GCE Travel & Tourism This course has been developed to provide a broad educational basis for further training and education or may suit those who want to gain appropriate employment within the tourism industry. The GCE in Travel & Tourism provides students with a broad understanding of these growing industries through the use of relevant work related contexts.
Why should I choose the GCE in Travel & Tourism? Assessed by a combination of portfolios (practical investigations and an exam The course has proved to be a successful start for exciting careers in the booming travel and tourism industry. The GCE in Travel & Tourism qualifies for UCAS points. It gives students a wide choice of progression options into further study, training or relevant employment. degrees, BTEC Higher, National Diplomas.
What will I study? The AS units focus on developing an understanding of the travel and tourism industry’s structure, making students aware of the knowledge, understanding and skills required of an employee working in the industry. The A2 units encourage students to develop a greater understanding of the industry and the connections between its different parts. Course structure The qualification has an AS/A2 structure. Single Award Advanced GCE (6units) Please see the students Guide you have been given for the units you will study.
AS Unit 1 THE TRAVEL & TOURISM INDUSTRY This unit provides you with an understanding of the industry that can be used as a foundation fo9r further study. You will learn about the nature and characteristics of tourism and how it6 has developed. You will also learn about the scale and structure of the T&T industry. THIS UNIT IS ASSESSED THROUGH AN EXAM LASTING 1 HR 30MINS The development of the travel and tourism industry Structure of the UK Travel Industry Scale of the travel industry
AS Unit 2 THE TRAVEL & TOURISM CUSTOMER This unit looks at how organisations can focus on the customer by identifying their needs and wants and in providing high quality customer service. THIS UNIT IS ASSESSED THROUGH COURSEWORK The organisation and its customers Providing effective customer service Measuring and monitoring customer service of an organisation
AS Unit 3 DESTINATION EUROPE In this unit you will look at destinations in Europe that both leisure and business travellers visit. You will look at where they are located, the features that give them popularity and appeal and the transport routes that link them to the traveller. THIS UNIT IS ASSESSED THROUGH COURSEWORK Location and types of tourist destination The features and appeal of destinations Modes of transport and routes available Factors affecting a places popularity
A2 Unit 7 RESPONSIBLE TOURISM You will look at responsible tourism – alternative tourism, responsible, sustainable, green and ethical tourism, the tourist area life cycle model THIS UNIT IS ASSESSED AN EXTERNAL EXAM Responsible tourism Tourism Development Impacts of tourism development Tourist area life cycle model Management of tourism
A2 Unit 8 CURRENT ISSUES IN TRAVEL AND TOURISM This unit gives you an opportunity to research a recent travel and tourism issue. Prior units will help you to decide what issue you research. THIS UNIT IS ASSESSED THROUGH COURSEWORK Issues in travel and tourism Travel and Tourism Research Project YOU MUST COMPLETE A RESEARCH PROJECT FOR THIS UNIT
A2 Sales & Promotions Unit 11 Sales and Promotions Externally assessed THIS UNIT IS ASSESSED THROUGH COURSEWORK You will look at the features of the key sales and promotions techniques used in the travel and tourism industry.
Will this course suit me? You must be completely dedicated and willing to do a lot of independent research Coursework deadlines will be coming thick and fast so do not take on three coursework heavy subjects Remember there are 2 external exams over the 2 years – are you good in exams? You must be willing to provide evidence of your own work.