The Holocaust
Create a cluster web in which you write down facts you can remember about the Holocaust from previous classes or books you have read: Holocaust
Scapegoating What is scapegoating? ◦Scapegoating is when you blame someone or something else for something that happened to you. This removes the blame from you. ◦According to the Old Testament, on the Day of Atonement, a priest would confess all the sins of the Israelites over the head of a goat and then drive it into the wilderness, symbolically bearing their sins away.
Why do we scapegoat people? Did you ever blame someone or something else for something that happened to you? ◦“I would have finished my homework, but my brother was playing the TV too loud, and I couldn’t think.” ◦“I should have gotten the lead in the play, but the director doesn’t like blonds.” ◦I could have gotten an “A” on the test, but the teacher only gives good grades to boys. Why does it make us feel better to blame someone else for our problems?
After WWI, the German people were having a really hard time. The rest of the world blamed them for WWI. They wanted someone else to blame for their problems. They wanted to feel proud about being German. Hitler convinced the Germans that things would be better if there were no Jewish people in Germany. He told them Jewish people were not real Germans. He told them they should be proud of being German. He told them they should have the jobs and businesses that Jewish people had. Hitler used propaganda to spread false information about the Jewish people. As a result, many Germans began to distrust Jews and blame them for the problems of Germany.
Anti-Semitic (Anti-Jewish) Propaganda Title: The Experience of Hans and Else with the Strange Man The caption reads: Here children! I have some candy for you. but you must come with me. What does this poster suggest about the Strange Man in the picture? If you believed this poster, what would you do to keep your children safe?
Anti-Semitic Propaganda The caption reads: The God of the Jews is money. To earn money, he commits the greatest crimes. He will not rest until he can sit on a huge money sack, until he has become the king of money. What does this poster suggest about who has a lot of money? How does it suggest these people get their money?