WIDA MODEL™ Measure of Developing English Language
What is the WIDA MODEL? Proficiency assessment for ELL students in grades K-12 Adaptive test composed of test items which target the 1 st five proficiency levels
The WIDA MODEL™ … Provides a valid snapshot of current proficiency Tracks progress, monitors growth Provides valid and reliable data Serves as a benchmark assessment (may be used 1 or 2x per year) Determines tier placement on ACCESS for ELLs
WHY? Useful when additional data needed to Exit students achieving 4.6 or above on winter ACCESS Useful to have Raw Score/Scale Score relating directly to Proficiency Level
F.Y.I. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education the MODEL cannot be administered in place of the W-APT It can be administered in addition to the W-APT The W-APT must be used to inform identification and placement, but the MODEL can be used to provide additional information
REMEMBER… It is one piece… of the multiple criteria …necessary to inform decision making RESOURCES