A Journey into the Night A Webquest for 9th grade (World Literature) Created by: Ms. Dessica Westbrook dwestbrook@lib.brenau.edu
Introduction Introduction Task Process Lesson/Journey Evaluation Credits This week, we’re going to read a literary piece entitled Night by Elie Wiesel. This text is a memoir, in which the author, his family members, and millions of others suffer in a horrendous act against humanity. The event being referred to is the Holocaust, in which more than six million people were killed in one of the most devastating genocides in the world’s history. In completing this Webquest you will research the Holocaust, gaining a historical background for the novel. You will also research and learn about the author of Night, Elie Wiesel. You have been hired by the Holocaust Memorial Foundation to research the Holocaust and develop a poster detailing the facts, events, and people involved with the genocide. They have asked that you include a short biography of Elie Wiesel on the poster, because he lived to write about the horrendous act. This poster will be displayed in The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.
Task Introduction Task Process Lesson/Journey Evaluation The Holocaust -You have been hired by the Holocaust Memorial Foundation to create a poster including: Important facts, people, and events related to the Holocaust Drawings-at least one pertaining to the Holocaust and one of Elie Wiesel Biographical information about the author of the memoir Night, Elie Wiesel. Quotes from Elie Wiesel -You will navigate through several sites to gather information about the Holocaust and Elie Wiesel. -You will be given art supplies and poster board to create the poster. The Holocaust Facts, People, and Events related to holocaust Picture Biography of Elie Wiesel Picture Example Poster Layout
Process First you will be assigned a partner. Introduction Task Process Lesson/Journey Evaluation First you will be assigned a partner. One partner should obtain a graphic organizer and a worksheet from the supply table. You and your partner should decide what role you will take for the first twenty minutes of research: a. Note-taker- takes notes on graphic organizer b. Navigator- Navigates websites and writes answers on worksheet (You will switch roles when advised to do so by Ms. Westbrook) Click on the Journey tab and follow instructions.
Process Continued… Introduction Task Process Lesson/Journey Evaluation As you journey through the websites, be sure to complete the graphic organizer and the worksheet. The graphic organizer is your guide for creating the poster, and the worksheet will be graded. After you’ve completed the graphic organizer and the worksheet, you will create the Holocaust poster. Both group members must participate in creating the poster. Posters should include: At least two drawings- one pertaining to the Holocaust and one of Elie Wiesel Events, People, and Facts pertaining to the Holocaust Biography of Elie Wiesel (including important dates and quotes from the author.) 9. You will complete a peer evaluation in which you grade your partner’s performance.
Holocaust History How it All Began What is the Holocaust? Introduction Task Process Lesson/Journey Evaluation What is the Holocaust? Who led Nazi Germany in the genocide? (This is a photo of the leader) Click on the photo and go to Introduction to the Holocaust. Answer the questions on your worksheet and take notes on your graphic organizer.
Holocaust History Concentration Camps Introduction Task Process Lesson/Journey Evaluation Can you imagine being starved, beaten, and worked to death? Victims of Nazi Concentration camps faced this fate every day. Define Concentration Camp (write the defintion on your worksheet) Click on the following link to find the definition. http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/people/CHILDRE3.HTM Click on the photo, analyze the chart, and answer the questions on your worksheet. Take notes on your graphic organizer.
