New Jersey’s College & Universities integrating technologies into instruction, research and public service through an enhanced statewide data/video network George Laskaris
About NJEDge.Net Statewide Higher Education Network –Provides a private high-performance network infrastructure - (VPN) Created to support new forms of inter-institutional collaboration and to, Leverage collective buying power of the membership to achieve economies of scale
Network Governance Structure Constituent Services Representative President’s Council Network Board Executive Director (NJEDge Staff) Standing Committees NJVU Internet 2 K-12 DLAAB (Application User Groups) Network Infrastructure (Verizon)
Network Resources Broadband Internet Service Provider (600+Mbps) Sophisticated video conferencing & distance learning capabilities Streaming video resources Provide regional access to Internet2 Interoperability with the K-12 Video Portal (Access New Jersey) Shared access to Satellite Uplink/Downlink
Network Capabilities Support new forms of inter-institutional collaboration and statewide applications: –New joint programs between institutions –Resource sharing (expertise & equipment) –Coordinated professional development –Creation of optimal environments to support teaching and learning
. Network Capabilities Cont. “Extending the reach” of higher ed to: –Off-campus learners –K-12 –Corporate and community constituents Support research and development partnerships with industry
Efficiencies/Economies of Scale Internet services / Voice services Statewide software site licensing Large-scale network attached Storage New joint statewide applications services: –Academic web services – portals –Course Management Systems –Growing interest in a wide variety of student services applications Sharing of expensive scientific instrumentation
Remote Scanning Electron Microscope
Building Community Organize statewide working groups –Distance Learning Academic Advisory Board –Coordinated Faculty Development Initiative – emphasis on showcasing best practices –Educational Activities Task Force –Data Resources Group –Video Resources Group –Networking and the Performing Arts Initiative
Internet2 Mission Collaboration Videoconferencing Distributed learning Digital libraries Remote instrumentation Tele-immersion Virtual reality On-demand video Remote mentoring/auditioning Rehearsal and performance Qwest Abilene Network “Facilitate and coordinate the development of advanced, network-based applications and network services to further U.S. leadership in research and higher education and accelerate the availability of new services and applications on the Internet.”
Internet2 International Partners Europe-Middle East ARNES (Slovenia) BELNET (Belgium) CARNET (Croatia) CESnet (Czech Republic) DANTE (Europe) DFN-Verein (Germany) GIP RENATER (France) GRNET (Greece) HEAnet (Ireland) HUNGARNET (Hungary) INFN-GARR (Italy) Israel-IUCC (Israel) NORDUnet (Nordic Countries) POL-34 (Poland) FCCN (Portugal) RedIRIS (Spain) RESTENA (Luxembourg) RIPN (Russia) SANET (Slovakia) Stichting SURF (Netherlands) SWITCH (Switzerland) TERENA (Europe) JISC, UKERNA (United Kingdom) Qatar Foundation Network (Qatar) Asia-Pacific AAIREP (Australia) APAN (Asia-Pacific) APAN-KR (Korea) APRU (Asia-Pacific) CERNET, CSTNET, NSFCNET (China) JAIRC (Japan) JUCC (Hong Kong) NECTEC / UNINET (Thailand) NG-NZ (New Zealand) SingAREN (Singapore) TAnet2 (Taiwan) Americas CANARIE (Canada) CEDIA (Ecuador) CLARA (Latin America and Caribbean) CNTI (Venezuela) CR2NET (Costa Rica) CUDI (Mexico) REUNA (Chile) RETINA (Argentina) RNP [FAPESP] (Brazil) SENACYT (Panama)
Internet2 K20 Initiative K20 Consortium Established in 2002 Focus outreach and connectivity to K-12s, Museums, Libraries Aim to bridge K-12 to Higher Ed Increased opportunities for joint funding, student attraction, and improved learning and education
K20 Status OrganizationTotal K12 Schools23,393 Community Colleges595 Four Year Colleges and Universities852 Public Libraries2360 Museums, Zoos, Aquariums and Science Centers 102 Grand Total27,302
Internet2 based K-12 Applications Virtual tours of the Smithsonian Institute A multi-state literacy project called English for All The Globalization Initiative connecting K-12 students around the world to create a global learning community Project Neptune an international ocean observatory Hands-on-Universe enables students to acquire and use professional grade astronomy images from a global network of telescopes
NJEDge K-20 Initiative Matthew Conforth Director of Technology Passiac Valley High School Co-chair of NJEDge K-20 Initiative mms:// /rainforest/2005/ session2.wmv
Cascaded Portals Linkage between the K-12 video portal and the NJEDge Video Portal View Live videoconference between William Paterson University and Passaic County schools
Internet2 Application Attributes Interactive collaboration Real-time access to remote resources
Virtual Laboratories Space Physics & Aeronomy Research Collaboratory (SPARC) University of Michigan NSF
High Performance Group-to-Group Collaboration ; 150 sites worldwide
Goal: to use program content creation and manipulation processes as testing medium for analog and digital broadcast and on-demand multimedia offerings, thus providing an unusual opportunity to experiment with new methods of distribution and interaction on a global basis.
Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation A 180 terabyte, multimedia archive of Holocaust testimonies Plans are to disseminate the archive to museums and educational institutions using Internet2 networks
Nanotechnology Course Delivery Recent multi-state $10.5 million grant for the creation of a Nanotechnology Institute Developing associate degree programs in nanotechnology at community colleges in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland Started delivering courses using high performance Internet2 connectivity in 2005 Burlington and Camden Community Colleges
Arts & Humanities : Dance in the Digital Age Case Western Reserve and Cleveland Institute of Music: The Bing Theater, University of Southern California, Oct 2002
Cultivating Communities: Dance the Digital Age University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: The Bing Theater, University of Southern California, Oct 2002
New World Symphony Master Classes over Internet2 High Speed Collaboration between NWS and top music schools International Expansion
Michael Tilson Thomas
Ann Doyle Internet2 Arts & Humanities Program Manager Ann Arbor, Michigan
Rialto NWSClass
Benefits of Internet2 Collaboration opportunities with global communities and working groups Increased opportunities for grants $$ Ability to tap into remote expertise and experiences Ability to bring the world into the classroom
Specific URLs of Interest I2 Applications and Working Groups Research Channel I2 K-20 Projects ViDeNet Virtual Briefings
Specific URLs of Interest I2 Apps and Working Groups I2 K20 Projects Research Channel ViDeNet ViDeNet Cookbook Virtual Briefings /
Get Involved Talk with your campus IT support group Join an Internet2 Working Group, Special Interest Group, or Advisory Group Host an Internet2 Day or participate in Virtual Briefings Join Internet2 Mailing Lists Learn more about advanced application initiatives in your academic area Send us feedback or inquiries
What’s Next ?
: Building Advanced Research Infrastructure consisting of : High performance GRID computing Optical networking (National Lambda Rail) Large scale network attached storage supporting federated research repositories Ability to provide Terabits to the desktop Advanced data visualization capabilities providing 100+ Megapixel displays
GeoWall2: High Resolution Portals to Global Science Data 30 MPixel SunScreen Display Driven by a 20-node Sun Opteron Visualization Cluster Source: Mark Ellisman, David Lee, Jason Leigh NCMIR Lab UCSD
On-Line Microscopes Creating Very Large Biological Montage Images 2-Photon Laser Confocal Microscope –GigE On-line Capability Montage of over 500 Images –~150 Million Pixels! Uses Graphics Cluster with Multiple GigEs to Drive Tiled Displays Source: David Lee, NCMIR, UCSD IBM 9M Pixels
Tiled Displays Allow for Both Global Context and High Levels of Detail—150 MPixel Rover Image on 40 MPixel Visualization Node Display
Interactively Zooming In Using Sun Microsystems Visualization Node
Highest Resolution Zoom on 40 MPixel OptIPuter Display Node
Prototyping High End Research PCs Terabits to the Desktop… 100 Megapixel Display 55-Panel 1/3 Terabit/sec I/O 30 x 10GE interfaces 1/4 TeraFLOP Driven by 30 Node Cluster 1/8 TB RAM 60 TB Disk
Driver - Economic Development New Jersey needs to provide advanced technology infrastructure if it is to successfully compete for federal research funding and attract industry to the state. Its time to establish a research agenda for the state that provides an environment that will support research and development opportunities between academia and industry. Strengthening partnerships with business & industry is needed to stimulate the economy and provide NJ industries with a competitive advantage.
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