Concrete Steps for Broadening Participation 1
Developing a Systems Integration Approach What does this suggest about what we do not do now? What part of SIA are we not doing? 2
Defined outcomes drive the intervention and are successfully accomplished for the entire target population. Success is measured against the intended results. Persistence enables effective interventions to take hold and produce results – includes proactive leadership, sufficient resources and support at the district and school levels. Personalization acknowledges the development of students as individuals as the goal of the intervention. Individual differences, uniqueness and diversity are recognized and honored. Challenging content provides the foundation of knowledge and skills that students master. Students understand the link between content rigor and career opportunities. Engaged adults who believe in the potential of all students provide support, stimulate interest and create expectations that are fundamental to the intervention. Educators play multiple roles as teachers, coaches, mentors, tutors and counselors. Teachers develop and maintain quality interactions with students and each other. Active family support is sought and established. The design principles of programs that work appear to comprise a package rather than an à la carte menu. 3
Devote adequate instructional time and resources to science in grades K-5. Ensure that their STEM curricula are focused on the most important topics in each discipline, are rigorous, and are articulated as a sequence of topics and performances. Enhance the capacity of K-12 teachers. STEM teachers should have a deep knowledge of their subject matter and “an understanding of how students’ learning develops in that field, the kinds of misconceptions students may develop, and strategies for addressing students’ evolving needs.” Provide instructional leaders with professional development that helps them to create the school conditions that appear to support student achievement 4
What programs are needed at the local, regional, and national level to increase awareness in the national ecosystem for K-12 students to choose STEM as a career option? How should K-12 systems work with industry and government to implement or expand program implementation in underserved communities? How should communities work together with other organizations (non-profits, industry, and government) to establish the K-12 ecosystem in underserved communities? 5
What public policy is needed to change the paradigm to increase the number of K-12 students from underserved communities going into STEM careers? How can your organization assist in the development of a national partnership which can improve the K-12 STEM ecosystem? Based on the above, what ACTIONS MUST BE TAKEN, WHEN AND BY WHOM? 6
The acquisition of knowledge, skills, and habits of mind; Opportunities to put these into practice; Developing sense of competence, confidence, and progress; Motivation to be in, a sense of belonging to, or self-identification with the field; and Information about stages, requirements, and opportunities. Expanding Underrepresented Minority Participation: America's Science and Technology Talent at the Crossroads 7