CICS Transaction Gateway at Dexia Insurance Belgium CTG at DIB CICS Transaction Gateway at Dexia Insurance Belgium GSE CICS-DB2 11/10/2007 Rainbow ICT Services Peter Christensen
CTG at DIB Mainframe environment Decentral on INTEL LPAR Mips ENV DB2 Z/OS 1.7 DB2 7.0 CICS TS 2.3 MQ Series RACF OPC 3 LPAR: Decentral on INTEL Virtualization: VMWARE CITRIX WAS 5.1 JAVA 1.4 & 1.6 CTG 6.0.1 LPAR Mips ENV DB2 CICS PROD 505 1 3 8 DVLP TEST 380 5 13 55 INST 36 6
CTG at DIB Gateway Deamon Client deamon CICS Transaction Gateway IBM CICS Transaction Gateway provides secure, easy access from Web browsers and network computers to CICS applications, using standard Internet protocols in a range of configurations. Gateway Deamon Supports communication between client (eg Browser) and CTG server manages connections = connection thread(s) Client deamon Supports communication between CTG server and CICS Servers manages ECI-requests = worker thread(s) Local Mode – Remote mode
CTG at DIB Platforms Z/OS Sysplex LINUX UNIX WINDOWS Connection protocols TCPIP (CICS 2.1) TCP62 SNA
CTG at DIB ECI (External call interface) Calling a CICS program in a CICS server Commarea based (EXEC CICS LINK) EPI (External presentation interface) Installs and deletes virtual IBM 3270 terminals Supports ATI (Automatic Transaction Initiation) ESI (External security interface) Accesses userid data in CICS External Security Manager Setting default security management . ECI is only used at DIB . ECI calls: program – status – reply solicitation – callback . ECI calls : synchronous – asynchronous . ECI calls: non extended cics server decidesif recoverable resources are comitted extended client program decides extended LUW . Several ECI requests can be launched form one cics client to differen cics regions . ESI only over SNA or TCP62
CTG at DIB ECI request Commarea LUW control LUW Identifier Programname Userid Password CICS server Tpnname Tranname Java Coding: String IPadr = "tcp://" + IPaddress; jg = new JavaGateway(IPadr,port); ECIRequest req = new CIRequest(ECIRequest.ECI_SYNC, connectionID, uid, pwd, programma, transid, commarea, 80, ECIRequest.ECI_NO_EXTEND, ECIRequest.ECI_LUW_NEW); jg.flow(req); jg.close(); LUW control control starting, continuing and ending of a LUW LUW id unique token identifying the LUW (cfr. Extended calls) TPNname transid (linked to DFHMIRS) that will invoke the cics server program Tranname replaces EIBTRNID USERID/PASSWORD authentication + autorisation accountability stored in ESM of CICS (no problem with expiration) inactive parameter USRDELAY in SIT useful in TEST envirenments
CTG at DIB Programming Languages JAVA JCA (J2EE Communication Architecture) C , C++ and COBOL COM Providing J2EE connector adapters WAS applications Platform dependent, eg COBOL and COM not on LINUX
CTG at DIB Applications: Local Mode – Remote Mode
CTG at DIB Gateway Configuration
CTG at DIB Client Configuration
CTG at DIB CICS TCPIP Service Definition OBJECT CHARACTERISTICS CICS RELEASE = 0630 CEDA View TCpipservice( TXPA ) TCpipservice : TXPA GROup : DVVTCPPA DEscription : Urm : POrtnumber : 03611 1-65535 STatus : Open Open | Closed PROtocol : Eci Iiop | Http | Eci TRansaction : CIEP Backlog : 00100 0-32767 TSqprefix : Ipaddress : ANY SOcketclose : No No | 0-240000 (HHMMSS) SECURITY SSl : No Yes | No | Clientauth Certificate : (Mixed Case) PRIvacy : Notsupported | Required | Supported AUthenticate : No | Basic | Certificate | AUTORegister | AUTOMatic | ASserted ATtachsec : Verify Local | Verify DNS CONNECTION BALANCING DNsgroup : GRPcritical : No No | Yes
CTG at DIB Scheme for Production DVSPCTGXX NLB-Cluster DIBIS Client DIBIS Appl (CITRIX) - IE with DC4ASF (WAS) Z/OS 1.7 DVSPCTGXX NLB-Cluster Heartbeat TCP/IP Host1 DVSPCTG01 (Server – Livingstone) Port#: 2006 DVCTGPRD (C-NAME to DVSPCTGXX) CICSPA Port#: 3611 Host2 DVSPCTG02 (VMware – Livingstone) Port#: 2006 Heartbeat Claint: - IE with E-mail (WAS) Heartbeat CICSP2 Port#: 3392 Task Server
CTG at DIB NUMBERS: CPU on INTEL-server < 5% PROD 215.000/day PROD office hours 25.000/hour DVLP/TEST 70.000/day Stress/Performance 120.000/hour AVERAGE RESP END-TO-END 13 ms Includes CIEP + Mirror Trans minimal functionality in CICS LAN CPU on INTEL-server < 5% STORAGE on INTEL-SEREVR < 400 MB
CTG at DIB MS Network Load Balancing Advantages No additional cost Simple setup – dynamic configuration Allows by server failure to route IP-traffic to other servers defined in the cluster Disadvantages Is limited to detection of unavailability of IP-stack Application failure is not detected Heartbeat Checks on a timely base the availability of application, via callout infrastructure intervention on NLB cluster can be triggered Management: NLB Manager Activated via command prompt Create Cluster Add – Remove hosts Start – Stop – DrainStop hosts Activate logging
CTG at DIB MS Network Load Balancing (continued)
CTG at DIB Evaluation at DIB Availability: High no incidents in 2 years Scalable: High limits are not met yet Implementation: Easy basic architecture simple installation simple configuration No operational issues TO DO Implemenation of SSL Reporting Performance – Tracing References IBM CICS Transaction Gateway version 6.0.1