P URPOSE OF THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM : Produce gamete Production of offspring Continuation of the genetic code Provide protection and nutrition to developing offspring
F EMALE ANATOMY Essential organs: gonads, ova Accessory organs: ducts (fallopian, uterus, vagina), vulva (external organs), mammary glands
P ERINEUM : Muscular region between base of vaginal opening and the anus Diamond-shaped Structures: labia, vaginal orifice, clitoris, urethral orifice Episiotomy performed during vaginal childirth
OVARIES Two - one on each side of uterus Almond-shaped Anchored to uterus by ovarian ligament Fimbriae lie over top of ovary Ectopic (greek – ektopos – displaced) pregnancy occurs outside uterine cavity
O VARIAN FUNCTION Produce ova (oogenesis) Release of the ova called ovulation (result of ovarian follicle rupture) Production and release of estrogen (estradiol and estrone, progesterone)
UTERUS Pear-shaped and dense (3”X2”) 1” THICK OF MUSCULAR TISSUE Two main parts: body, cervix Fundus is the top portion of the body Three layers: endometrium, myometrium, and parietal peritoneum
E NDOMETRIUM : During menstruation and after delivery of baby, the spongy layers rich in blood capillaries and exocrine glands that secrete mucus slough off Mucosal tissue also found in cervix changes consistency depending on hormonal fluctuations. Most of the time it is very thick. At ovulation, it becomes more liquefied which assists in movement of sperm
MYOMETRIUM Smooth muscles arranged in three layers laying in varied directional lines: longitudinally, transversely, and obliquely. Thickest at fundus and thinnest at the cervix – why? Think of purpose
P ARIETAL PERITONEUM Does not cover cervix nor entire body of uterus Serous membrane present to reduce infection
C AVITIES OF THE UTERUS Internal cavity – very small Internal os – top of cervix Cervical canal External os – opens to vagina
U TERINE LOCATION AND POSITION Pelvic cavity Top of bladder Presses against colon Lies over bladder pointing forward and slightly upward Joins vagina at a right angle Retroflexion – tilting backward can cause untoward effects Ligaments hold uterus in place (6) – broad, round uterosacral, anterior, posterior
F UNCTIONS OF UTERUS Permits sperm to pass to fallopian tubes Fertilized ova implants into the endometrial lining Allows for 10 lunar month gestational period
Q UESTIONS TO ANSWER On what day of the month does ovulation occur? If a patient has a 44 day menstrual cycle, on what day will ovulation occur? Give two benefits of breast feeding. The majority of the breast is composed of ____ tissue. Define menarche. Define menopause. Where are rugae found in the female anatomy? What patient would require an episiotomy? What is the medical term for female sterilization?
O VARIAN CYCLE Difference between meiotic and mitotic cell division? Meiotic – reduces number of chromosomes by half in daughter cells Estrogen/progesterone secreted during the first portion of the month which helps produce a mature oocyte Oocyte is released during ovulation This always occurs 14 d prior to menstrual period
C ONT. 2-3 mm buildup occurs prior to ovulation – max. 4-6mm prior to menses ml loss of tissue/blood Most loss occurs during the first few days of the menses
P HASES OF MENSTRUAL CYCLE Menses – day 1-5 Postmenstrual – d 5-ovulation (usually d 6-14 in a 28 d cycle) great amounts of estrogen produced – mucosal changes (spinnbarkeit) Ovulation Premenstrual – (luteal/secretory – corpus luteum only sectretes progesterone during this time causing the slough to occur )