Page 1 Returns Receivings By MIS Department
Page 2 The Returns Process When a store or customer wants to return goods, they are supposed to contact the NY office and request a Return Authorization The A/R department creates a Return Authorization (RA) in the system, with styles, prices and quantities The customer ships the returned units to the Warehouse, which must receive them into the system Receiving can also be done without an RA as “Unauthorized.” NY can later match the RA to the received units
Page 3 Enter your User ID and Password here Note: User ID and Password are initially assigned by MIS. You will be prompted to change it the first time you login. The password field IS case-sensitive. Sign On Press the Enter key to proceed
Page 4 Welcome Press Enter to proceed
Page 5 Enter the Company number Select Application Enter the number for Return Authorizations in the menu (position # may vary) Press Enter to proceed
Page 6 Return Authorization Main Menu Type “1” for Entry functions and press Enter
Page 7 Return Authorization Entry Menu Type “2” for On-line R/A receivings and press “Enter”
Page 8 Select Display Type Type “1” to have the screen sized for an RF gun. Leave the field blank for a PC display The first time you use the RA application after logging in, you will see this screen: Note: If you select the wrong display type, you can return to this screen using the F8 (Options) key from the next screen Typing “1” will automatically move to the next screen; otherwise, press Enter
Page 9 Receivings Entry Note: This manual assumes a scanner is attached to the terminal and uses the verb “scan” for entering data. However, without a scanner you may type in values listed under UPC codes in any field for which the manual says “scan.” Scan the RA # - it will appear here If you do not have an RA # for the returns, contact the NY office. You may still receive the returns. See “Unauthorized Returns”Unauthorized Returns
Page 10 Unauthorized Returns If no RA has been entered, but the units have arrived at the Warehouse, contact NY and have them create an RA While NY is investigating, you may still receive the returned units as an Unauthorized Return using the process on the following slides Once you have finished receiving, NY can match the receivings to the RA they will create
Page 11 Create a Transaction If you do not have an RA #, press the F13 key to create an Unauthorized Return
Page 12 Transactions: Create or Edit An Unauthorized Return will display “Unauthorized” on each screen For all NEW returns, press the F13 key to assign a transaction # To edit an existing transaction, type the transaction # here
Page 13 Extra Fields Function Type “1” to enter data in the Extra Fields
Page 14 Enter Transaction Information Enter as much data as you can here – it will help NY identify the RA Press Enter to update
Page 15 UPC Entry Function Type “3” to begin scanning units
Page 16 Scan Prepack Scan (or type the UPC of) the first unit
Page 17 Prepack Scan Results The style of the first scan appears in the top left Because it was a prepack style (PP) notice that 6 units were returned with that single scan
Page 18 Example of an Open Stock (00A) Return Scanned UPC appears here
Page 19 Open Stock Scanned The style of the scan appears in the top left. Notice the *N for 00A Because it was 00A only 1 unit was returned with that scan (6+1=7)
Page 20 Set Multiplier Press F6 to change the multiplier. This will add multiple units with each scan
Page 21 Change Multiplier Enter the new multiplier number (01-99) NOTE: The multiplier does NOT reset to 01 after scanning. You must return to this screen to change the multiplier. Also, when scanning Prepacks be sure that your multiplier reflects the number of PREPACKS you are scanning (not the total units). VERY IMPORTANT!!!!
Page 22 Scan Multiple and Review Notice the multiplier number of 10. Scanning 1 (one) unit will add 10 to the receiving Press F7 to review what has been scanned
Page 23 Review and Edit Receivings Notice the multiplied amount has been added If you made an error, type “D” on the line and press Enter to delete it
Page 24 Receiving Deleted The units have been deleted from the receiving
Page 25 Working with the Multiplier Notice that the multiplier STAYS after scanning
Page 26 Prepacks and Multipliers Scanning a single 6-unit Prepack with multiplier set to 10 adds 60 to the receiving!!!
Page 27 Review Receiving Notice the multiplied amount has been added
Page 28 Balance (Update) Balance means update
Page 29 Receiving Transaction Complete After Updating the screen returns to Scan RA#. You may scan another RA or enter a new transaction on the same RA
Page 30 Receiving Proof List Balance will create a print file of the Receiving Verification Proof List Print this document and send to NY
Page 31 What Happens Next Send the Receiving Proof List along with all other relevant documents (Freight bill, copy of RA, etc) to the NY office The received units are pending, and are not part of the Warehouse Locator system If the receiving was “Unauthorized” NY must create an RA and match to the receiving NY Office reviews the receiving, and credits the customer for the returned units Once the credit has been entered, the units are available in the Warehouse’s returns location and may be put away via the stock locator system
Page 32 Other Functions RA Inquiry Reprint an RA
Page 33 Return Authorization Inquiry Follow the directions on the next slides to search for an RA You may search by salesperson, by account or by RA number Return to the RA Main Menu
Page 34 RA Main Menu Type “4” for Inquiries and press Enter
Page 35 RA Inquiry Menu Type 1 and press Enter
Page 36 Search for RA by Salesman Type “S” on a line and press Enter to select that salesperson Pressing the F7 key allows you to search for a specific RA#
Page 37 Search for a Specific RA# The entire list of RA#s appears. Scroll down (Pg Down key) to find an RA Type the beginning of an RA# here and press Enter to skip down the list “*” Means receivings have been entered for that RA
Page 38 Search for a Specific RA# Type “S” on a line and press Enter to view that RA
Page 39 RA Inquiry Details Press F7 to see Credit Details
Page 40 Search for Credits Click on a line in the CRD# column and press F6 to view the credit inquiry
Page 41 Credit Inquiry Screen
Page 42 Other Searches Pressing the F6 key allows you to search for RAs by customer in a division
Page 43 Select by Salesperson’s Account Type the beginning of an Account # here and press Enter to skip down the list Type “S” on a line and press Enter to select that customer
Page 44 RA Search Matches “*” Means receivings have been CREDITED Type “S” in the first field and press enter to view the RA “**” Means the RA has unauthorized credits
Page 45 Reprinting a Return Authorization Return to the RA Main Menu Select Option 3: Reports
Page 46 RA Reports Menu Type “4” to Reprint an RA and press Enter
Page 47 Reprint an RA Type the division number or press F21 to select from a list
Page 48 Select Division Type “S” in the S column next to a division and press F2 to return to the Reprint screen
Page 49 Reprint an RA Type the RA # here and press Enter to reprint