Document Management Strategy Survey Very happy to be presenting this study about this extremely important subject. I am : VP Research of VNUGlobal Media, part of the BME publishing group. Xerox Europe asked us to carry out this project using our webpanel of IT decisionmakers, a panel that has 14 000 members across Europe. Survey on VNU ’s webpanel of IT decisionmakers in Europe Presentation for Netherlands June 23, 2005 Idalina Cappe de Baillon - VP Research Europe - VNU Global Media
Objectives to analyze the purchasing process for document output devices identifying the main purchase criteria the main decision-makers main purchasing methods explore corporate document management strategies identifying if there are document management strategies in place what metrics are used to measure document management who is responsable for document management strategies when they exist to analyze attitudes towards document management Process Criteria for purchase Who makes decision purchasing methods Strategies exist metrics who responsible attitudes towards doc man
Methodology On line survey of VNU ’s webpanel of IT decisionmakers in Europe fieldwork : February 2005, by TNS Sample : 1 238 total in 6 countries Germany France UK Spain Italy Holland Quotas used to boost samples in companies 1000+ Total sample was weighed to obtain country samples representative by company size, the overall sample representative of the 6 country population in terms of company sizes (5 employees +) IT decisionmakers : all are involved in purchasing IT products, selected from among our more professional magazine readers (in Germany mostly PC Pro, but some PC Direct also) TNS manages our panel, so they carried out the fieldwork- Feb Quotas : to obtain minimum 30 per country in big companies
Sample : Countries France 291 UK 259 Spain 209 Germany 173 Italy 192 Netherlands 114 Total 1 238 Here we have the samples per country; no sub-sample is smaller than 100, a minimum sub-sample to be able to look at specific questions per territory. With this sub-sample of 114 (Holland), the reliability of any result is +/-8% (with a probability factor of 90%). (result between 30 and 70 % is +/-8% , result under 30 and over 70 is +/-6 or 7% .) With the total sample of 1 238 (6-country), the reliability of any result is +/-2 or 3% (with a probability factor of 90%).
Sample : Company size (6 countries) 5- 10 employees 10 - 49 employees 50 -249 employees 250 - 1000 employees By company size the samples are these which are roughly 42% under 50 33% : 50-999 25% 1000+ This is of course not close to reality since small companies represent much more than 40% (in Europe they represent 93%). That is why, to get close to reality we weighted the data so that the responses of the big companies do not contribute too much to the total, thus skewing the results. 1000 + employees Q : How many people work in your entire organization (including remote workers) ? Base : Total (1 238)
Sample : Industry Sector Technology Public Sector (Government, Education Healthcare) Manufacturing Utilities Retail This slide demonstrates that although the technology sector was well-represented, all types of industries were included in the survey. This was a totally random result, we did not try to obtain more of any one industry. Financial Services Other Q : What is your organization’s primary business ? Base : Total (1 238) (unweighted sample)
Installed Base We
Installed Base 98 % 74 % 73 % 86 % 52 % None 1-5 6 or more Q : How many document output devices are installed within your entire organization (including remote workers) ? Base : Total (1 238, weighted)
% Installed Holland/Europe Base : Total (1 238) compared to Holland (114)
Maintenance of document output devices Internal - IT Department Office Equipment dealer/reseller Outsourced Internal - Someone else System Integrator VAR Other Manages Supports (Fix Breaks) Q : Who in your organization manages and supports your document output devices ? Base : Total (1 238)
Maintenance of document output devices : Netherlands Internal - IT Department Office Equipment dealer/reseller Outsourced Internal - Someone else System Integrator VAR Other Manages Supports (Fix Breaks) Q : Who in your organization manages and supports your document output devices ? Base : Holland (114)
Is IT and document output maintenance done by same people ? NO YES By Country France : 92% UK, Spain, NL : 90% Germany : 87% Italy : 82% The only significant difference is in Italy. Base : Total (1 238)
Purchase Criteria We
Purchase Criteria Network compatibility Image quality Trusted supplier Vendor brand Convenience of having same supplier for all types of computer HW Supplier needs to be on shortlist Service & support Outsourced solution Cost per page for service, supplier TCO : total cost of ownership Lowest price Network compatibility End-user benefits Image quality Ease of SW updates
Main Purchase Criteria Cost per page for service and supplies Network compatibility Image quality Service and support Total cost of ownership Trusted supplier Lowest Price Vendor Brand End-user benefits Ease of software updates Convenience of having the same supplier for all types of computer hardware Supplier needs to be on shortlist of suppliers Outsourced Solution Other Q : What would be your 5 purchase criteria for new document output devices ? Base : Total (1 238)
Main Purchase Criteria : Netherlands 3 3 2 1 3 The French place even more importance on cost per page and network compatibility; they are unique in the high importance they give the vendor brand Base : Total (1 238) and Holland only (114)
Document Management Strategy We
Existence of a document management strategy Don ’t know YES NO Q : Does your organization have a document management strategy? (By document management strategy we mean all the formalized processes, methods and technologies employed to handle documents throughout their lifecycle - from creation, review, storage, dissemination through to destruction - in ways that support an organization’s goals and objectives). Base : Total (1 238)
Existence of a document management strategy : Company Size Medium - Big (250-1000) Big (1000+) Small (10-49) Medium (50-249) Micro (<10) Base : Total (1 238)
Existence of a document management strategy : country Dutch and Italian companies are twice as likely to have a strategy in place than are French or English ones. Base : Total (1 238)
Responsibility for the Document Management Strategy IT Manager Owner CxO (CIO,CEO, CFO) Network Manager Facilities / Office Manager Finance Manager / Director HR Manager Purchasing Manager Other Q : Who is responsible for the document management strategy? Base : total Respondants whose organization has a document management strategy in place ((total : 478)
Responsibility for the Document Management Strategy : Main functions - Netherlands Base : total Respondants whose organization has a document management strategy in place. (total : 478, Holland : 62)
