Spring 2013 HSPE and DAPE Proctor Training
Spring 2013 HSPE and DAPE Proctor Training Agenda Agenda Schedule Who Tests? Test Security Test Preparation Accommodations Test Administration Discussion and Quiz
Spring 2013 HSPE Test Dates Spring 2013 DAPE testing (Developmentally Appropriate Proficiency Exam) for 11 th and 12 th grade SpEd students TestDate DAPE R/W/MBetween March (school choice) TestDate Writing HSPETuesday and Wednesday, March Reading HSPEThursday, March 14 Tests are Untimed. Students have until the end of the school day to complete each test unless they are an IEP student with an extended time accommodation – in which case they can continue testing into the next day.
If Students are Absent If students miss a day of HSPE testing, they must re-take the complete test at another time. Doing only one of the two Writing days will give students credit for an “attempt” to help qualify the student for later taking a COE, but they will not receive an overall Writing HSPE score. Therefore, it is OK for a student who missed Day 1 of Writing to sit for Day 2, in order to get the practice and the “attempt.” DAPE Exception: Students absent from their scheduled DAPE testing day MAY take the test on another day as long as it is during the March test window.
Test Results and Re-take Schedule HSPE and DAPE test results will be available about the first of June, in time for graduation. Reading and Writing HSPE will be offered August 13-15, and again in Spring DAPE will be offered again in November 2013, including Science DAPE for SpEd students in the Class of 2015 (for whom Science is a graduation requirement). Re-takes Test Results
All 10 th graders must take the Reading and Writing HSPE. 9 th graders may not take the Reading or Writing HSPE. Who Tests? 9 th Graders 10 th Graders Should take test(s) not yet passed that are necessary to complete their state testing graduation requirements. Because two HSPE attempts in the relevant subject will be required for future COE submissions, students should use every testing opportunity. 11 th and 12 th Graders
NNEP exemption: 10 th grade ELL students who entered the US within one calendar year of the test are exempt from taking the Reading and Writing tests, but are NOT exempt from having to meet all test graduation requirements. The NNEP exemption credits the student for one “attempt” (when calculating attempts for COE qualifications). NNEP students are expected to attempt the Math and Biology EOC exams. 10 th Grade ELL Exemption NNEP = New Not English Proficient
Test Security Hey, did you see that question on page 20? What was that about? Hmmm…I need to run down the hall…I think I’ll just leave these test booklets sitting out in my UNLOCKED CLASSROOM!
Test Security Staff may know the rules, but it is easy to forget in the commotion of high school life. Do NOT forget!!
Keep tests locked up when not in use. Verify student ID when distributing test booklets (through personal recognition or student photo ID). Test Security Checklist If student moves to a different location, a STAFF member must carry test booklet. Make sure you can account for all test booklets at all times and that every student has turned in their booklet before they leave the room. Gump, Forrest Grade 11 Snohomish School District
Test Security Checklist (cont’d) Proctors should not read test questions or student responses unless necessary for administering the test. If you do have access to test questions or student responses, do not copy them or communicate them to others, unless necessary for administering the test. Staff and students: make sure all cell phones are turned off before starting test. Student backpacks, books, purses, cell phones, IPOD’s, and MP3 players must be out of reach of students until testing is complete
Test Preparation Read ahead of time all instructions you will read aloud to students so you’re not surprised by anything! Remember -- for the Writing tests, you must read the prompt aloud from a student test booklet (prompts are not printed in the DFA). Review the Directions for Administration (DFA) prior to testing!
