Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page Based on a template from The WebQuest PageThe WebQuest Page The Holocaust The Diary of Anne Frank
Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page For the past few weeks our class has been reading, studying, and examining The Diary of Anne Frank. We have learned much about Anne as well as her family and friends. We have gotten great insight to these people and their lives during The Holocaust. Today I would like you to dive a little further in and become investigators of these peoples lives before, during, and after The Holocaust. Each of your groups has been given a name of a person who appears in The Diary of Anne Frank. It is your job to research that person and find out as much information about them as you can. When you have finished researching we will come together as a class to see what each group has discovered about the lives of these people and discuss what was the included or left out of Anne’s Diary. So get started and good luck! Introduction
Student Page Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page The task with your group will be to research one of the lives in The Diary of Anne Frank. As of now you are all investigators of these peoples’ lives before, during, and after The Holocaust and World War II. After you have finished your research your group will make a poster about this person that includes important information as well as pictures. At the end of this week we will be coming together as a class so that each group can share what they have found out with the rest of the class! Title The Task Task (page 2)
Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page 1.First get into your assigned groups : below I have listed what person you are to research based upon your group number. Group 1: Anne Frank Group 2: Otto Frank Group 3: Peter Van Daan Group 4: Miep Gies Group 5: Margot Frank You will have 4 class periods to complete this project. This includes finishing the group poster, timeline, and diary entry, in addition to one additional assignment for each member of the group! 2. In each of your groups, decide how you will work as a team to complete the project. Some of you may want to look for pictures, others may want to search the web for information. As a group, you might want to assign a couple people to work on the poster as you find the information. You must decide as a group how the work will be split up. Remember that teamwork and use of class time will be a part of your final grade! 3.Here are the questions you will be answering and that need to show up somewhere upon your poster. 1. Name of the person and person’s family members. 2. Where was this person born? 3. When was this person born? The Process Process (page 2)
Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page 4. What was their role during The Holocaust? (where were they, hidden, helping others, etc. I want to know where they were and what they were doing) 5. What role did they play in The Diary of Anne Frank? 6. Give 5 significant facts about this person’s life. Such as a hobbies, likes, dislikes. Did they survive (if so what did they do after the war?) If they didn’t survive when did the die and how? Any relevant fact that you find will be appropriate. 7.You must provide 3-5 pictures of this person during his/her lifetime. If you cannot find pictures of the person look for pictures of places they lived or when to before, during, or after The Holocaust Here are some websites that your groups may find useful: Also remember that you can use information from the book itself!. The Process (contd…) Process (page3)
Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page After your group has finished putting your poster together please double check the list and the rubric to make sure you have included everything! Also make sure that you have cited the sources you have used either on the back of your poster or on a separate sheet of paper to turn in! Diary Entry: (1 page, double spaced, typed) This entry must be completed in class and must be ready to hand in with the poster. You have all read The Diary of Anne Frank. This book shows Anne’s point of view but now it is your turn to interpret and show what the other people in Anne’s life were thinking. Create a diary entry of the person you have researched during the time of The Holocaust. This can be about how they were feeling, what they might have been seeing, or their day to day activities. It is up to you! You may choose to have one person write this or work as a group to write it. Either way you are a team so you are all responsible for the work each of you does. You will be reading this diary entry aloud to the class along with your poster presentation! If you have any questions please feel free to ask me or a peer! The Process (contd…)
TASK #2 As a group, students will need to complete ONE timeline to be turned in for the group. Timeline Create a timeline of events during the writing of Anne's Diary. You should include graphics and clear markings of important events. To receive full credit for this assignment, you will need to identify and label at least 10 events.
TASK #3 For your final task, each member of the group will choose one of the following three (3) assignments to complete and include in your final presentation. Poem-Write a biographical poem about Anne. Floor Plan-Use the information you gained from your book, and the pictures below to draw a floor plan of the Secret Annex. Include approximate room sizes and furnishings.
Newspaper You are a newspaper reporter in the 1940s, and your assignment is to write an article about Jewish families in hiding. Someone you know can get you in to visit Anne Frank and her family secretively. Be sure you understand the tone of a newspaper article.
Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page CATEGORY4321 Content - Accuracy At least 10 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. 7-9 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. 6-8 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. Less than 6 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. Graphics - Relevance All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation. All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation. All graphics relate to the topic. Most borrowed graphics have a source citation. Graphics do not relate to the topic OR several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation. GrammarThere are no grammatical mistakes on the poster. There are 2 grammatical mistake on the poster. There are 3 grammatical mistakes on the poster. There are more than 4 grammatical mistakes on the poster. Attractivene ss The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. The poster is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Use of Class Time Used time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others. Worked well together as a group to complete project. Used time well during each class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted others. Most of the members of the group worked together to complete the project. Used some of the time well during each class period. There was some focus on getting the project done but occasionally distracted others. A few group members worked together as a group to complete project. Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted others. Didn't work together as a group at all to complete the project. Rubric for poster presentation
CATEGORY4321 TimelineAt least 10 accurate dates/events are displayed on the timeline. 7-9 accurate dates/events are displayed on the poster. 6-8 accurate dates/events are displayed on the poster. Less than 6 accurate dates/events are displayed on the poster. Diary EntryThe diary entry has all of the required information and fits the requirements for format and length. The diary entry has all of the required information and fits SOME of the requirements for format and length. The diary entry has some of the required information and fits some of the requirements for format and length. The diary entry does not have the required information and does not fit the requirements for format and length. GrammarThere are no grammatical mistakes on the poster. There are 2 grammatical mistake on the poster. There are 3 grammatical mistakes on the poster. There are more than 4 grammatical mistakes on the poster. One additional assignment (Poem, Newspaper, Floor Plan) All directions were followed based on the assigned project. The student has put forth their best effort on his/her portion of the project as a member of the team. Some of the directions were followed on the assigned project. The student has put for a good deal of effort on his/her portion of the project as a member of the team. Few of the directions were followed on the assigned project. The student has put forth some effort on his/her portion of the project as a member of the team. None of the directions were followed on the assigned project. The student has not put forth much effort at all on his/her portion of the project as a member of the team. Neatness/Use of class time. Used time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others. Worked well together as a group to complete project. The assignment is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. Used time well during each class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted others. Most of the members of the group worked together to complete the project. The assignment is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. Used some of the time well during each class period. There was some focus on getting the project done but occasionally distracted others. A few group members worked together as a group to complete project. The assignment is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted others. Didn't work together as a group at all to complete the project. The assignment is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Rubric for the additional assignments for Webquest
Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page The stories of The Holocaust are terrible, but through it all we have learned about people who were willing to help those in need and risk everything to save a few. We must remember Anne Frank, her family, and friends. Remember what they went through and how hatred and prejudice destroyed so many lives. We must remember the sacrifices they made and horrors they went through. Most of all we must learn from the past. Small hateful words can turn in to big hateful ideas. The inability to do what is right and simply follow can lead to catastrophe. I hope that you have all learned from Anne Frank and her diary. Conclusion
Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page Pictures Included: Title Picture: Claudia Vieira, February 17, 2009 Anne Frank Rock: Brewbooks, October 14, 2007 Man in Fence: Uzvards, July 16, 2006 Shoes of Auschwitz: Six in the world, June 12, This Project was centered around The Diary of Anne Frank. The WebQuest Page The WebQuest Page and The WebQuest Slideshare GroupThe WebQuest Slideshare Group Credits & References