B E R ESPECTFUL In the classroom Respect the teachers, students, school, and most importantly, yourself Listen ATTENTIVELY Use appropriate language and voice level Raise your hand APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR Your Person NO hats, sunglasses, bandanas, or undergarments showing GOLDEN RULE- Treat others how you want to be treated
BE RESPONSIBLE In the classroom Be on TIME to class Be PREPARED with all materials Complete ALL homework and class work ON TIME Return all borrowed materials Your Person ALL electronic devices TURNED OFF and put in locker Grades are EARNED not given Socialize with peers during non-class times
G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS SubjectRegentsRegents with A.D. English44 Social Studies44 Math33 Science33 Art/Music11 Health.5 PE22 LOTE**c an do 5 credits in Business, Tech, Art, Music or BOCES 13 Electives Total22 Credits22 credits
R EGENTS E XAMS R EQUIRED FOR G RADUATION SubjectRegentsRegents w/ A.D. English1- ELA 11 Social Studies2- Global & US2- Global and US Math1-Math3- Algebra, Geometry and Trig Science1-any science2- Living Env. & Chemistry or Earth Science, or Physics LOTE01 Total5 exams9 Exams
C OLLEGE CREDIT IN H IGH SCHOOL ! Niagara Wheatfield offers many classes that you can take to earn college credit Advanced PlacementNCCC World History (10 th )Topics in Leadership (10 th, 11 th, 12 th ) 3 credits U.S. History (11 th )Precalculus (11 th, 12 th ) 4 credits Statistics (11 th, 12 th )French 4 (11 th, 12 th ) 3 credits Studio in Art (11 th, 12 th )French 5 (12 th ) 3 credits Physics (11 th, 12 th )Spanish 4 (11 th, 12 th ) 3 credits Biology (11 th, 12 th )Spanish 5 (11 th, 12 th ) 3 credits Chemistry (11 th, 12 th )Intro/ Adv. Marketing (12 th ) 3 credits English: Literature and Composition (12 th )College Composition I (12 th ) 3 credits Macroeconomics (12 th )College Composition II (12 th ) 3 credits Government and Politics (12 th )Calculus (12 th ) 4 credits Calculus (12 th )
T OP F ACTORS IN C OLLEGE A DMISSIONS D ECISIONS (N ATIONAL A SSOCIATION OF C OLLEGE A DMISSIONS C OUNSELING, 2008) FactorsPercentage Grades in College Prep Courses80% Strength of Curriculum64% Standardized Tests58% Grades in All Courses52% Essay/Writing Sample26% Demonstrated Interest22% Counselor Recommendation21% Teacher Recommendation20% Interview11% Student Activities7% Subject Tests (AP, etc)7%
D ID Y OU K NOW ? College graduates earn substantially more money than high school graduates? Here is a breakdown of the average 2007 earnings by college degree: (U.S. Census Bureau) Average Annual EarningsLevel of Education $120,978Professional Degree $ 95,565Doctoral Degree $ 70,186Master’s Degree $ 57,181Bachelor’s (4-year) Degree $ 39,746Associate’s (2-year) Degree $ 31,286 High School Diploma or GED $ 21,484No High School Diploma
T HE 4- YEAR PLAN Take academics seriously and keep your grades up. Get to know your teachers, counselor and principal. Get involved. School clubs/organizations, community service, part-time work Make your summers count- attend a summer camp, read, commit hours to volunteer work, GAIN EXPERIENCE
W HAT ’ S A T RANSCRIPT ? A copy of a student's permanent academic record Transcripts include: All classes that you have taken in high school Your final grade in every class Your Regents exams grades SAT/ACT scores Class rank Your information Your school’s information
B E S AFE In the classroom Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself Only enter classroom if a teacher/adult is present Be alert Your Person Practice personal hygiene Make good personal choices Practice good nutrition Get enough sleep NO DRUGS, NO ALCOHOL, NO TOBACCO
W HERE CAN I TURN TO FOR HELP ? Parents Teachers Counselor
F INAL T HOUGHTS It’s never too early to start thinking about your future, visit Ms. Reed in the Career Center and EXPLORE! Join as many clubs and organizations as possible. Enjoy the journey! Stay balanced Make Memories!!! and remember…. Once a falcon, always a falcon!