Welcome! Block 2
WELCOME! ~ Use the index card to complete the following: Parents/Guardians: What is something important you would like me to know about your son or daughter that I wouldn’t know from having them in class? Students: What would help you be successful during the first week of middle school?
About Mrs. Wrazien
What will humanities be like? Also referred to as “Block” A mix of reading, writing, grammar, and social studies.
Curriculum Overview Reading and Literature Units. Unit 1: Comprehension Toolkit—an overview of reading strategies Unit 2: Novel Study: Wonder, by R.J. Palachio Unit 3: Myths and Legends from around the world. Literature Circles Unit 4: The Trojan War Writing Units: Unit 1: Personal Narrative Unit 2: Literary Essay Unit 3: Research-Based Information Writing Social Studies Units: Unit 1: Rise of Civilization Unit 2: Ancient Egypt & the Near East Unit 3: Ancient India Unit 4: Ancient China Unit 5: Ancient Greece Unit 6: Ancient Rome
What can I expect? To work hard. A classroom community where learning is primary focus.
Additional Required Supplies Pencil Pouch Tab dividers for your binder (5) Two-Pocket folder (3-hole punched) An independent reading book At least 200 sheets of loose-leaf paper Two Composition Notebooks (leave one in class) Suggested: mini 3 ring binder hole-punch
Homework Policy Tracking and communication.
Homework Policy continued 3 missing assignments = phone call home 7 missing assignments = student conference
Late Work Policy Every other week, Mrs. Wrazien will post grades and missing assignments. Students have one week from then to turn in any missing assignments. After that, late work will not be accepted.
Skyward CHECK WEEKLY! PLEASE NOTE: A “*”means an assignment is collected, but not yet graded. This does NOT mean it is missing. Missing assignments will be marked with a “0” and will also be marked missing. A “P” will indicate that a pink slip has been completed.
Get signed up for Family Access where you can monitor your child’s grades and assignments online!
Parent night September 18 th !!!!! Mark your calendar!!!!!
Communication Mrs. Wrazien's Website
Phone: ext If you leave your address/cell phone/work phone with me, I will be sure to contact you personally. is the best way to reach me! How to reach me:
I try and contact you via for: ◦ Grade updates ◦ Special school events ◦ Personal discipline issues ◦ To let you know when something positive is going on ◦ Volunteer needs Advisory Contact
Text Reminder system Provided through Remind.com education website To (202)
All electronics will be turned off once the student has entered the building. If you need to check in with your child please do not text. Please use the office as a method to contact your child. Check the district website when making clothing choices. We love volunteers!!!!!! I always have amazing parents. Thank-you for being part of the Nisqually family! Other stuff:
Be ready for many papers to come home the first day and the first Monday of school. The advisory papers will be in a folder. Please sign all necessary papers and return in the folder. I love to have snacks donated to the class. Be sure and check for peanut oils. Birthday and holiday treats are always appreciated! Other stuff continued…
Know who their friends are. Be sure they call you if they are going to be late. Be aware of their activity on texting/Twitter/Facebook. Do not be afraid to notify the school counselor or myself if you have a family concern. Contact the individual teacher through or phone.
Be sure your son/daughter’s backpack is organized. Do a homework and planner check nightly. Planners are filled out in each class every day. Make a family calendar for important project or test dates. Be sure there is study/reading time built into the nightly schedule (even if there isn’t anything assigned). Have a special study place where there are no distractions (TV/computers/phones). Don’t assume because they said they don’t have any homework...check Family Access and planner. Get signed up for Family Access, check Skyward frequently!! Intellectual Hints:
Remember to put $ into their account for food or please apply for the free reduced lunch application. You can put $ into their lunch account online! Sports: Be sure the physical is up to date and the forms are picked up from the office. Always start the day with a good breakfast! If your son/daughter has a fever please keep them home. Stress good hygiene. Physical Hints: