Any one food item may be declined. Again, the student may not decline both of the fruits. If you offer the biscuit and sausage separately = 5, still only one food item may be declined.
Is this meal reimbursable for K-8? 9-12?
Yes, declined M/MA(G) Yes, declined G Yes, declined milk
Breakfast OVS: How it Works (July 1, 2014) Compo -nents Food Items ExampleSelections Minimum for OVS (1 food item declined) GAny number Bagel, 2 oz. eq. Cream Cheese X XX FAny number ½ cup Juice + ½ cup Grapes XXXX X X Milk2 VarietiesLow-fat NF Chocolate XX For this menu, there are four food items even though the bagel is two grains. Any one food item may be declined.
Is this meal reimbursable for K-8? 9-12?
Yes, declined juice Yes, declined grapes Yes, declined bagel
Breakfast OVS: How it Works (July 1, 2014) Compo -nents Food Items Example (Offered as four food items) Selections Minimum for OVS (1 food item declined) GAny number Biscuit, 1 oz.eq. Sausage, 1 oz. eq. XXXX X X FAny number Apple, size 138, 1 cup XXX Milk2 Varieties Low-fat NF Chocolate XX Again for this menu, there are four food items if the biscuit and sausage are offered separately, but the breakfast sandwich menu item is one food item if combined. If offered as a sandwich, there are only three food items and no offer versus serve. If offered as four food items, the student may not decline the fruit item because they must take at least ½ cup fruit and there is only one food item for the fruit component.
Is this meal reimbursable for K-8? 9-12?
No, no OVS/3 items Yes, only sausage declined No, 2 declined
Breakfast Menu: Students may select 3 or 4 Food Items; 1 must be a Fruit or Vegetable; 4 Food Items are offered Pick One: 1 Food Item Muffin & Cereal: 2 oz. eq. G Muffin, 1 oz. eq. G Cereal, 1 oz. eq. G Cheese Zombie: 1 oz. eq. G + 1 oz. eq. M/MA = 2 oz. eq. G Tortilla: 2 oz. eq. G Pick at least one but two maximum: 2 Food Items Refried Beans: ½ cup V Hash Browns: ½ cup V Juice: ½ cup F Fruit: ½ cup F Pick one Milk: 1 Food Item Low Fat Non Fat
Is this meal reimbursable for K-8? 9-12?
Yes, 1 F/V item declined Yes, 1 F/V item declined Yes, tortilla declined
Is this meal reimbursable for K-8? 9-12?
No, no F, V Yes, 1 F/V item declined Yes, 1 F/V item declined
Is this meal reimbursable for K-8? 9-12?
No, 2 items declined Yes, 1 item declined Yes, 1 item declined
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