Academic State of the District A Presentation to the Board of Education October 21, 2010 Mr. Joseph C. Bond Superintendent of Schools Dr. Joan K. Lange Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education Dr. Aurelia Henriquez Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education
4 Percent of Students Meeting or Exceeding State Standards (Scoring at Level 3 or 4) Percent of Suffolk County Students at Levels 3 and 4 on NYS Assessments in Grades 3-8 using 2009 and 2010 cut scores In 2010, NYSED changed the scale score required to meet each of the proficiency levels, increasing the number of questions students needed to answer correctly to meet proficiency. % reaching proficiency using 2009’s cut scores % reaching proficiency using 2010’s cut scores ELAMATH
Integrated Algebra Regents Results Grade 8