Responsibility for the Document Management Strategy : Big Companies/NL total Bases : total Respondents whose organization has a document management strategy in place. (total Holland : 62, big : 29* ) *caution small base
what costs are measured ? Document Management Metrics : what costs are measured ? We
Document Management Metrics % Yes Initial device purchase price Consumables Maintenance IT Support IT Infrastructure Discounts Worker Productivity Financing Helpdesk calls Training Q : Which of the following document management costs are measured within your organization ? Base : Total (1 238)
Document Management Metrics : Netherlands Base : Total (1 238) and Holland only (114)
Attitudes towards Document Management We
Attitudes towards Document Management OODs contribute significantly to office worker productivity Documents are of critical importance to the operationof my business processes Document management in the office is critical to the sucess of my organization Colour documents have a bigger impact on my organization’s day-to-day business than black and white documents My organization has complete management information on the costs of owning, running and supporting our fleet of OODs The cost of owning, running and managing my organization’s fleet of OODs is spiralling out of control Supporting office output devices is an unwelcome burden to IT My organization’s process for the purchase and use of consumables is efficient Base : Total (1 238) l
Attitudes towards Document Management % agree OODs contribute significantly to office worker productivity Documents are of critical importance to the operation of my business processes Document management in the office is critical to the sucess of my organization My organization’s process for the purchase and use of consumables is efficient Colour documents have a bigger impact on my organization’s day-to-day business than black and white documents My organization has complete management information on the costs of owning, running and supporting our fleet of OODs Supporting office output devices is an unwelcome burden to IT The cost of owning, running and managing my organization’s fleet of OODs is spiralling out of control Q : To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements ? (OOD : office output devices) Base : Total (1 238) l
Office output devices contribute significantly to office worker productivity % agree Italy Germany Spain France UK Holland Q : To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements ? Base : Total (1 238)
Documents are of critical importance to the operation of my business processes % agree Italy France UK Holland Spain Germany Q : To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements ? Base : Total (1 238)
Document management in the office is critical to the success of my organization % agree Italy France Germany Spain UK Holland Q : To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements ? Base : Total (1 238)
My organization’s process for the purchase and use of consumables is efficient % agree Spain Italy UK Holland France Germany Q : To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements ? Base : Total (1 238)
Colour documents have a bigger impact on my organization’s day-to-day business than black and white documents % agree France Italy Holland Spain UK Germany Cultural differences appear to play a part in the importance given to colour documents : the anglo-saxon countries seem to give less importance to colour than the Southern European countries, and Holland. Base : Total (1 238)
My organization has complete management information on the costs of owning, running and supporting our fleet of OODs % agree Italy France Spain Holland Germany UK Q : To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements ? Base : Total (1 238)
Supporting office output devices is an unwelcome burden to IT % agree Italy Holland Spain Germany UK France Q : To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements ? Base : Total (1 238)
The cost of owning, running and managing my organization’s fleet of office output devices is spiralling out of control % agree Spain Italy Holland France Germany UK Q : To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements ? Base : Total (1 238)
Attitudes towards Document Management : NL compared to European average % agree OODs contribute significantly to office worker productivity Documents are of critical importance to the operation of my business processes Document management in the office is critical to the sucess of my organization My organization’s process for the purchase and use of consumables is efficient Colour documents have a bigger impact on my organization’s day-to-day business than black and white documents My organization has complete management information on the costs of owning, running and supporting our fleet of OODs Supporting office output devices is an unwelcome burden to IT The cost of owning, running and managing my organization’s fleet of OODs is spiralling out of control Q : To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements ? (OOD : office output devices) Base : Total (1 238) and Holland only (114) l
The purchase process for DODs Conclusions The installed base Almost all companies in this survey have at least 1 printer in the office, and 52% have an MFP Maintenance of document output devices is generally done by the same department, and even people, as the IT equipment. The purchase process for DODs The main criteria for buying DODs are : cost per page for service & supplies, network compatibility, image quality and service & support. There are significant differences between the 6 countries. The Dutch place the most importance on TCO Half of the companies interviewed plan to purchase at least 1 printer, about 1/4 plan to buy an MFP and a scanner, but only 10% plan to purchase a standalone fax machine.
Conclusions (2) The importance of Documents and Document Output Devices A majority of company decisionmakers recognize the importance of DODs in contributing to worker productivity and hence to the success of the company Document management Strategy Only 1/3 of all European companies actually have a document management strategy in place, although this is the case for half of the medium and big companies; the Dutch have the highest proportion of the 6 countries. Responsibility for the strategy is shared between the top CxO functions and the IT manager…when there is one; in big companies in the Netherlands the IT manager is most often the major decision-maker The only costs that are measured by a majority of companies are : the initial purchase price, consumables and maintenance costs, although in bigger companies IT support and IT infrastructure tend to be measured more closely (in Holland in particular).