Office of Undergraduate Studies Honors Record number of new freshman (142 students enrolled in Honors Seminar) this is a 23% increase over the 2013/14 year Service Learning Symposium on Service Learning, October 7 th, Havener Center, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Keynote Speaker- Dr. Deborah Hume, University of Missouri-Columbia Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Experiences 170 OURE students academic year (Record number of participants) Math Assistance where Success Happens (M*A*S*H) peer mentoring program for Math 1120 students Sessions begin Sept. 8 and run weekly through the semester Trained peer mentors will lead sessions Voluntary program, however, students can earn points through participating
South-Central Regional Professional Development Center (SC RPDC) Upcoming Important Professional Learning Sessions 9/9, 9/25, 9/29 (3 locations) - Using Measures of Student Growth in Teacher Evaluations: Student Learning Objective Training for School Leaders 9/11, 9/18, 9/25 – Survivor Series (3 locations) Professional Development (PD) for Beginning Teachers 9/24 – Leadership Academy - PD for new administrators and teacher leaders Writing Center Record number of tutoring sessions sessions in 2013/14, which is a 36% increase over 2012/13 Renovations complete- this allows greater privacy and ability to accommodate more tutoring sessions. Growing participation in STEM writing initiative: Freshman Engineering (FE1100), Microbiology and Introduction to Engineering Design (IDE 20) Grant submitted to purchase iPads Participation in MinerBytes pilot program Office of Undergraduate Studies
Positive Things Happening: 2,074 graduate students – a new record (per 2 nd week enrollment report) 78 Grad students graduated SS14 (63 MS, 15 PhD) 55 Thesis/Dissertation Format Checks SS14 88 Chancellor’s Fellows for FS14 Office of Graduate Studies
Positive Things Happening: New Graduate Student Seminar – Sept. 10 th (over 90 students registered to attend) Not-So-Positive Things Happening: Course renumbering issues are being sorted out –Some issues with department crosswalk mapping tables
8,442 – Total enrollment end of 1 st week of classes. Project 8,600 by 4 th week 1,291 – First-time college (+4.4%) 412 – New transfer students (-1.9%) 491 – New graduate students (-13.7%) Percentage of total still the same for female (22%), out-of-state (33%), and underrepresented (8%) Enrollment Management
Successful conversion to 4-digit course numbers on August 1 October 4 – Open House October 8 – Special Open House for College of Arts, Sciences and Business prospective students October 8 – Majors & Minors event Enrollment Management
Progress in Learning Commons and collaboration with IT –high-performance computers in place (computing, design software, 3D printing, 3D scanner coming soon) –Visualization wall (coming October, 2014) New CLC on first floor –used as a classroom and also used as an open CLC at other times Curtis Laws Wilson Library Successes
Curtis Laws Wilson Library Challenges Three open positions –The Library is open 114 hours per week, and staffing is a challenge. Excited about new academic programs –However, purchasing power for library materials decreases every year. Currently reviewing journals for the annual cut.
New founding Vice Provost and Dean for the College of Engineering and Computing is now in place. Hiring of initial support staff for the CoEC is now in progress. The nine CoEC departments and seventeen associated academic programs are currently preparing for the onsite visit of the ABET accreditation team October 3-6th. College of Engineering and Computing
1,170 students –up 5.5% from same time last year 498 women or 43% Notable departmental increases –Biological Sciences 9.5% –Economics 15.4% –Information Science and Technology 15.7% –Technical Communication 16.7% College of Arts, Sciences, and Business Enrollment
Xiaoming He, Mathematics and Statistics, received a $90,000 NSF grant entitled, “Non-Iterative Multi-Physics Domain Decomposition Method for the Navier-Stokes- Darcy Model” Yinfa Ma, Chemistry, received an additional $189,313 NIH grant for his project entitled, “Development of a Novel Multi-functional Single Cell Analyzer” bringing the award total to $561,225 Michael Schulz, Physics, received a $200,411 NSF grant entitled, “Coherence Effects and Few-Body Dynamics in Atomic Fragmentation Processes” College of Arts, Sciences, and Business Research