Welcome to the Strickland Middle School Library
Collaboration Collaboration is the key to a successful school. I like to collaborate with teachers on lessons, create pages for research on the library website and provide resources for your success in the classroom.
Library Website Strickland Library Website Strickland Library Website Strickland Library Website
Copyright 101 I have a power point on copyright on my website that I need for you all to watch. Cite your sources,
IDs with Clips or Lanyards
Student and Staff ID Samples
10 Cent a page copies for students.
Large Selection of Books and Magazines for Students and Teachers
Many Print Resources
Fully Equipped Computer Lab Complete with Digital Projector, New Computers, Color Printer, Scanner, and B/W Printer. A Document Camera, CPS Unit and other equipment can be added to the lab per your needs.
Various Kinds of Headphones For Computers With Microphones Without Microphones
Technology to Enhance Teaching Many CPS Units Many Aver- Media Document Cameras Several Extra Digital Projectors Three Dell 600 Laptops For One Day Checkout
Technology Continued Two Flexcams One Microscope. We have all of the Interwrite pads for you to check out as well!
Visual Equipment Overheads and Various Carts One Slide Projector Cannon Sureshots Different Levels of Kodak Easy Shares Tripods Four Sets of 10 each New FLIP Video Cameras
Audio Equipment Several Cassette Player/Recorders with Listening Station Capabilities Four Boom Boxes with Cassette and CD Capabilities
Miscellaneous Audio/Visual Equipment Large Free Standing Screens Heavy Duty Extension Cords Power StripsMicrophones and Cables are in the front office with Mrs. Galvan, our receptionist. Buzzer System
TVs and VCRs on Carts, Videos and DVDs
Five PAC Stations To search Print, Audio and Audio/Visual Resources
Seven Extra Computers and B/W Printer for Research on our Online Resources and Databases.
Two Teaching Areas Each area has a Television and the back area has a mounted Digital Projector The other we can use one of the three portable Whiteboards. Large 3M tablets of white paper are also available. One has a large Whiteboard.
Professional Library Print Resources, Kits and Posters are found in the Professional Library As well as Professional Journals and a Computer
Library Procedures Quietly line up out side the library doors against the glass walls. Wait for your teacher to give instruction. Enter the library quietly. Be seated in the back teaching area unless otherwise directed. Wait quietly for directions from your teacher or Mrs. Thomas, the librarian.
Discover Other Awesome Resources in the Library, and Have a Great Teaching Year Everybody!