The United States and the Holocaust Holocaust History The United States and the Holocaust Introduction Task Process Lesson/Journey Evaluation Where you aware that the U.S. was involved in the Holocaust? Click on the link below, read the article and answer the questions on your worksheet. Information from this article could be considered a Fact on your graphic organizer. Study the Map Above: What Nazi Camps were liberated by the United States? Write Answer on Worksheet http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005182
Holocaust History The End of a Tyranny Introduction Task Process Lesson/Journey Evaluation The Holocaust ended after allied forces invaded Germany in 1944 to end WWII. Conspiracy surrounded the death of Adolf Hitler. Click on the link below to read about his death. Answer the questions on your worksheet. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,902253,00.html Click on the link below to watch a short clip concerning the trials of high ranking Nazis. Answer questions concerning this clip on your worksheet and remember to take notes on your graphic organizer. http://www.history.com/media.do?id=tdih_nov20_broadband&action=clip
Biography of Elie Wiesel The Heart of a Survivor Introduction Task Process Lesson/Journey Evaluation Elie Wiesel is a survivor of the Holocaust and the nationally renowned author of over forty works of fiction and non-fiction. He is most widely known for the memoir we will be reading, Night. Click on the word memoir to find the definition. Write it on your worksheet. Before reading a memoir it is important that you are familiar with the author’s life and experiences. Click on the link to the right and read Wiesel’s biography. Define biography on your worksheet. Be sure to take notes from the biography on your graphic organizer for use in creating the poster. Biography of Elie Wiesel
Listening to a Legend Introduction Task Process Lesson/Journey Evaluation Wiesel has given many lectures across the world. He is an influential and motivational speaker. Click on the link below to hear Wiesel give his definition of Holocaust. Answer the questions on the worksheet. Hint: This is a good time to get quotes from Wiesel for your poster. You can also listen to other interviews with Wiesel on this site to get quotes. The Words of a Survivor
Conclusion In completing this Webquest, you have established a Introduction Task Process Lesson/Journey Evaluation In completing this Webquest, you have established a foundational knowledge of the Holocaust, and you are familiar with biographical information concerning Elie Weisel. Now we are ready to embark on a real journey into the Night. As we read the memoir, you will discover that this activity has prepared you for better understanding of the historical context of the memoir. I encourage you to continue learning about the Holocaust as we read the Memoir. Visit: http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/
Evaluation Evaluation 1: Students will complete worksheets with 80% accuracy. Evaluation 2: Students will accurately and completely fill out Graphic Organizers. Evaluation 3: Students will produce a poster with 80% accuracy according to the rubric.
Evaluation: Worksheet Introduction Task Process Lesson/Journey Evaluation Holocaust History: How it All Began 1. The Holocaust is the name used to refer to this systematic, , and state sponsored campaign of persecution and murder. 2. What groups of people were targeted by the Nazi’s? Why? 3. Who led Nazi Germany in the genocide? 4. During what war did the Holocaust occur? 5. On what date did the Holocaust begin? 6. What was the ultimate goal of the Nazi regime and its leaders? Holocaust History: Concentration Camps 7. Define Concentration Camp 8. In which camp where the most people killed? How many were killed there? Where was the camp located?
Evaluation: Worksheet contd.. Holocaust History: The United States and the Holocaust 9. In what ways did the U.S avoid becoming involved with the Holocaust? What were their reasons for staying out of it? 10. What part did the United States play in the end of the German Tyranny in 1944? 11. What Nazi Camps were liberated by the United States? Holocaust History: The End of a Tyranny Write a short paragraph to summarize the article on Hitler’s death. What were the high ranking Nazi Officials indicted for? What were their sentences?
Evaluation: Worksheet contd… The Heart of a Survivor 14. Define memoir. 15. After reading Elie Wiesel’s biography, what is your definition of biography? What are the major components of a biography? 16. How does Elie Wiesel define Holocaust? 17. Write a paragraph reaction to your Webquest experience? What did you like about it? What did you dislike about it?
Evaluation: Graphic Organizer Holocaust Facts Events People Graphic Organizer designed by: Dessica Westbrook
Evaluation: Graphic Organizer contd... Notes from Biography What is a biography? - Elie Wiesel Quotes - Graphic Organizer designed by: Dessica Westbrook
Evaluation: Poster Rubric
Georgia Performance Standards English/Language Arts: 9th grade ELA9RL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e. poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation. The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the structures of elements of fiction and provides evidence from the text to support understanding; the student: Analyzes and applies knowledge of the characteristics of memoir, biography, and/or autobiography. ELA9RL3 The student deepens understanding of literary works by relating them to contemporary context or historical background. The student Relates literary work to non-literary documents and/or other texts from its literary period. Relates literary work to non-literary documents and/or other texts relevant to its historical setting.
References http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/ http://history1900s.about.com/library/holocaust/blchart.htm http://www.uoregon.edu/~eboskovi/theholocaustweb11_files/image001.gif http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005182 http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/people/CHILDRE3.HTM http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,902253,00.html http://www.history.com/media.do?id=tdih_nov20_broadband&action=clip http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/wie0bio-1 www.nightthebook.com http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Memoir http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/profilepages/wiesele1.shtml
Credits Created by: Dessica Westbrook