December 15,
General Supervision of Public K-12 Schools ◦ Accrediting K-12 schools ◦ Administering & distributing state & federal funds ◦ Certifying teachers, administrators & school specialists ◦ Developing, administering & monitoring state & federal plans ◦ Developing curricular standards ◦ Evaluating & approving teacher education programs ◦ Public hearings: state plans, rules & regulations, transfers of territory, due process appeals ◦ Supervising KSSB & KSSD 3
Delivery systemEffective educators Effective, visionary leaders Collaboration Multi-tier system of support Barriers to teacher licensure & renewal Review/revise leader preparation programs Align PreK-20 systems of support Accreditation of schools Teacher recruitment, support & retention Leader recruitment, support & retention Communication Graduation requirements, graduation rates, dropout rates Educator evaluation & compensation Leader evaluation & compensation Strategic partnerships Career & technical education Review/revise teacher preparation programs Growth model 4
Carries out policies of State Board Assists schools in state & federal compliance Assists in implementing best practices based on research 5
Number of students: 454,000 (FTE)Number of school districts – 286Number of schools – 1,380Number of licensed educators – 41,000Number of non-licensed personnel – 27,000 Numbers are rounded for presentation purposes 6
Over 210,000 students transported to and school from each day Over 92,000 breakfast meals served daily Over 350,000 lunches served daily 7
$3 billion – state$2 billion – local$700 million - federal Numbers are rounded for presentation purposes 9
Classroom Level School Level State Level National Level 10
265,298 Reading (Grades 3-8, HS) 266,742 Math (Grades 3-8, HS) 147,541 Science (Grades 4, 7, HS) 43,265 KELPA (Grades K-12 ) 12
Percentage of students in the top three performance levels rd Grade th Grade th Grade th Grade th Grade th Grade High School
Closing the achievement gap Students on paid lunch, reduced lunch, free lunch White, Hispanic, African-American students 19
Closing the achievement gap Students on paid lunch, reduced lunch, free lunch White, Hispanic, African-American students Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) flexibility waiver 24
Specific target (AYP) will no longer exist Student achievement based on multiple measures Teacher and leader evaluations based, in part, on student achievement Due by February 21, 2012 If granted, will be in place until ESEA is reauthorized 26
Closing the achievement gap Students on paid lunch, reduced lunch, free lunch White, Hispanic, African-American students Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) flexibility waiver New accreditation system for Kansas schools 27
RelationshipsRelevanceRigor Results Responsive Culture 28
Closing the achievement gap Students on paid lunch, reduced lunch, free lunch White, Hispanic, African-American students Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) flexibility waiverNew accreditation system for Kansas schoolsPossible new school finance formulaTransitioning to Common Core Standards in math and English language artsNext generation of assessments 29
Closing the achievement gap Students on paid lunch, reduced lunch, free lunch White, Hispanic, African-American students Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) flexibility waiverNew accreditation system for Kansas schoolsPossible new school finance formulaTransitioning to Common Core Standards in math and English language artsNext generation of assessmentsMoving KSDE to a different location 31
Education Summits – Fall 2011 Work on next generation of assessments – KBOR representative on the Smarter/Balanced Consortium Discussion with Governor’s office on bringing the Woodrow Wilson Fellows program to Kansas Data sharing with Department of Labor Discussion with Governor’s office on a change to Career and Technical Education funding 32