Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (East Timor)


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Presentation transcript:

Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (East Timor)

Timor basics Timor-Leste is a small island nation in Southeast Asia. Shares the island with West Timor (Indonesia). Timor is extremely mountainous, tropical and has a distinct wet and dry season. Dili is the capital and largest city in Timor with a population of 193,000 people (about the equivalent of Tacoma).

Timor basics

Timor Basics Population of Timor-Leste is about 1.5 million. About 50% of the population lives on less than $1.25 per day. About 50% of the country is illiterate. Most of the country relies on subsistence farming, though the country gain some revenue from offshore oil and gas industries and a growing tourism industry. The 2 official languages of Timor are Portuguese and Tetun.

Why study Timor-Leste?

History of Timor in 3 parts: Portuguese colonization Indonesian Occupation Independence

Portuguese Colonization Timor was a colony of Portugal from the the 16th century until 1975, (what was happening with Mozambique and Portugal at this time?). During this period of colonization, Timor received little support or investment from Portugal. Timor acted as a port and military base for the Portuguese Government. The Portuguese ravaged the rich natural resources of Timor (particularly Sandalwood) and sold them as exports. Very little of this income re-entered the country. Although Portugal remained neutral during World War II, Portuguese Timor was still occupied during this time period by the Dutch, Australian and later the Japanese. The Japanese occupation resulted in mass destruction and the death of around 70,000 Timorese.

Indonesian Occupation A brief and powerful insurgency led by Fretilin (Revolutionary Front for Independent East Timor) in 1974 led to the Portuguese effectively abandoning Timor in 1975. Timor declares its independence. The developments surrounding this insurgency and growing independence movement were watched closely by neighboring Indonesia and Australia. Nine days after Timor declared independence in 1975, they were invaded by Indonesia.

Indonesian Occupation Indonesian invasion of Timor began on December 7, 1975 via a massive air and sea strike. Indonesia used it’s fight against Communism as a pretext for the invasion. The strike was completed with mostly US supplied equipment and weaponry (although this was a secret at the time, this information was declassified in 2001).

Indonesian Occupation Unlike the Portuguese, the Indonesians favored strong, direct rule. Timorese natives resisted this leadership, determined to preserve their culture and national identity. During the 24 year long occupation, it is estimated that between 60,000 and 200,000 Timorese were killed at the hand of the Indonesian Government.

Indonesian Occupation President Suharto of Indonesia holds power in Timor during this period, but remains at constant battle with FRETILIN.

Indonesian Occupation It is assumed that the choice of the US and Australia to largely ignore the invasion of Timor had to do with offshore oil found in the waters between Timor and Australia.

Indonesian Occupation In 2001, it was revealed that the US not only sanctioned the use of weaponry by Indonesia, but also sanctioned the invasion: “We will understand and not press you on the issue. We understand the problem and intentions you have.” - President Gerald Ford’s response to Indonesian President Suharto on the topic of the rapid invasion of Timor.

From Gerald Ford Library Pass out HANDOUT FROM WA POST

The Santa Cruz Massacre (1991) Read Noam Chomsky

“In the annals of crime of this terrible century, Indonesia’s assault against East Timor ranks high, not only because of its scale—perhaps the greatest death toll relative to the population since the Holocaust—but because it would have been so east to prevent, and bring to and end at any time.” - Noam Chomsky



Santa Cruz Massacre Television footage of the massacre shown worldwide caused the Indonesian Government “tremendous embarrassment.” The US cut funding to the Indonesian Military and solidarity movements in multiple countries formed to begin helping Timor.

Independence With help from the United Nations, Timor finally gained Independence in 2002. Although independent, Timor-Leste remains one of the world’s poorest countries.

Health Challenges in Timor Malaria and Dengue Fever Leprosy Very High Infant and Maternal Mortality Family Planning (average children per mother is 6). Mental Health (PTSD and other disorders)