Cardiac Emergencies Section 5 The objectives will appear in Red
Explain cardiovascular disease (Page 67) Cardiovascular disease is an abnormal condition that affects the heart and it’s blood vessels It is the #1 killer over all with about 1 million Americans dying each year.
What happens when the heart fails? (Page 68) Read page 68 and learn about AED’S, V-fib, V-tach and CPR
Explain the Signals of a heart attack (page 69) Persistent chest discomfort Lasting 3-5 minutes That goes away and come back Discomfort pain or pressure in the arm, stomach, back, or jaw Dizziness, lightheadedness Trouble breathing Nausea, vomiting Pale or ashen, clammy, skin Loss of consciousness
Demonstrate and Care for a Heart Attack Victim (Page 71) Recognize the signs of a Heart Attack and call 911 Have the victim stop what they are doing and rest Try to obtain additional information Reassure the victim Help with medication, if applicable (page 70) Monitor the ABC’S Be prepared to give CPR and use a AED
Be Able to List the Steps of the Cardiac Chain of Survival (page 72) Early Recognition and early access Early CPR Early Defibrillation Early Advanced Medical Care
Explain and demonstrate CPR for Adults (Page 74) Compress the chest 1 ½ - 2 inches Give 30 compressions Give 2 rescue breaths
Explain and demonstrate Child CPR (page 77) Compress the chest 1-1 ½ inches Use one hand Give 30 compressions Give 2 rescue breaths
Explain and demonstrate Infant CPR Compress the chest ½ to 1 inch Use two fingers Give 30 compressions Give 2 rescue breaths
Explain and demonstrate how to care for an Unconscious choking Adult and Child (Page 79) CCC A,B, if no breaths able to go in reposition the head and try again. Still no breath give 30 chest compressions Do a finger sweep, adult only
Explain and demonstrate how to care for the Unconscious Infant (Page 79, 96,97) CCC A,B, if no breaths able to go in, reposition the head and try again, if still no breaths Give 30 chest compressions Look for and remove any objects, NO FINGER SWEEPS Try to give breaths again
Explain and demonstrate how the AED is used (page 80-83) Using the AED on Adults and Children
What is a Implantable device (Page 83)
What is a Nitroglycerin Patch (Page 83)
Explain the importance of Living Wills/Advanced Directives (Page 84) An advanced directive allows you to make decisions about your critical care: to state health care directives and allows you to appoint someone to speak for you in case you are unable to do so yourself, it allows you to die with dignity.
Explain how to prevent Heart Disease View the video, “The Human Condition: The Heart of the Matter”, and be prepared to answer questions printed on a handout regarding the definition of heart disease, the signs and symptoms of heart disease, prevention factors of heart disease, risk factors of heart disease and information about cholesterol
Go back and review the objectives from this lesson! The End! Go back and review the objectives from this lesson!
Objectives for Section 5 Explain cardiovascular disease Explain the Signals of a heart attack Demonstrate and Care for a Heart Attack Victim Be Able to List the Steps of the Cardiac Chain of Survival
Explain and demonstrate CPR for Adults Explain and demonstrate Child CPR Explain and demonstrate Infant CPR Explain and demonstrate how to care for an Unconscious choking Adult and Child Explain and demonstrate how to care for the Unconscious Infant
Explain and demonstrate how the AED is used Explain the importance of Living Wills/Advanced Directives Explain how to prevent Heart Disease