Managing IceBridge Airborne Mission Data at the National Snow and Ice Data Center M. Kaminski, M. Brodzik, J. Deems, T. Scambos National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado USA April 4,
2European Geosciences Union, CR3.10 April 4, 2011 NSIDC’s IceBridge Data Management Project goals: Ensure preservation of data Increase and broaden usage of data Project tasks: Provide access to related data that is safely archived elsewhere Data brokering Also archive flight reports; Level 0 data; ancillary data; broad scope of pre-IceBridge data Data archive - ongoing flight campaign data - pre-IceBridge data Portal with map-based access using geometry of flight lines; data readers, documentation, … Tools & services Compiled data sets for streamlined analysis Value-added products
3European Geosciences Union, CR3.10 April 4, 2011 IceBridge Data Providers IST POS/AV CAMBOT PARIS UAF ATM DMS LVIS POS/AV HiCARS WISE GEOMET BGM-3 Sigma Space Lidar Scanner Global Hawk P-3DC-8 Lidar Profiler IST NSERC ICECAP platform instrument team Acc Radar Snow Radar Air Grav IST Ku-Band Radar MCoRDS
4European Geosciences Union, CR3.10 April 4, 2011 NSIDC IceBridge Data Web Site
5European Geosciences Union, CR3.10 April 4, 2011 Data Availability NASA IceBridgeAlaska Glaciers (UAF)ICECAP flight reports Acc Radar Air Gravimeter ATM Atmos chem (br) CAMBOT DMS Ku-Band Radar LVIS MCoRDS Airborne met PARIS POS/AV Snow Radar flight reports Lidar Profiler Lidar Scanner flight reports UTx suite L1B L2L1B L0L1B L0L1BL2L1BL2L1BL21BL1B suite Pre-IB in work √ √ Gr ’09 √ √√ √ 1 file√ √√√ An ’09 √ √√√√br√√√in work√1 filein work √√ √√ √ Al ’09 √√√ Gr ’10 √in work√√√ √√√ √ √ √1 day An ’10 √ in work br √√ √ √ Al ’10 √ √ in work in work at NSIDC for ftp access 1 file partial data received and published √ all data published √br data brokered (updates are independent of NSIDC) instrument not flown no data received from provider blank cells uncertain last update: 3/28/11 No data restrictions or period of exclusivity New data announced through news page, RSS feed, user notices Currently data is downloadable from ftp site Organized by instrument and campaign; no spatial filter
6European Geosciences Union, CR3.10 April 4, 2011 Tools and Services NSIDC provides a wide range of supporting services -Documentation -detailed user guide for each data set -User Services Office -personal service via or phone, with backup support from NSIDC programmers/scientists and instrument teams -Software for reading and interpreting data files -Data access portal (in work) -Web-accessible map-based interface to all available data -Planned comprehensive filtering by instrument/spatial/temporal parameters; easy access to data
7European Geosciences Union, CR3.10 April 4, 2011 IceBridge Data Access Portal First release June 2011 with access to flight lines and flight reports Frequent iterative releases for access to instrument data and value-added products Additional features will be user-driven
8European Geosciences Union, CR3.10 April 4, 2011 Value-Added Products: Goals -Process flight data to extract and calculate useful parameters for faster analysis -Update compiled gridded data sets (DEMs, bedrock elevation maps) rapidly -Facilitate the integration of new science algorithms into routine data distribution Two classes of Products: Along-Track Products – flightline tables of multiple sensor values and images, and multi-sensor derived values Gridded Products – post-campaign rapid updating of surface elevation DEMs, dH/dt grids, and bed elevation
9European Geosciences Union, CR3.10 April 4, 2011 Value-Added Products -Aligned (time and location) data sets, and pre-calculated parameters –All these data sets and derived parameters are co-located– Along-track product examples: Surface Properties Table Snow radar data image + Two layer picks (VAP) Snow thickness between layer picks (VAP) Subset of digital camera Subset of Laser altimeter Image histogram (VAP) Surface histogram (VAP)
10European Geosciences Union, CR3.10 April 4, 2011 Project Manager, Marilyn Kaminski: – Web Site: – User Services: – Contact Information