KingdomAnimalia PhylumAnnelida ClassOligochaeta OrderOpisthopora FamilyLumbricidae GenusLumbricus
Latin annellus means “little ring”. Annelids are ringed or segmented worms.
Except for the first and last segments, all body segments have the same sets of organs.
Septa separate one segment from the other.
Setae are bristles attached to each segment used to help with movement.
They do not have lungs. – They breathe through their moist skin. If their skin dries out, they will die. They do not have eyes – T hey use light sensitive skin cells to sense light.
pharynx Earthworms obtain food by extending their mucus covered pharynx Food is then pumped into the esophagus Food moves to the crop where it can be stored until… it is moved into the gizzard where it is ground into smaller pieces finally the food is absorbed in the intestine
Earth worms have a closed circulatory system - blood stays in blood vessels.
Aortic arches – Act as hearts; providing pulsation for blood
Earthworms have 2 major blood vessels that run from head to tail. 1.Dorsal blood vessel 1.Dorsal blood vessel - (on the worm’s back) carries blood from the tail to the head 2.Ventral blood vessel 2.Ventral blood vessel - ( on worm’s belly) carries blood from head to tail
anus Digestive waste passes through the anus. nephridia Cellular waste is filtered our through the nephridia.
do not Earthworms contain both male and female reproductive organs, but they do not self fertilize. Seminal Vesicles Produce Sperm Seminal Receptacles Store sperm after mating Ovaries Produce Eggs
This is the band of thickened segments towards the head of the worm.
When eggs are ready to be fertilized the clitellum produces a thick mucus ring. Eggs and sperm are released into this mucus ring, which is detached and becomes and egg case.
StructureColorPharynxGray Brain Dark Green Aortic Arches Red Esophagus Light Green CropOrange Gizzard Light Brown NephridiaYellow Intestine Dark Brown Dorsal Blood Vessel Red Ventral Blood Vessel Red OvaryPink OviductPink Seminal Vesicles Light Blue Seminal Receptacle Purple Testes Dark Blue Central Nerve Cord Pick a color you haven’t used