National Licenses in Germany: the new promotion of online products for study and research Monika Cremer, SUB Göttingen
Overview Short presentation of the DFG special subject collections program Initiative of national licenses for digital content Look at the new website and the CMS Access to the products Outlook to current and future activities
DFG - National research collection system System started after WW2, but longer tradition Every book of research interest in at least one German library DFG-grant for the foreign material (66%) More than 20 leading Libraries and a lot of smaller special libraries are supported National central libraries for Medicine, Technic and Economy complete the system High Granularity
Special subject collections (1) Göttingen State and University Library: almost 20 subjects, such as Documentation, library and information science, book studies Anglo-American Studies Geography, geophysics Forestry Finland, Hungary etc.
Special subject collections (2) Bavarian State Library: Classical studies, ancient history History in general History of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, France, Italy Soviet Union Music etc.
DFG in 2004 Enhanced the infrastructure for supply of literature and information systems for special subject collections to electronic publications: Digital text editions Special subject databases All not ongoing!
Free access for: Universities and Polytechnic Universities (publicly funded, but in many cases also privately funded) German research institutions (for many products) German cultural institutions abroad (staff only) – new in 2006 Single academic users with permanent residence in Germany not affiliated to any of the above institutions can register at the Special Subject Library
Negotiators Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin University Library of Frankfurt/Main Göttingen State and University Library Bavarian State Library Munich New in 2005: GESIS/IZ InformationsZentrum Sozialwissenschaften Bonn/Univ. of Cologne TIB Technical Information Library Hannover
Publishers Great variety of publishers: Adam Matthew (UK) Brepols (Belgium) Casalini (Italy) Chinese journals Publisher Beijing Springer Elsevier Wiley Cambridge Scientific Abstracts etc.
Principles for licenses One unique payment including: Access to publisher‘s server for at least 10 years Archiving of content for longterm archiving Metadata delivery
Criteria for approval Scholarly relevance, content and quality of the digital publication Technical quality of the digitization and of the information system Conformance with DFG principles for national licenses Price- / perfomance ratio
Website for national licences Content: Offers How to register About national licenses Tools
Registration via CMS Special Content Management System for registration (located at GBV, Göttingen) Institutions get access to CMS and can follow the workflow of registration They can change their own data (IP etc.) Publishers have access to their products registered by institutions
Access to the products Institutions: IP ranges Single users: register at the special subject library for the product(s) of their choice Future: Shibboleth usage for registration process at the publishers server
Metadata General pool of metadata at GBV (Göttingen) for Library networks Local OPACS without networks Journal metadata are integrated in Zeitschriftendatenbank and ezb (electronic journals database)
Statistics A general statistic server for national licenses will be installed at University Library Frankfurt
Databases (not ongoing) Acta Sanctorum Database Comintern Electronic Archives Early American Imprints, Ser. 1 Early English Books Online 18th Century Collections Online Testaments to the Holocaust The Making of Modern World Editoria Italiana Online Etc.
Reference Works/Dictionaries Huguet: Dictionnaire de la langue francaise du 16e siècle ( ) Godefroy: Dictionnaire de l‘ancienne langue francaise... World Biographical Information System (WBIS): choice of foreign titles (Europe)
2005 Additon of backfile journal archives Times Digital Archive China academic Journals Springer Online Journal Archives Elsevier Journal Backfiles on – ScienceDirect (Subject coll.) Wiley Interscience Backfile Collection etc.
New initiative in 2006 New product proposals by the Special Subject Libraries negotiated by the six negotiators Submission of results to DFG Selection of products by a group of evaluators Approval of financial Committee of DFG probably in October Conclusion of contracts by the negotiators
DFG initiative for 2007 Regular budget funds for national licenses will come Negotiations about current electronic journals – just started!
Thank you! Questions? Monika Cremer Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen