Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 1 hypothesis testing with special focus on simulation
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 2 Hypothesis Test answers yes/no question with some statistical certainty H 0 = default hypothesis is a statement H a = alternate hypothesis is the precise opposite
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 3 X = test statistic (RANDOM!) sufficient (uses all avail. data) often Z, T, N are used as notation F X = its probability distribution = P[reject H 0 | H 0 true]
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 4 c = critical region for = P[X in c | H 0 ] is our (controllable) risk
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 5 TWISTED LOGIC We WANT to reject H 0 and conclude H a, so... We make very small, so... If we can reject, we have strong evidence that H a is true This construct often leads to inconclusive results “There is no significant statistical evidence that...”
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 6 IMPORTANT Inability to reject <> H 0 true
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 7 POWER OF THE TEST = P[X not in c | H a ] 1- = P[correctly rejecting]
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 8 VENACULAR is type I error Probability of incorrectly rejecting is type II error Probability of incorrectly missing the opportunity to reject
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 9 UNOFFICIAL VENACULAR type III error – answered the wrong question type IV error – perfect answer delivered too late
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 10 EXAMPLE! Dial-up ISP has long experience & knows...
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 11 We get DSL, observe 12 samples
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 12 IS DSL FASTER? H 0 : DSL = 50 H a : DSL < 50 test with P[type I] = 0.01
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 13 PROBABILITY THEORY Z ~ t n-1 Must know the probability distribution of the test statistic IOT construct critical region
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 14 for n = 12, = 0.01, c = % of the probability above
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 15 our test statistic -2.33
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 16 called the p-value Given H 0, we expect to see a test statistic as extreme as Z roughly 2% of the time (0.01) (0.05) (0.021)
CONFIDENCE INTERVALS Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 17 ll uu For a given P[l <= <= u ] = 1- Based on the sample So they are RANDOM!
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 18 GOODNESS-OF-FIT TEST Discrete, categorized data Rolls of dice Miss distances in 5-ft. increments H 0 assumes a fully-specified probability model H a : the glove does not fit!
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 19 TEST STATISTIC “chi-squared distribution with gnu degrees of freedom”
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 20 = observations - estimated param Did you know... if Z i ~N(0, 1), then Z Z Z n 2 ~ n 2
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 21 CELLS H 0 always results in a set of category cells with expected frequencies EXAMPLE Coin is tossed 100 times H 0 : Coin Fair
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 22 CELLS AND EXPECTED FREQUENCIES EXPECT H50 T
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 23 EXAMPLE Cannon places rounds around a target H 0 : miss distance ~ expon(0.1m) Record data in 5m intervals (0-5), (5-10),...(25+)
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 24 EXPONENTIALS E(X)=1/
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 25 RESULTS RIGHTOBS1-exp(-0.1x)PROBEXPECT(OBS-EXPECT)^
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 26
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 27 TEST RESULTS Degrees of Freedom 6 cells 0 parameters estimated = 6 For the 6 2 distribution, the p- value for is about p=0.025 REJECT at any > 0.025
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 28 DIFFERENT H 0 H 0 : the miss distances are exponentially distributed H a : the exponential shape is incorrect We estimate the parameter, we lose one degree of freedom
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 29 RESULTS 2 LEFTRIGHTOBS1-exp( x)PROB EXPE CT(OBS-EXPECT)^
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 30
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 31 = 5 p-value for 7.83 is larger than 0.05 CANNOT REJECT CONCLUSION?
SIMULATION vs. STATISTICS Statistics Sample is fixed and given Conclusion is unknown Significance is powerful Simulation Sample is arbitrarily large Conclusion is known We need another thought about what is meaningful Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 32
SAMPLE SIZE EFFECT Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 33 = 100 = 10
Hypothesis Testing for Simulation 35 SUMMARY You probably knew the mechanics of HT You might have a new perspective