Obesity By Jeneane
Everything in the world has been invented and re-invented. From restaurants to fast foods, to baby food and grocery stores, and every day these billions of people go to these places to get the food that they need. But some people get the foods that they don’t need, and those people do not know what they have gotten themselves into. There are approximately 350 million obese people and over 1 billion overweight people in the world. Over all about 2.5 millions deaths are attributed to overweight/obesity worldwide. Introduction
Helping mission The united states of America needs your help. It is estimated that nearly 400,000 Americans die from obesity every year. Obesity is the number one cause of deaths in the US, Most of these deaths are caused by heart failure. Without your help more people will die.
It is estimated that nearly 97million American adults are obese.
percentages of obese males and females above 30 yrs countries percentages
If you are obese, you eat a lot of sugary food. Therefore, you can get diabetes type 2, which is treated by medications. If you are obese you can also get heart diseases and you will have higher risks of getting a Stroke. you can also get Hypertensive diseases, as well as Osteoarthritis. If you are obese your internal organs can fail and cause your death. In addition, you can get cancer in the colon, kidney, endometrial, and postmenopausal breast cancer.
What ever I s t h i s w h a t w e i n t e n d t o l o o k l i k e i n t h e u n p r o m i s i n g f u t u r e
Solutions I think the best way to stop obesity is to make more sport centers, and try to persuade people to go on diets. This can be accomplished through public awareness and weight loss incentive programs. Reducing the number of fast food restaurants, and replacing them with healthy and affordable restaurants, as well as enforcing adequate portions of food servings in the food establishments can help reduce obesity in Americans. Obese children We need your help please.
year range Percentage Percentage of Overweight Children in the US
If you help If you help, there would be less deaths world wide because other countries may do the same, and that will also help reduce many other obesity related diseases, such as diabetes, heart strokes and cancer. So please help us achieve this goal