Prairie Knolls Middle School Welcomes You!
Teaming Task /Band /Choir (registration sheet) Good to Know… Assignment notebook Back-to-School Night Homework Website On-line grade access Grades: “It’s not about the grade, it’s about the tools!” TRANSITION TO MIDDLE SCHOOL
Supply Lists – Sent home and posted on our website Lockers (practice over the summer) Schedules (Available via PowerSchool in mid- July; opportunity for students to come to PKMS in August to set up lockers) TRANSITION TO MIDDLE SCHOOL
School begins at 7:43 am Students may enter the building at 7:30 am Buses drop students at the North end of the building Walkers & Bikers may enter either front entrance or the North entrance (with bus riders) Car riders must be dropped off/picked up at the front entrance (not in the back parking lot) ARRIVING AT SCHOOL
School day ends at 2:35 pm Bus riders, walkers & bike riders will exit the North end doors– bikes must be walked while on school property Car riders will exit the main entrance LEAVING SCHOOL
Monthly Newsletter Blasts via and posted on the PKMS website Progress Grades Update Notice via (access grades on-line) Report Cards for quarters 1-3 will be mailed home. Students will receive their fourth quarter report card at school on the last day. COMMUNICATION
CORE Classes Math English Science Social Studies Literature **Task ENCORE Wheel General Music Living Skills Art Computers World Languages PE/Health **Chorus/Band (in place of Task) CLASSES
6 th & 7 th Grade – Quarterly Encore Wheel 6 th - Living Skills, Computers, General Music, Art 7 th - Living skills, Computers, Art, World Languages 8 th Grade – Semester Encore/Foreign Language Course Placement Policy for Foreign Language Courses Attain a grade of “B” or better in Language Arts classes in 6 th & 7 th grades Attain a grade of “C” or better as a cumulative average in all subjects in 6 th & 7 th grades. MIDDLE SCHOOL ENCORE WHEEL
Students change into a uniform for class each day. Uniforms will be sold in the students’ PE classes – cost is $18.00 ($11 for shirts and $7 for shorts). Same uniforms can be used for 8 th grade & high school. Please do not send students with money the first day. Health rotation during 2 nd and 3 rd quarters. PE AND HEALTH
MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) (District through 11 th grade) Fall & Spring MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) for both Reading & Math PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) (State) PBA (Performance Based Assessment) Early March (After approximately 75% of the school year) EOA (End-of-Year Assessment) End of April-Early May (After approximately 90% of the school year) EXPLORE (EPAS System: EXPLORE, PLAN, ACT) (District) Eighth-grade academic achievement displays a stronger relationship with college and career readiness than does any other factor (beyond family background, high school coursework, or high school GPA). 8 th : EXPLORE (November) 9 th : EXPLORE (November) 10 th : PLAN 11 th : ACT DISTRICT & STATE ASSESSMENTS
Swipe card lunch system Picture & name on cash register Add money on card at school with cash or check Students may buy “extras” – salads, sandwiches, ice cream, etc. Add money using credit or debit card on-line LUNCH PROGRAM
Cross Country (information sent home with report cards) Wrestling Scholastic Bowl School Play Student Council S.T.A.R. Pentathlon Minute to Win It, Fear Factor & Survivor Teacher-Sponsored Clubs EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES
Friday, August 29 th Picture is used to create student ID ID uses: ~LMC ~Dances ~Lunch program ~CHS sporting events PICTURE DAY
Prevention STAR Character Education Program (Students That Accept Responsibility) Health Curriculum Administrative beginning of the year talk, as well as a mid-year activity Monthly information made available to students If Bullying occurs… Bully Box in the office and LMC with forms Inform a teacher or contact the office Website – “PKMS Stamps Out Bullying” – click and an will be generated Levels of Intervention BULLY INTERVENTION PROGRAM
Students may bring their devices to school to use in the classroom with teacher permission We don’t recommend a specific device, just what the student is comfortable and familiar with. The majority of the technology resources teachers use are web-based and can be accessed on any technology with Internet access. So, it is best for the student to bring what they typically use, as this encourages the transfer of skills outside of the classroom BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE
Some policies to know before you do any back to school clothes shopping: Avoid strappy tank tops or racer-back tops Be aware of the fingertip rule for shorts and skirts Avoid ripped pants/shorts that have see-through holes above the knees BACK TO SCHOOL SHOPPING
The PTO is looking for additional volunteers The next meeting is May 6 at 7:00 A.M. at CMS There is a link to the PTO’s website on the PKMS home page if you are interested in learning more PKMS/CMS PTO
QUESTIONS??? We are looking forward to partnering with you next year for your child’s education at PKMS. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Christopher Testone: Alex Paszt: Kim Lewis: It’s a great day to be a Falcon!