Health and Safety Executive Working Together Jill Wakefield
Overview Taking stock Promise partners Promise Partner toolkit Make the Promise website Development of Promise partners concept - discussion Future - discussion
Taking Stock Historically HSE has had long–term relationships with relatively few partners Stakeholder mapping exercise completed in Jan Aimed to: –Identify organisations HSE doesn’t know about & review existing relationships –Focus on Grass-Roots organisations –Identify those that farmers trust –Focus on SW and NW Region as models
Taking Stock Following mapping exercise, change of focus: –wider involvement –increasing expectation of delivery, leadership and progressively, ownership –links to the New Strategy and Ag Revisited/Make the Promise SH review (following mapping exercise) will inform AIAC membership going forward
Promise Partners New approach will focus on Promise Partners Partners will be expected to: –Agree to play a part in reducing the numbers of work-related deaths, injuries and ill-health in farming in Great Britain, and –work with the Health and Safety Executive and its partners to Be Part of the Solution Promise partner status will be subject to partners demonstrating action
Promise partner toolkit In return for signing up as a Promise partner, partners will have access to SH toolkit Includes: –Articles –Make the promise postcards –A pocket card - to remind farmers of the key messages of the campaign and a signpost to the HSE website
Promise partner toolkit (cont.) Cont: –Filmed case studies in electronic format –Case studies in written format –Powerpoint presentations including key messages and discussion points –Make the promise knots Sign-up to become partner and access to toolkit is via website
Make the Promise website hepromise/index.htm Contains: Make the Promise homepage Farmers stories Information on working safely News Access to Promise Partners pages & toolkit
Make the Promise website Up & running today. Contains: A B C D Access to Promise partners site & stakeholder toolkit
Make the Promise website Up & running today. Contains: A B C D Access to Promise partners site & stakeholder toolkit
Make the Promise website Up & running today. Contains: A B C D Access to Promise partners site & stakeholder toolkit
Development of PP concept Key discussion points: –What are advantages to becoming a PP? –What will you do? –What should criteria should we apply? –What do you need from us?
Future - Maintaining relationship Key discussion points: –How do we maintain relationship –How do we spread the word/bring others on board –How do we embed Make the Promise within the industry