Welcome to CATS5000 Custom Accounting & Tax System for America’s Truck Driver.
Whether you enter your own data or let one our data entry clerks do it for you, you have access to your reports 24/7 once you’ve logged in.
Login From our home screen, Click on Login.
Username/Password Enter your Username and Password, then click on Login. If you have forgotten your password, simply click on Forgot Password.
Worksheets You can input your data by clicking on the worksheets tab. Notice to the right side of your screen, you will receive personalized notifications such as license renew due, insurance due, etc…
Worksheets You can enter your data by clicking on the appropriate tab and inputting your information. You can select from Loads, Fuel, Tires, General, Maintenance or Logs.
Loads Worksheet Sample Load Worksheet. Enter your information, calculate route mileage and/or view & edit routes.
Tires Worksheet Click on the Tires tab to input your data. On the diagram, be sure to check off the appropriate box(s) for the tires that were replaced for this expense. Click Save Changes
Daily Log Book To enter your daily log book information, simply click on the Logs tab. Select the date, input your data and click Add Log Entry or Update Log Entry.
Reports You also have access to a wide verity of reports by clicking on the Reports tab. The reports include Load Revenue, Load Mileage, Expenses, Profits, Maintenance and Logs.
Completed Log Report You can access your daily logs by clicking on the Reports tab and selecting Logs. Here is a sample completed daily log. You can Print or Send Log To Office.
Reports You can view by month, year or quarter. You can also print your reports by clicking on the print button. OR, you can select any Load # by clicking on the blue load # to open, view and/or edit load information.
Load Revenue Report Click on a Load # to open/edit a load revenue report. You also have the option to print your load revenue reports. Any data in RED has not been paid.
Load Mileage Report Click on a Load # to open/edit a load report. You also have the option to print your load mileage reports.
Opened Load Mileage Report M ake any changes to your Load Mileage report, calculate Route Miles or View/Edit Routes.
Expense Report You can open your reports for editing. You can also print each Expense Report individually.
Profits Report You can view your Profits Reports by year, month, quarter or a specific date range.
Maintenance Reports You can view your Maintenance Reports by year, month, quarter or a specific date range. This report can also be signed at the bottom electronically.
IFTA Quarterly Report(s) To view your Quarterly Fuel Use Tax, click on the IFTA tab. Then, choose the year and desired quarter. Next click on Process Form.
IFTA Click on Schedule 1
IFTA Quarterly Report Your IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Schedule will generate based on the data that has previously been entered. The report will open as a PDF for viewing or printing. You can also save this PDF to your computer.
CATS Scans Scanning made simple. If you are using CATS5000 on a mobile device, simple take a photo of your receipt or invoice and upload it from your phone by clicking on Choose File. You can also use a scanner with your computer. Just follow the steps below.
Scan or Camera Once you have taken a picture on your mobile device, on you CATS5000 screen touch the Choose File button and select the receipt photo you would like to upload and touch the Send Documents button.
Alerts All driver’s have their own personalized Alert Notification System. You will get important alerts such as license renewal due, insurance payment due and much more. Don’t forget, if you need assistance or have questions with our site, our customer service is always here!
Thank you for taking the time to review our tutorial. Please feel free to contact our customer service department if you have any questions or need assistance at