Office of Research Compliance and Technology Transfer Anastas Popratiloff, MD, PhD Director CMIA, Research Associate Professor of Anatomy CENTER FOR MICROSCOPY AND IMAGE ANALYSIS
cmia - background BACKGROUND: In 1993, the EM Laboratory affiliated with the Department of Anatomy was renamed Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis (CMIA) to reflect the changing scientific technologies. Under the directorship of Dr. Robyn Rufner, - equipment acquisitions, up-grades, and renovations to the 17-room facility, expanded available resources. In 1999, the CMIA was designated a GWUMC Core Facility associated with the Office of Health Research, Compliance and Technology Transfer 2001, Component of the Cellular Neuroscience Core, Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (MRDDRC) at Children’s National Medical Center KEY FEATURES: CMIA is supported by and reports to Office of Research, Compliance and Technology Transfer. CMIA provides shared equipment for microscopic and molecular imaging and analysis to GWU investigators. CMIA provides technical support for the available equipment. CMIA provides with all necessary training. Presently CMIA serves: 24 - RO1, 7 - R 21, 3 others, comprising 16 labs from GWUMC with NIH funding.
available resources Bio-Rad MRC-1024 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope / Olympus IX-70 Inverted Fluorescence Microscope. ($ 13,000) Microscope Workstation with an Olympus BX-60 light/fluorescence microscope, including a Ludl focus motor, an Evolution Digital CCD camera and Image-Pro Plus software. NIKON Eclipse TE300 inverted fluorescence microscope with Optronics CCD camera. Image Analysis Workstations with Image-Pro Plus or MetaMorph software and a publication workstation with an Agfa flatbed scanner, a Tektronics DS color printer and Adobe Photoshop software A JEOL JEM-1200EX Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). ($ 21,180) Ultramicrotome Workstations for sectioning specimens. Darkrooms for Autoradiography and conventional Photography. An Amersham Biosciences Storm 860 Phosphor Imager ($ 5,600) Densitometer SI Workstation with ImageQuant software ($ 2,590) Fluor-S MultiImager ( $ 2386 ) Kodak M35A X-OMAT Film processor. ( $ 780 )
NINDS Institutional Center Core Grants to Support Neuroscience Research (PAR , Feb 11, 2002) Basic requirements for the proposed center: Steering committee of PIs Center should serve as centralized facility shared by NINDS – funded research projects, that is not otherwise available Promote new research directions Will foster cooperative research environment Up to 500K per year in direct cost P30 grant mechanism Applicant organization to consider a plan for co-fund the Center Plan permitting some level of access to PIs with no qualifying grants
participating investigators John Philbeck (Psychology) Vincent Chiappinelli (Pharmacology) Sally Moody (Anatomy) Jeffrey Rosenstein (Anatomy) Tarik Haydar (CNMC) Vittorio Gallo (CNMC) - Integration of Neuroscience Imaging Core into the existing CMIA structure - Selection of appropriate confocal system (i.e. multiphoton, FRET, spectral) - Considering TEM, i.e., upgrade the existing, or acquisition a new one with digital imaging capability. - Considering, wide field fluorescence microscopy, state of the art CCD cameras, and specific application microscope workstations (Neuorlucida) - Considering, image analysis workstation upgrade (computers, monitors etc.,) - Considering, and outlining a training program, seminar series etc., focused on image acquisition and analysis, TEM, confocal microscopy, macroscopic imaging. priorities
what we are doing? Past events: NIKON confocal presentation Zeiss confocal overview and seminar. Upcoming events: Zeiss confocal system evaluation (November/December 2006) Olympus confocal presentation (December2006/January 2007) Gathering suggestions and identifying specific needs. Putting together a more specific plan. Recruiting PIs