Arrange furniture so students have adequate workspace. Classroom Set-up Take down or cover up any aids or prompts that might potentially assist students with answering any questions on that test. Charts that may be displayed during the Reading and Writing tests are: Writing Checklists (the former “WASL” Checklists) Positive Reinforcements (You can do it! Answer every question!) Alphabet Line
Materials Allowed Reading Test (HSPE and DAPE): Test booklet At least two sharpened No. 2 Pencils and erasers Writing Test (HSPE and DAPE): Test booklet At least two sharpened No. 2 Pencils and erasers 3 pieces of colored standard-sized lined scratch paper for drafts (to be easy to find, removed from booklets, and shredded after testing) Published Dictionary and Thesaurus (ELL students may use ones published in their native language)
Materials Allowed Math DAPE: Test booklet At least two sharpened No. 2 Pencils and erasers Calculator Straightedge/Ruler Protractor Math Manipulatives if students are accustomed to using them Make available in room; if used must be shredded after testing: o Math Glossary of Non-Mathematics terms (a limited quantity will come with your test booklets) o Graph paper (not provided by state or district)
Some accommodations are allowed for all students as needed. (full list found at back of DFA). Examples include: Give additional breaks (this includes a lunch break, if student needs to continue testing into the lunch period) Re-read directions to student Offer noise buffers (not attached to audio device) Offer a heavy strip of paper to assist student in tracking while reading test questions Offer individual or small group testing Offer preferential seating Accommodations For HSPE and DAPE
Accommodations For HSPE and DAPE Some accommodations are allowed only for special populations. The most commonly used are: SpEd/504 (should be indicated on IEP or 504 Plan) Reader to read test questions aloud (any subject) Scribe Word Processor Large Print or Braille booklet provided Extended time (being able to continue test into second day) ELL Use of dictionary/thesaurus in native language (Writing only) Translated CD for Math DAPE (6 languages available)
Scribing and Transcribing Definitions SCRIBING = Student gives answers to questions aloud and a staff member writes down student responses. TRANSCRIBING = Student writes responses on scratch paper or in Large Print or Braille booklet, or on a computer. Staff member transfers (transcribes) student responses into test booklet VERBATIM. Remember to bubble the back of the booklet with correct accommodation
Scribing and Transcribing Please Note: SCRIBING For the Writing Test: Scribe uses no capitalization or punctuation when writing the draft – student must review the draft and indicate where corrections and punctuation are needed. Spelling is not scored when a scribe is used. For other tests: Scribe may use capitalization and punctuation. TRANSCRIBING Always transcribe student responses into the test booklet exactly as written by the student using only a No. 2 pencil.
Test Administration
High School = High Stakes Since high school testing affects graduation, please... Verify student ID. If you do not personally know a student, you MUST check the student’s photo ID or their picture on Skyward!! Document attendance. This helps our investigation when students claim to have attended but did not receive a score. But Mr. Bennett– I’m sure I was here that day and took that test!
Make sure you post a Do Not Disturb sign on your classroom door(s)
Read the instructions verbatim from the Directions for Administration. Do not elaborate or paraphrase. OK everyone - Please make sure the test booklet is yours and then sign it.... Oh wait….I’m sorry…..that should be… “Look at the front cover of your test booklet. Your name should be preprinted or printed on a label....”
Late Arrival Policy Have a plan in place for students arriving late. Take all students, including late arrivals, through the “reading test directions” process. If students arrive during or after the reading of instructions: take them aside to review instructions they may have missed, or have them wait outside until instructions are complete, and then take them aside to read all instructions to them.
Monitor students by walking around the testing room during the test Make sure students are: Using only a No. 2 pencil Not sharing their work with other students Not using unauthorized materials Not using a cell phone (even during breaks)
And proctors must use only a No. 2 pencil when: Scribing/transcribing Coding on the back cover Writing in the Notes box on the front cover of a test booklet Make sure that students use ONLY a No.2 pencil when writing in their test booklets. Might cause some student responses to be unreadable by scanner Scanner won’t pick up responses
Also… If you need to document something, use the Notes box on the cover of the test booklet.
