GPO Monthly Catalog Printable version available at alog.ppt alog.ppt
Objectives At the conclusion of this tutorial you should be able to do the following: Locate government information pertaining to your industry using the GPO Monthly Catalog database. Write a correct APA citation for the report retrieved from this database.
Depository Libraries Before we look at the database itself, some points to keep in mind about depository libraries (be sure to read the notes for complete information): Depository libraries agree to receive government documents free of charge in return for making the documents available to the general public for a set period of time. UWF Library is a selective depository. University of Florida Library is a regional depository.
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Databases “G”
GPO Monthly Catalog
Price check II:
More about Price Check II:
UWF catalog results Click here to return to the database.
Available via the Internet?
Price Check II:
Price Check II: How to cite Correct APA citation: United States. Federal Trade Commission, & National Institute of Standards and Technology. (1998). Price check II: A follow-up report on the accuracy of checkout scanner prices. A report. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. Retrieved March 24, 2005 from
Citations in review Print, microfiche, cd/dvd only: Agency(ies). (date). Title of document. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. Available via the Internet: Agency(ies). (date). Title of document. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. Retrieved date from URL.
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