Group Activity.  Each group will be assigned a Time Line Era to investigate  Assign roles in your group: Discussion Leader, Recorder, Artist, Presenter.


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Presentation transcript:

Group Activity

 Each group will be assigned a Time Line Era to investigate  Assign roles in your group: Discussion Leader, Recorder, Artist, Presenter  Only your group has this time frame- no other group. So it is important that you represent the information for all the Springboard classes.  Look closely at the events on your Time Line and decide as a group what you would like to represent on your time line.

 Assign Group Roles: Discussion Leader, Recorder, Artist, Presenter(s)  Set the timer for 15 minutes  Create a list of 10 questions your group can investigate about the events on your timeline.

 Investigate your topic and find information and ideas to be included on your timeline.  Decide as a group what to include on your timeline. Do you include drawings? Do you include additional events during your time period? Do you include details, maps, charts?  For Homework: Bring in item: pictures, maps, charts, etc… for your timeline to be added tomorrow

 Number your chart paper with the page number  Fold your Chart paper in half (across)  Draw a dark black line across the fold  Use this line to create your timeline  Add your events given in class to your timeline  Include any information your group collected, brought in, or found using technology (this can include pictures, charts, maps, information about events, etc…)  Have fun and work with your group.  Hang your Time Line in the Hall Way