Avoid giving assistance to students beyond that which is allowed…
We can re-read test directions (NOT test questions) aloud for any test as many times as students need. If a student asks for help on a question, we can suggest: * Read the question quietly out loud to yourself. * Use your pencil to underline key words in the test question. * Think about what the question is asking you to do. At the beginning of the test we can remind students to complete all items. When they turn in their booklets, we can ask if they are sure they completed all items. For the Writing test: * We can define single words in the writing prompt (task) in a way that ensures students understand. * We can define any words or phrases on the Writing checklist, if we don’t hint or imply how students should write their response. What IS Allowed During Test Administration
Prior to the start of the test, let students know it is OK to: Underline or circle key words or phrases in the reading passages, test questions, test directions, and/or writing prompts as needed. What IS Allowed During Test Administration Use any white areas of the test booklet for notes or figuring. If they need more space for any lined response, students may draw additional lines in between existing lines for more space. We CANNOT submit extra sheets of paper for scoring. Responses must be completed in the space provided in the test booklet.
A few rules to remember : 1.Students should leave a 1/2-inch border around the edge of each page where they do not write, since that part of the page may not be scanned for scoring. 2.Where asked to bubble a response, students should keep stray marks or writing away from all the option bubbles, to ensure the scanning picks up their response correctly. Student Responses in Test Booklet
Breaks Break schedules are to be followed as outlined in the DFA. Additional breaks should be based on student needs and proctor judgment. Students should be cautioned not to discuss any test questions during breaks. Cell phones may not be used during breaks. Generally students should remain in the room during the break. However, they may be permitted to leave if supervised. Students may be given a supervised lunch break.
Irregularities include situations such as: Student cheating Cell phone/electronic device use Use of materials not allowed for given test. Test improperly administered. Procedure to follow when irregularities occur: Correct the situation immediately. Continue with testing, if possible. Document in writing: what happened, who was involved, how much or which part(s) of specific test items may have been affected, and how it was corrected. Immediately report irregularities to your Building Test Coordinator. NEVER invalidate a test for any reason at the school!!!! Only the district office will invalidate a test if necessary!
SITUATION You’re in the middle of a 10 minute break and a student pulls out a cell phone and starts texting. What do you do? POSSIBLE ACTIONS Stop the student from texting. Determine what he/she was texting (is it test-related?). Make sure phone is put out of student’s reach during testing AND during breaks. Document the situation.
SITUATION You observe a student looking at another student’s test. What do you do? POSSIBLE ACTIONS If you suspect student was cheating, determine what part of the test might have been affected. Separate students, even if you are not sure if cheating occurred. Document situation. Allow all students to complete test even if you believe cheating occurred.
SITUATION You observe a student using a mechanical pencil or pen in their test booklet. What do you do? POSSIBLE ACTIONS Complete irregularity report as mechanical pencil or pen marks may not get picked up by scanner for scoring. Contact Assessment Office to discuss best option; possibilities are: o Student can trace over responses with a No. 2 pencil, OR o Test can be transcribed into another blank test booklet using a No. 2 pencil.
OK or not OK? Teacher Harry Highlighter has taught his students to use a highlighter to identify key words in reading passages, so he has left a box of highlighters out on his desk in case anyone needs one. ANSWER Not OK. Using a highlighter in a test booklet can affect the scanning of student responses. If a highlighter was used, make sure the booklet is reviewed by the district office to determine if there will be a problem.
OK or not OK? Proctor Susan Sitter decided she better find some work to do at her desk while the students were testing, so she got her computer out and started working on a lesson plan. ANSWER Not OK. Monitor students while walking around the classroom. Make sure they are only using a No. 2 pencil. Make sure they are not using a cell phone or other materials that are not allowed. Make sure they are not cheating.
OK or not OK? After testing was complete, Proctor Lucy Lockup collected the test booklets and got ready to go to lunch. She left the box of tests on her desk and locked her classroom door. ANSWER OK although it would be preferable if tests were locked in a cabinet in a locked classroom, particularly if other staff members have keys to your room.
Proctors – Please remember to: 1.Complete a Test Security Assurance Form (required). 2.Go online and complete the OSPI Proctor Questionnaire (voluntary) – After testing, your building test coordinator will give you the website link. If you have any questions, please ask your building Test Coordinator, or call: Sonya Lang 7260 Matt King 7304