IdentiTrip 2006 Our Skills Making your Job Easier
IdentiTrip 2006 Key Features & Benefits All data imported from MIS system Quick MIS upload annually for new intake and class changes No manual input of pupil information Ease of pupil allocation to trip Ease of setting up multiple trips Calculation of trip expenditure & reconciliation Quick search facility for problem cheques Numbers on trip & places left Pupil documentation – Parental Permission, E111, Passport. Comprehensive payment received audit capability View reports on screen and print directly Report Types - Transactions, Account Balance, Expenditure – over any period Manual operation of accounts or by Finger scanner Speed of transaction and receipt generation Only use the functions you need to use in order to keep accurate records of Payments
Log On Two levels of Access User – Allowed access to Members, Accounts & Reports Administrator – Allowed access to all functions Help available prior to Log In
IdentiTrip - Selecting the button displays the screen above. Class details can be imported from IdentiTrip V1.0 or from the schools MIS during IdentiTrip 2006 installation. Class functions available are: Add New, Edit and Delete.
Member - Selecting the button displays the screen above. The members screen provides a facility to add, edit and delete pupil details within their individual class groups. It also provides a facility to view the whole “School Roll” enabling pupils to be identified by class, name or ID number. The member screen is used to “Photograph” and register the “Finger Scan” of pupils. It also provides a facility to move pupils from class to class. A class of pupils (being Finger Scanned and Photographed) can be registered on the system in 15 minutes.
Trip - Selecting the button displays the screen above. This screen enables Trips to be set up quickly and easily. You have the option to set the trip price or calculate it by entering the expenditure. All trip details can be viewed or edited from this screen. Pupils are added to the trip / event by a simple select and click operation. To set up trip and allocate all pupils takes no longer than 5 minutes.
Trip – Allocate Members This screen shows pupils being allocated to the “Australia Trip”. The class is selected and then by simply using the “ALL>>” on trip or “>>” individual on trip, pupils are placed on the trip. The opposite functions remove pupils from the trip but their accounts have to be zero first and warning message is displayed to the operator. Pupils can either be allocated on block or for the more expensive trips when parental authorisation is provided
Account - The screen is the default screen. This screen allows your transactions to be completed in a few seconds. Pupils either place their finger on a scanner or you can manually access the individuals account. Choose the event being paid for, enter the amount and wait for the instant receipt to be printed. The countdown will show you how many places are left on the trip. You can also look at payment history, record that you have received the parental permission, E111, passport or find a cheque from a previous transaction. A complete audit trail is provided for transactions.
Example of Printed Receipt
Direct Debit - The button enables a file to be generated which is used by secure banking software to initiate direct debits transfers from the clients account to the schools account. This screen provides facilities to generate the file and reconcile the pupils account after payment has been received at the school account. Selecting the DD button will cause the following screen to be displayed.
Reports - Selecting the button provides access to three types of reports. The default screen is “Trip Expenditure” which shows a reconciliation report for income and expenditure. Expenditure entry is optional. Selecting the Member Transaction Button displays all transactions made over a time period specified by you for a given trip or all trips. If you want to bank weekly, simply produce a report for that week instantly, reconciliation should be quick and simple. The Member Balance report provides key information to the trip organiser ref payment and whether all approval information has been received.
Reports – Member Balance Example of member Balance report
System - The button provides access to configuration information required during installation Of IdentiTrip 2006.and does not require access by the user.
Shop - The shop module (if enabled) provides access via the buttons to the shop facility. The shop facility complements the trip management software enabling individual items to be purchased whilst keeping track of sales and stock control. Any category of items can be added to the shop.
Shop - Checkout Sample checkout screen showing Music Lesson payment
If you would like to learn more about IdentiTrip or have a demonstration, Please contact Martin Parsons Tel: Tel: Pinecone Associates Our Skills Making your Job Easier