Sung-Wook Min Kyung Hee University
Introduction Integral imaging Integral floating Issues
알타미라 동굴벽화 (~B.C 15,000) 알타미라 동굴벽화 (~B.C 15,000) 회화 (The cornation of Napoleon, 1804) 회화 (The cornation of Napoleon, 1804) 사진술 (1839) 사진술 (1839) TV (1937) TV (1937) 3 차원 디스플레이 HDTV (2000) HDTV (2000)
Stereoscope: Wheatstone (1838) Lenticular stereoscope (prism): Brewster (1844) Autostereoscopic: Maxwell (1868) Stereoscopic movie camera: Edison & Dickson (1891) Anaglyph: Du Hauron (1891) 3D movie: La’arrivee du train (1903) Integral photography: Lippmann (1908) Lenticular: Hess (1915) Parallax barrier: Kanolt (1915) 1900 Hologram: Gabor (1948) Integram: de Montebello (1970) Electro- holography: Benton (1989) Samsung: 30 inch full HD 3D AMOLED TV (2010) LG: 84 inch ultra HD 3D home theatre (2010)
Back to the future (1985) Big Bang Theory (2012)
Psychological cuesPhysiological cues Perspective Binocular Disparity OverlapMotion Parallax Shadow Accommodatio n GradationConvergence
ClassificationDepth cuesKey component Stereoscopy (requires glasses) Binocular disparity Polarizing glasses LC shutter glasses Wavelength selective glasses Autostereoscopy (does not require glasses) Two-view or Multi-view display Binocular disparity, Convergence, Motion parallax (Horizontal only, limited range, discrete) Parallax barrier Lenticular lens HOE (Holographic Optical Element) Directional BLU Super multi-view Binocular disparity, Convergence, Motion parallax (H only, continuous), Accommodation Lenticular lens High density directional display Multiple projection Laser scanning Integral imaging Binocular disparity, Convergence, Motion parallax (H&V, continuous), Accommodation Lens array (2D) Volumetric display Binocular disparity, Convergence, Motion parallax, Accommodation Stacked screens Spinning screen/mirror Crossed-beam (Two-photon absorption) Holographic display Binocular disparity, Convergence, Motion parallax, Accommodation Electro-holography (Coherent optics)
G. Lippmann, "La photographie integrale," Comptes-Rendus 146, , Academie des Sciences (1908)
AB A´A´ B´B´ a b Real mode (pseudoscopic) Real mode (orthoscopic) Virtual mode (orthoscopic) Pseudoscopic problem
Lens array Display device Central depth plane Integration plane Integrated image Lens array Display panel Integration plane Central depth plane
Lens array Display panel Integration plane 1 Integrated image Focused plane Integrated image Integration plane 2
Image resolution Viewing angle Image depth Characteristic Equation R X = 10 mm -1
S.-W. Min, B. Javidi, and B. Lee, “Enhanced three-dimensional integral imaging system by use of double display devices,” Appl. Opt. 42, 4186–4195 (2003)
Y. Kim, J.-H. Park, S.-W. Min, S. Jung, H. Choi, and B. Lee, “Wide-viewing-angle integral three- dimensional imaging system by curving a screen and a lens array,” Appl. Opt. 44, 546–552 (2005).
Y. Kim, H. Choi, J. Kim, S.-W. Cho, Y. Kim, G. Park, and B. Lee, Appl. Opt. 46, , (2007) G. Park, J.-H. Jung, K. Hong, Y. Kim, Y.-H. Kim, S.-W. Min, and B. Lee, Opt. Express 17, , (2009) LCR
Reflected light : Integral imaging by the concave (or convex) mirror array Transmitted light : See-through imaging of the real object Concept of see-through integral imaging
(a) Pick-up (b) Display Jun Arai, et al. “Integral Three-Dimensional Television Using a 33- Megapixel Imaging System.” Journal of Display Technology
Reconstructed imageIntegral 3D TV video
Wider viewing angle (a) Decentered elemental lenses (b)
(a) (b)
(a) Concept(b) setup(c) Elemental images Sung-In Hong, Hee-Seung Kim, Kyeong-Min Jeong, and Jae-Hyeung Park, “Three-dimensional blood vessel imaging using integral imaging,” Biomedical Optics and 3D Imaging OSA 2012
(a) 2D image(b) Refocused images(c) Reconstructed views
(a) Absorption curve of oxi- and deoxi-hemoglobins (b) Schematics of 3D imaging system of oxygen saturation ratio
Integral Image Viewpoint Images Anchor Points Energy Minimization Depthmap Extraction Chain of Correspon dences Dimitrios Zarpalas, Eleni Fotiadou, Iordanis Biperis, and Petros Daras, “Anchoring Graph Cuts Towards Accurate Depth Estimation in Integral Images,” JOURNAL OF DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY, 2012
Integral imaging system (InIm system) 3D image by floating device Image floating system (Fresnel lens) 3D image by InIm system Image floating by floating device 1.Reducing seam noise 2.Enhancing image quality 3.Enhancing 3D effect
Viewing parameters
J Kim, S.-W. Min, and B. Lee, “Viewing region maximization of an integral floating display through location adjustment of viewing window,” Opt. Express 15, (2007).
Floating 3D image Floating plane Floating lens Viewing window 3D integrated image Integral imaging system ab w f Display device K H U KHU Central depth plane ab w f K H U KHU b=300mm b=350mm b=400mm Diffuser at K Diffuser at H Diffuser at U
J. Hong, S.-W. Min, and B. Lee, “Integral floating display systems for augmented reality,” Appl. Opt. 18, (2012).
H.-J. Choi, Y. M. Kim, J. Jung, K.-M. Jung and S.-W. Min, “Tiling integral floating display system with optimized viewing window,” Appl. Opt. 51, (2012).
Viewing angle Resolution Expressible depth range
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