Program Name: Area Health Education Centers Program Need(s): There is a shortage of high quality primary health care to meet growing demand in the U.S. Goal(s): Train a greater number of competent health care providers to better meet the growing demand for primary health care. K EY S TRATEGIES O UTPUTS S HORT -T ERM O UTCOMES I NTERMEDIATE O UTCOMES L ONG -T ERM O UTCOMES Provide primary care training to medical and other health professions students. (c)(1)(B) (c)(1)(C) (c)(1)(F) # and type of health professions students placed in community- based primary care rotations. Total # of rotation sites % rotation sites located in: -Rural areas -Federally designated HPSAs and MUAs -Facilities serving a significant proportion of vulnerable patients in non Federally designated areas Increased number of prepared health professions students (those successfully completing community- based primary care rotations). Increased number health professions program graduates who provide primary care within one year after completing training, including in rural/ underserved areas. Increased number and diversity of health training program graduates who provide primary care within five years after completing training, including in rural/ underserved areas.
Provide continuing education (CE) on key primary care topics (determined by national priorities and/or local needs assessments) to health professionals, particularly those providing primary care in underserved areas. (c)(1)(E) (c)(1)(F) # and type of health professionals (by discipline) receiving CE. # of CE courses offered by topic area. % of CE offered in- person and via the Web. Employment location of health professionals participating in CE activities. # of partners/ collaborators for CE program offerings Findings from pre/post knowledge tests. Increased number of prepared health professionals (those successfully earning CE credits). Increased knowledge of health professionals on key CE topics (as determined from pre- post knowledge tests). Increased number of health professionals who integrate CE course content into their clinical practice (within one year after completing training). Increased number of clinical practice changes as a result of health professional’s integration of CE course content into clinical practice (within a five-year period). K EY S TRATEGIES O UTPUTS S HORT -T ERM O UTCOMES I NTERMEDIATE O UTCOMES L ONG -T ERM O UTCOMES
Provide health careers outreach to youth in grades K-12, including careers in public health. Provide health careers outreach to displaced workers or individuals/ adult learners from underrepresented minority populations or from disadvantaged or rural backgrounds. (c)(1)(A) (c)(1)(G) (c)(1)(F) - # and type of activities conducted to raise awareness of health careers among K-12 youth, including public health. - # and type of partner organizations sponsoring health career awareness activities - # of K-12 youth reached by health career awareness activities - % of K-12 youth reached who are URM, disadvantaged, and live in rural areas - # and type of activities conducted to raise awareness of health careers among displaced workers or adult learners - # of partnerships with DOL/WIB entities Increased number and diversity of K-12 youth that are aware of and intend to pursue health careers training programs. Increased number of displaced workers or adult learners receiving health careers outreach and training through partnerships with DOL/WIB entities. Increased number and diversity of K-12 youth that are prepared and qualified to enter health professions training programs, including training programs in public health. Increased number of displaced workers or adult learners who obtain entry level jobs in the health professions. Increased number and diversity of K-12 youth applying to and being accepted at health professions training programs. Increased number of displaced workers or adult learners who establish careers in the health professions. K EY S TRATEGIES O UTPUTS S HORT -T ERM O UTCOMES I NTERMEDIATE O UTCOMES L ONG -T ERM O UTCOMES
Provide interdisciplinary/ interprofessional education and training opportunities to medical and other health professional students, and practicing health professionals. Develop partnerships with community-based, academic, and healthcare workforce entities that promote interdisciplinary approaches to primary care. (c)(1)(D) (c)(1)(F) Total # of rotation or training sites offering interdisciplinary/ interprofessional education. # of disciplines participating in interdisciplinary /interprofessional education or training. % of rotation sites offering IPE located in rural areas. # of interdisciplinary/ interprofessional CE offerings. Increased number of rotation or training sites offering interdisciplinary/ interprofessional education and/or training. Increased number of interdisciplinary/ interprofessional CE offerings. Increased number of community-based, academic, and healthcare workforce partnerships promoting interdisciplinary approaches to primary care. Increased number of health professions program graduates that are trained in interdisciplinary/ interprofessional education. Increased number of practicing health professionals that receive interdisciplinary /interprofessional CE. Increased number of health professionals integrating interdisciplinary/ interprofessional education into clinical practice. Increased number of interdisciplinary teams delivering primary care, including in rural/underserved areas. K EY S TRATEGIES O UTPUTS S HORT -T ERM O UTCOMES I NTERMEDIATE O UTCOMES L ONG -T ERM O UTCOMES