facebook Charles R. Darwin publishes The Origin of Species. Finally… WallPhotosFlairBoxesCharles R. DarwinLogout View photos of Charles (5) Send Charles a message Poke him! Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Royal Society, London Birthday: February 12, 1809 Political: Whig Religion: Unitarian Hometown: Shrewsbury, England Friends James Hutton George Cuvier Charles Lyell Thomas Malthus Jean- Baptiste Lamarck Charles R. Darwin publishes The Origin of Species. Finally… November 22, 1859 Alfred Russel Wallace Alfred Russel Wallace to Charles R. Darwin Have you read my essay about an theory that I’m proposing? It’s called “Natural Selection. June 18, 1858 Charles R. Darwin is HOME and FAMOUS! October 2, 1836 Charles R. Darwin came upon the most interesting islands: the Galapagos Islands. September 15, 1835 Charles R Darwin is bored on his birthday. Sailing on the ocean for months without any stops, not very fun. =( Februray 12, 1832 Charles R. Darwin is preparing to board the HMS Beagle. Yay! =) December 27, 1831
Personal Information facebook Charles R. Darwin publishes The Origin of Species. Finally… WallPhotosFlairBoxesCharles R. DarwinLogout View photos of Charles (5) Send Charles a message Poke him! Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Photos Networks: Royal society, London Sex: Male Birthday: February 12, 1809 Hometown: Shrewsbury, England Relationship Status: Married to Emma Wedgwood Political Views: Whig Religious Views: Unitarian College/University: University of Edinburgh ’29 University of Cambridge ’31 Activities: Traveling around the world, Digging fossils, Collecting and analyzing dead thing that is not yet a fossil, Writing. Interests: Sailing, Fossils, Animals, Discovering new species, Proving other people wrong, Natural science. Favorite Music: Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, The Beatles. Favorite Movies: Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park III, Finding Nemo, Around the World In 80 Days. Favorite TV Shows: Animal Planet, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Bill Nye the Science Guy. Favorite Books: Paradise Lost by Milton, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Coleridge, London, 1802 by William Wordsworth, The World Is Too Much With Us by William Wordsworth, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Don Juan by Lord Byron. Favorite Quotes: “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the one most response to change.” – Charles Darwin The Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums The Voyage Updated twenty-three years ago Contact Information Address: Mount House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. Phone Number: Darwin Website: Networks: Royal Society, London Birthday: February 12, 1809 Political: Whig Religion: Unitarian Hometown: Shrewsbury, England
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesCharles R. DarwinLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Charles 7 Photos Charles’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Family 5 photos The Voyage 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Charles R. Darwin publishes The Origin of Species. Finally…