CECIIS September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia


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CECIIS 2012 September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application Karol Furdík, Gabriel Lukáč {karol.furdik, gabriel.lukac}@tuke.sk {karol.furdik, gabriel.lukac}@intersoft.sk Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Košice, Slovakia, www.fei.tuke.sk InterSoft, a.s., Košice, Slovakia, www.intersoft.sk 1 1

Contents Context of FP6 & FP7 projects ebbits project ELLIOT project HYDRA, LinkSmart system, ebbits, ELLLIOT ebbits project basic facts, concepts, pilot applications LinkSmart structure, events processing ELLIOT project basic facts, EEU extension of the project Living Lab approach to IoT app development, KSB-KPI approach Smart Office pilot application - scenarios, structure of devices, implemented prototype, experiments Conclusions summary of achievements, future work K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 2 2

Context of FP6 & FP7 projects FP6 HYDRA www.hydramiddleware.eu objective: development of a semantic middleware for IoT applications FP7 ebbits www.ebbits-project.eu objective: enhance LinkSmart and apply it in real business environment LinkSmart http://sourceforge.net/projects/linksmart/ Open Source semantic middleware for IoT FP7 ELLIOT www.elliot-project.eu objective: co-design of IoT applications in a Living Lab K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 3 3

EBBITS project – basic facts ebbits: Enabling Business-Based Internet of Things and Services Integrated EU project, FP7 ICT, Activity ICT-2009.1.3 “Internet of Things and Enterprise environments”, Contract no.: 257852 Duration: 09/2010 – 08/2014 (48 months) Web: www.ebbits-project.eu Coordinator: Fraunhofer Institute, Germany Project consortium: 9 partners (universities, research institutes, private companies) from 5 countries (GE,SWE,DEN,IT,SK) 2 pilot applications - Italy and Denmark Main project objective: To develop architecture, technologies and processes, which allow businesses to semantically integrate the Internet of Things into mainstream enterprise systems and support interoperable real-world, on-line end-to-end business applications K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 4 4

The concept of ebbits The ebbits platform: 1. a bridge between enterprise and public information systems, between human users and “things” in the physical world 2. a communication infrastructure that, by means of SWS, automatically and dynamically connects to sensors and devices in the physical world - in manufacturing facilities, retails, smart homes, etc. K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 5 5

Outcomes and pilot applications Expected project outcomes: enhanced LinkSmart semantic middleware, optimized for real-world business applications toolset for development of semantic models and semantically annotated business rules / processes interfaces to new types of devices methodology for building a LinkSmart-based IoT solution Pilot #1: Deployment in the manufacturing stage: to manage production optimization with special emphasis on energy savings and CO2 reduction; automotive industry, assembly processes; data collected from sensors in the assembly line, semantically annotated and processed towards the optimization criteria. Pilot #2: Deployment in the consumption stage: traceability throughout the food chain, from “farm to fork”, across the life-cycle history of the food; collecting data automatically from various actors, sensors and systems, indexing and intelligently registering it in public databases. K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 6 6

LinkSmart: structure, eventing Enhancements in ebbits: new types of devices and services, semantic sensor fusion, more advanced events processing, business rules and business process models, pilot applications in automotive industry and agriculture Events processing in LinkSmart: Publisher/Subscriber model P2P network infrastructure instead of the service bus events are wrapped by WS, semantically annotated, then fused and combined to business rules elements K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 7 7

ELLIOT project - basic facts ELLIOT: Experiential Living Lab for the Internet Of Things Framework Programme 7, ICT Call 5 : FP7-ICT-2009-5 Objective ICT-2009.1.3: Internet of Things and Enterprise environments Project type: STREP / Collaborative research, Project No: 287560 Duration: 30 months (September 2010 - February 2013) Web: www.elliot-project.eu Coordinator: TXT Polymedia S.p.A., Italy Partners: 9 + 3 (Italy, Germany, France, UK, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia) Aims of the project: the development of an Internet of Things experiential platform, to directly involve users (customers, citizens) in co-creating, exploring and experimenting new ideas, concepts and technological artefacts, to study a potential impact of IoT and the Future Internet in the context of the Open User-Centred Innovation paradigm and of the Living Lab approach. K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 8 8

Living Lab approach to IoT Objectives, principles of the approach in ELLIOT: Explore the potential of user co-creation techniques and tools, such as serious gaming, participative requirements engineering and verification/validation, in the context of IOT. Study and develop a set of KSB (Knowledge-Social-Business) Experience Models integrating social, intellectual-cognitive, economical, legal and ethical aspects related to the use of IoT technologies and services into a single, “holistic”, meta model. K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 9 9

ELLIOT-EEU extension Focus of pilots: Extension to the Enlarged European Union (EEU): Duration: 18 months (September 2011 - February 2013) 3 new use cases - pilot applications: Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, as complements to former ELLIOT pilots Focus of pilots: Logistics PLM: Logistics Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) supported by IoT and RFID technologies BIBA LogDynamics Lab, Bremen, Germany SafePay Systems Ltd., Hungary Extended concept of “Well Being” in a hospital environment San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy Virtech Ltd., Bulgaria Green Services @ ICT Usage Lab INRIA (Sophia Antipolis), France InterSoft, a.s., Kosice, Slovakia K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 10 10

