Working Group on Growth and Investment Climate (WG-GIC) WG-GIC Accomplishment Report Undersecretary Zenaida C. Maglaya 1 st WG-GIC Meeting for 2012 Audio-Visual Room, BOI Penthouse 30 March 2012, 2:00 p.m.
I. The PDF Working Group on Growth and Investment Climate (WG-GIC) Accomplishments, February 2011-March Sector Writeshop - Planning Workshop - BPLS - SWG-LIR - BPLS Oversight Committee Collaboration with other PDF Working Groups/Cabinet Clusters
Functions: Conducts continuous dialogue with government, private sector and development community on areas of collaboration to improve the business environment. Identifies programs/projects that will enhance growth and competitiveness of the working group’s priority sectors. Initiates collaborative activities with other PDF working groups (e.g. BPLS, TWG on Tourism). Reports to annual PDF meetings on accomplishments of the working group.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE WG-GIC Working Group as Catalyst for Competitiveness & PPP Reforms & PPP Reforms Working Group as Catalyst for Competitiveness & PPP Reforms & PPP Reforms Streamlined business processes and licensing systems Streamlined business processes and licensing systems 2 3 Created knowledge products for informed policy making Created knowledge products for informed policy making 5 Implemented capacity building programs for NG agencies Implemented capacity building programs for NG agencies 6 Supported policy reforms to promote sector & LGU competitiveness Supported policy reforms to promote sector & LGU competitiveness 1 Encouraged & Harmonized ODA for Growth & Competitiveness Reforms Encouraged & Harmonized ODA for Growth & Competitiveness Reforms 4 Strengthened Institutional Support to Competitiveness Reforms
1) Pre-Planning Sector Writeshop (June 3) Identify the 2-3 critical issues pertaining to 3 strategic goals under Chapter 3 of the PDP, for five (5) priority sectors (tourism, agribusiness, mining, logistics and housing) (2) Consultations Presentation to Concerned Government Agencies Presentation of writeshop results to PDF Working Group Conveners and Co- Conveners 3) GIC Planning Workshop (July 28) Validate the GIC framework Formulate the specific activities corresponding to the 3 strategic goals for inclusion in the GIC Work Plan for
Pre-Planning Sector Writeshop 03 June 2011, New World Hotel, Makati City Objective: To identify 2-3 most pressing issues affecting the following sectors as they relate to the 3 strategic goals under Chapter 3 of the PDP: Agribusiness/forest-based industries Tourism Mining Housing Transport and Logistics 9
WG-GIC Planning Workshop 28 July 2011, New World Hotel, Makati City Objectives: To agree on the work plan of the Working Group on Growth and Investment Climate under the Philippines Development Forum ; To identify priority activities critical to the country’s growth and competitiveness agenda that can be included in the work plan of other PDF Working Groups; and To discuss possible engagement of the GIC with other PDF Working Groups on joint initiatives, e.g. Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government, e.g. BPLS and Investment Reforms at Local Level
As of 29 February 2012, 471LGUs have completed re-engineering process. (322 LGUs are from the 480 target list; 149 LGUs are voluntary). 264 LGUs are currently undertaking the reform processes (steps, days, form, signatories). (135 LGUs are from the 480 target list; 129 LGUs are voluntary)
Conducted the 1 st and Organizational Meeting of the SWG- LIR on 18 August USAID as Co-Convener of SWG-LIR; - Four (4) areas agreed upon for the SWG-LIR Work Plan : Streamlining local and national regulatory processes Promoting local economic strategies conducive to investment Improving information support for business matching and investment promotion Addressing consumer-related issues
Prepared the draft SWG-LIR Work Plan for and presented it during the 2 nd SWG-LIR Meeting conducted on 19 March Next Step: Finalization of the SWG-LIR Work Plan for based on inputs from members.
Conducted meetings and agreed on the following: - Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System for BPLS; - 3 rd party validation to assess impact of BPLS Streamlining; NCC Client Satisfaction Survey - BPLS automation for reformed LGUs; TWG created on eBPLS - Set up an incentive system for reformed LGUs under the BPLS Program; - Inclusion of ARMM; 15 ARMM LGUs are now included in the BPLS target LGUs - Involvement of the private sector in BPLS initiatives. Next Step: Conduct BPLS meeting to approve the BPLS M&E System devised by the International Finance Corporation and Local Government Academy.
Economic Development Cluster Chair: DOF Secretary Growth and Investment Climate (DTI / IFC) Infrastructure (NEDA / Japan) Sustainable Rural Development (DA / GIZ) Economic and Fiscal Reforms (DOF / IMF) Human Development and Proverty Reduction Chair: DSWD MDGs and Social Progress ((DSWD / UN) Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Chair: President Aquino Governance and Anti-Corruption (DBM / ADB) Decentralization and Local Government (DILG / WB) Security, Justice and Peace Chair: Executive Secretary Rule of Law (DOJ / USAID) Mindanao (OPAPP / WB) Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Chair: DENR Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management (CCC / UNDP) Mapping the PDF with the Cabinet Clusters Philippines Development Forum Cabinet Clusters
Concerned PDF Working Groups Priority Areas of the GIC Investment Promotion Sustainable Rural Development (Agribusine ss) Trade Facilitation Economic and Fiscal Reforms Quality Management System and e-Governance Decentraliza- tion and Local Government SWG-LIR BPLS Governance and Anti- Corruption Infrastructure Development Infra- structure Financing Economic and Fiscal Reforms Competitive Human Capital MDGs and Social Progress GIC GOAL TWG- Tourism Sustained Economic Growth and Enhanced Competitiveness
Conducted the 1 st and Organizational Meeting of the Technical Working Group (TWG) on Tourism under the Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Cluster (GGAC) on 18 October DOT as Chair of the TWG; - TWG conducted several meetings to discuss the tourism value chain and identify areas for reforms; - Government Quality Management Committee (GQMC) as Secretariat to the TWG.
Conducted a meeting with agribusiness sector agencies (FDA, BFAR, NMIS, BAI, BPI, BOC, National Convergence Initiative, etc.) to discuss existing business registration processes and requirements and identify areas for reforms. Meeting conducted between the Secretariats of the Working Groups on Decentralization and Local Government (DLG) and Growth and Investment Climate (GIC) to discuss possible joint activities.
Working Group on Growth and Investment Climate (WG-GIC) THANK YOU!