Consistent Hashing: Load Balancing in a Changing World David Karger, Eric Lehman, Tom Leighton, Matt Levine, Daniel Lewin, Rina Panigrahy
Load Balancing Task: distribute items into buckets Data to memory locations Files to disks Tasks to processors Web pages to caches (our motivation) Goal: even distribution
World Wide Web X IBM LCS ATT CMU Servers Browsers (clients)
Temporary Loads For permanent loads, use bigger server Must also deal with “flash crowds” IBM chess match NASA Inefficient to design for max load rarely attained much capacity wasted Better to offload peak load elsewhere
Proxy Caches Balance Load W3C THOR IBM LCS CILK PDOS ATT CMU
Proxy Caching Old: server hit once for each browser New: server hit once for each page Adapts to changing access patterns
Proxy Caching Every server can also be a cache Provides a social good Reduces load at sites you want to contact Costs you little, if done right few accesses small amount of storage (times many servers)
Who Caches What? Each cache should hold few items else cache gets swamped by clients Each item should be in few caches else server gets swamped by caches and cache invalidations/updates expensive Browser must know right cache could ask server for redirect server gets swamped by redirect requests
Hashing Simple and powerful load balancing Constant time to find bucket for item Example map to n buckets. Pick a,b: y=ax+b (mod n) Intuition: hash maps each item to one random bucket no bucket gets many items
Problem: Adding Caches Suppose a new cache arrives. How work it into hash function? Natural change: y=ax+b (mod n+1) Problem: changes bucket for every item every cache will be flushed servers get swamped with new requests Goal: when add bucket, few items move
Problem: Inconsistent Views Each client knows about a different set of caches: its view View affects choice of cache for item With many views, each cache will be asked for item Item in all caches---swamps server Goal: item in few caches despite views
Problem: Inconsistent Views LCS My view 1 2 3 caches ax+b (mod 4) = 2
Problem: Inconsistent Views LCS John’s view 1 2 3 caches ax+b (mod 4) = 2
Problem: Inconsistent Views LCS Dave’s view 1 2 3 caches ax+b (mod 4) = 2
Problem: Inconsistent Views LCS Al’s view 1 2 3 caches ax+b (mod 4) = 2
Problem: Inconsistent Views LCS Mike’s view 1 2 3 caches ax+b (mod 4) = 2
Problem: Inconsistent Views LCS caches 2 2 2 2 2
Consistent Hashing A new kind of hash function Maps any item to a bucket in my view Computable in constant time, locally 1 standard hash function Adding bucket to view takes logarithmic time logarithmic number of standard hash functions Handles incremental and inconsistent views
Single View Properties Balance: all buckets get roughly same number of items (like standard hashing) Smooth: when an kth bucket is added, only a 1/k fraction of the items move and only from O(log n) servers minimum needed to preserve balance
Multiple View Properties Consider n views, each of an arbitrary constant fraction of the buckets Load: number of items a bucket gets from all views is O(log n) times average Despite views, load balanced Spread: over all views, each item appears in O(log n) buckets Despite views, few caches for each item
Implementation Use standard hash function H to map buckets, items to unit interval “random” points spread uniformly Item Bucket
Implementation Use standard hash function H to map buckets, items to unit interval “random” points spread uniformly Item assigned to nearest bucket Item Bucket
Computation Cost Bucket positions precomputed To hash item compute H find nearest bucket point O(log n) time using binary search Constant time with auxiliary hash table
Balance Bucket points uniformly distributed by H Each bucket “owns” equal portion of line Item position “random” by H So item equally likely to be at any bucket So all buckets get about same # items Bucket
Smoothness To add a kth bucket, hash it to line Old bucket
Smoothness To add a kth bucket, hash it to line Old bucket New bucket
Smoothness To add a kth bucket, hash it to line Captures items nearest to it only 1/k fraction of total items only from 2 other buckets (on each side) Old bucket New bucket
Low Spread Some views might not see nearest bucket to an item, hash it elsewhere But every view will have a bucket near the item (by “random” placement) So only buckets near the item will ever have to hold it But only a few buckets are near the item (by “random” placement)
Low Load Bucket only gets item I if no other bucket is closer to I Under any view, some bucket is close to I by “random” placement of buckets So a bucket only gets items close to it But an item is unlikely to be close So bucket doesn’t get many items
Summary: Consistent Hashing Trivial to implement (20 lines code) don’t try this at home! Fast to compute (no hidden constants) Uniformly distributes items Can cheaply add/remove buckets Even with multiple views no bucket gets many items each item in only a few buckets
Caching Consistent hashing good for caching client maps known caches to unit interval when item arrives, hash to cache server gets O(log n) requests for its own pages Each server can also be a cache gets small number of requests for others’ pages Consistent hashing is robust caches can come and go different browsers can know different caches
Refinements Browser bandwidth to machines may vary If bandwidth to server high, unwilling to use low bandwidth cache Consistently hash item only to caches with bandwidth as good as server Theorem: all previous properties still hold uniform cache loads low server loads (few caches per item)
Fault Tolerance Suppose contacted cache is down Delete from bucket set, find next closest bucket in consistent hashing interval Just a small change in view… Even with many failures, previous properties (uniform low load, etc) still hold.
Hot pages What if one page gets popular? cache responsible for it gets swamped Use tree of caches (e.g. harvest, DNS)? cache at root gets swamped Use a different tree for each page build using consistent hashing Balances load for hot pages and servers
Main Result Using cache trees of logarithmic depth, for any set of page accesses, can adaptively balance load such that every server gets at most log times average load of system (browser/server ratio). (assorted theory caveats)
Conclusion Consistent hashing balances load Simple enough to be practical (?) We’d like to build distributed web cache need help of good systems student Looking for other applications DNS lookup? PICS? URN resolution? NOWs? Distributed file systems?