Female Puberty and Reproduction Objective: Identify 5 physical changes that occur during adolescence Recognize that some changes only happen in a female body and they differ from male changes. Locate at least 3 parts of the female reproductive system. Journal # 3 Name a part of the male reproductive system. What is the function of that part?
FEMALE CHANGES DURING PUBERTY Increased levels of female hormone (estrogen) Growth spurt Permanent teeth come into place Acne Underarm hair Increase perspiration Pubic hair Development of breast Increase in body fat Wider hips Uterus and ovaries enlarge Formation and release of mature eggs (ovulation Beginning of menstrual cycles
Menstrual Cycle Series of events that prepares the female reproductive system for reproduction Hormones cause the lining of the uterus to build up with a cushion of blood, tissue and fluid. Level of the hormone, estrogen, reaches its highest point during the cycle. This causes ovulation, the process by which the ovaries release mature eggs, usually one each menstrual cycle. Egg is released from the ovary. It travels through the fallopian tube toward the uterus If the egg is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus breaks down. Menstruation is the flow from the body of blood, tissues, and fluids that results from the breakdown of the lining of the uterus The menstrual period can last from 2-7 days
Menstrual Cycle
PARTS OF THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Ovaries - The ovaries are small, oval-shaped glands that are located on either side of the uterus. The ovaries produce eggs and hormones.(estrogen and progesterone) Fimbria – fringe like structure at the opening of the fallopian tubes. It helps guides the eggs to the tube Fallopian tubes –narrow tubes that attach to the uterus and serve as tunnels for the ova (egg cells). Fertilization takes place here. Uterus – organ that houses a developing child Cervix – opening to the uterus Vagina – passageway that leads from the cervix to the outside of the body Clitoris – small sensitive protrusion that is comparable to the penis in males Labia Majora – Folds of skin that protects the other external parts of the female reproductive system Labia Minor – folds of skin just inside the labia majora. It helps to protect the opening of the vagina Vulva – all external organs of the female reproductive system