ELLIOT Living Lab in Slovakia Pilot name: ECOffices - Ambient Intelligence in energy saving The Smart Office use case: Integrates AmI-IoT & semantic technologies, with respect to the KSB (knowledge-social-business) aspects of user interactions Targets the optimization of energy consumption in offices Focus, goals: experiment the ELLIOT outcomes and the new semantically enhanced AmI technology in the Energy test case in Slovakia demonstrate the platform capabilities towards a positive impact on environment (energy consumption, CO2 footprint) Technology: AmI-IoT: based on LinkSmart middleware, using outcomes of the FP7 project ebbits. Semantics: device ontology, fusion of generated events, business rules Devices: energy consumption, environment conditions, and occupancy sensors - Plugwise, Arduino, … K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 11 11

The Smart Office concept From “Smart Houses” to “Smart Offices” Smart House: a house that has advanced automatic systems for lighting, heating, air-conditioning, window and door operations, security etc. many solutions, both commercial and research Smart Office: to employ the paradigm of the smart house in a business environment, inclusion of / integration with business processes, optimization of existing processes in an organization (or office), ability to implement new and more efficient business processes, expected benefits on the user level regarding to more organized and coordinated social interactions. Challenges: correspondence of AmI-IoT with business processes, acceptance and support from the side of employees (and management), possible solution: AmI-enhanced services and processes should follow the recommendations of IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL, http://www.itil-officialsite.com) and the related standard ISO/IEC 20000:1-5. K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 12 12

Application partner : RWE IT RWE IT Slovakia, http://www.rweit-slovakia.com belongs to RWE group, leading energy (gas, electricity) distributor in Eastern Slovakia daughter company of RWE IT GmbH, IT services provider for RWE ECOffices pilot is implemented in the premises of RWE IT: office type: open space room 8 employees in the office (administration department) central heating, air conditioning individually controlled within the office equipment: computers, monitors, phones, 2 x printers, 1 x scanner / copier K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 13 13

ECOffices : the Living Lab concept General Goal: a systematic and iterative user co-creation approach integrating research and innovation processes towards the energy efficiency in business environment, using AmI-IoT technologies (enabled by the LinkSmart system). K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 14 14

Living Lab scenarios Scenario #1: Exploration of a suitable occupancy sensing device 4 different types of occupancy sensors identified by IoT experts Goal: Users exploring, experiments and evaluation; Focus: to find a balance between: Comfortable environment Amount of saved energy / CO2 emissions Privacy loss Scenario #2: Process-based adaptation of the working environment Uses occupancy sensor as an output of scenario #1. Template process model given, e.g. predefined work hours, seasonal settings of environment Adaptation of working environment according to user preferences Goal: Adapted process model as an explicit representation of the working environment settings in a given time scale Scenario #3: Competition on energy savings in the office Users playing a “game” saving real energy A visualization showing actual consumption and CO2 footprint data, overall ranking given Ranking provided to decision makers -> e.g. awarding of winners? K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 15 15

Pilot implementation (1) Schedule of the pilot: 1st round: May 18th (completed) 2nd round: end of August evaluation: end of 2012 Technology: Devices installed (see figure) Data monitored and collected from the 1st round, evaluation is ongoing, use of the data in occupancy sensing Interface to ECOffices system is a web portal Arduino-based prototypes (see next slide) Involvement of users: Initial user requirements and information about user habits collected by a questionnaire Smart Office Portal - Web application for gathering user experiences was developed Success factors and KPIs (focused on KSB aspects) were specified and provided for analysis into ELLIOT platform K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 16 16

Pilot implementation (2) Arduino-based open HW Xbee, Thermometer, Ambient light sensor SmartOffice Portal – the main user interaction tool Data - log example: power usage: 46.00W on 000D6F000072AF09 at 11-07-12 11:17:17 power usage: 42.00W on 000D6F0000D33655 at 11-07-12 11:17:17 power usage: 3.00W on 000D6F000076937D at 11-07-12 11:17:17 power usage: 36.00W on 000D6F00007690CB at 11-07-12 11:17:17 Log format: [Immediate power consumption in watts] [ID: MAC address of sensor] [timestamp] K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 17 17

Summary, future steps Work done so far: Next steps: 18 LinkSmart middleware adapted for the ECOffices Living Lab pilot prototype implemented 1st round of experiments on Scenario #1 accomplished Occupancy sensing: simple motion sensor - precision 45-50%, combination of motion sensors, RFIDcards, and energy consumption monitoring - precision 94% data from sensors collected and provided to the ELLIOT platform for KSB analysis Next steps: new types of devices - actuators: air conditioning control, light switches business rule / process engine, based on Drools framework, www.drools.org template process model for Scenario #2 will be developed Scenario #2 experiments, evaluation the Smart Office portal will be enhanced to enable the “game” on energy savings Scenario #3 experiments, evaluation ECOffices Living Lab has an ambition to join the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL, www.openlivinglabs.eu) in its next wave. K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 18 18

Thank you for your attention! Questions, suggestions, ...? Contact: e-mail: Karol.Furdik@tuke.sk, Karol.Furdik@intersoft.sk web: http://web.tuke.sk/fei-cit/furdik/index-a.html Acknowledgements: The presented work was supported by the ELLIOT project (http://www.elliot-project.eu) and the EBBITS project (http://www.ebbits-project.eu), co-founded by the European Commission within the contracts No. 287560 and No. 257852, respectively. K. Furdík, G. Lukáč: Events Processing and Device Interoperability in a Smart Office IoT Application CECIIS 2012, September 19-21, 2012, Varaždin, Croatia 19 19