How to fill out expense reports, funding request, and other money related documents LMU-CVM 2014 Treasurer: Jaleesa Scott
Expense Report (for checks) 1)Fill out WHERE YOU WANT THE CHECK SENT (could take up to 1 month) 2)Only last 4 of your social 3)Put in account # and name if coming from a club account (LEAVE TOTAL BLANK at top) 4)The Treasurer of the club you are requesting from MUST SIGN in the submitted by line! You may also sign on the same line. 5)Keep bottom right totals blank (by signatures). This is for accounting to fill out 6)NEVER, EVER, EVER HIGHLIGHT ANYTHING OR USE RANDOM COLORS TO FILL SHEET OUT! (scanner does not like colors) 7)$100 must be deducted from total as student contribution
Requirements All expenses must have ORIGINAL RECEIPTS COPIED ON a 8X11 PAPER, OR PRINTED CONFIRMATIONS WITH TOTALS (NOT SCREEN SHOTS) and must accompany the persons name requesting the funds. (if its questionable e- mail the treasurer first BEFORE submitting) If SGA Funded: Attach meeting minutes of funding approval (sent by SGA secretary via ) If there are any receipts or circumstances that may require an explanation (separated dates of a hotel, taxi receipts..), please include a typed explanation of what the expense is with contact information incase there are questions.
Sample SGA funding Request 1)List all members attending at top 2)Include Dates 3)Break down all expenses by type 4)Include any training or meetings that will be presented AFTER the meeting has been attended. 5)List possible club contributions (hint: SGA looks to see whom else you have inquired for about funds or how much you are paying out of pocket (minimum $100 from personal funds))
What Records Do I Keep? Please keep copies of the following: Personal receipts for club expenses Deposit receipts to your LMU account Completed withdrawal forms from the LMU club account Fundraising request and report forms A budget for the club, which you manage ***Must keep the minimum amount of money in your account that is required to do a successful fundraiser A copy of all deposit receipts should be placed in the SGA folder located in Genell’s office (MANS 312) for the SGA treasurer to record!
What Does SGA Need? Documents for the red CVM-SGA folder: A copy of each deposit receipt to your LMU account All expense reports, check requests, fundraising request forms, funding request forms, and fundraising report forms Budget Reports, due at the end of each semester You need to keep track of what your club deposits and withdraws
Where Are My Club Funds? All CVM clubs accounts: are associated with LMU Finance 301 Duke Hall, 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday-Friday Checks are issued each week, available on Fridays after 1 pm. ***NOT THE SAME PLACE WHERE YOU DEPOSIT MONEY are available for deposits and withdrawals Both involve specific forms to record begin with ** The final two digits are unique to each account
Fundraiser Report Forms Turned in AFTER the fundraiser is completed List Revenues, Expenses, and Net Income Signature of Club Treasurer and Club President is required Please bring me a copy of the receipt when the money is deposited