This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event – 23./24.11.2010,


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Presentation transcript:

This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event – 23./ , Prague Input to the cross-fertilisation workshop Jan Roga / Łukasz Górzynski Municipality of Wrocław, Wrocław Development Office

2  Via Regia Plus – Sustainable Mobility and Regional Cooperation along the Pan-European Transport Corridor III (  Cooperation of 14 cities and regions from Poland, Germany, Slovakia and the Ukraine along the Pan-European Transport Corridor III – Central axis  Project duration: , budget: 3,2 mln EUR  Objectives: -Improvement of accessibility -Strengthening of node cities and metropolitan areas -Activation of potentials for tourism  Lead Partner: Municipality of Wrocław General information CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

3  Effects of infrastructure improvements on travel times along the PETC III – Central axis (Accessibility study)  Integration of rail transport in the German-Polish-Czech border region (Timetable study)  Economic migration as joint challenge – Comparative analysis of Wrocław, Dresden and Lviv (Migration study)  Promotion of the Via Regia as tourist route (Via Mobil, Via Regia brochures)  Outputs with important milestones during the next reporting periods (Next steps)  Joint map of local action / Joint calendar of events Input to the cross-fertilisation workshop CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

4  Methodical steps: -Identification of node cities (delimitation of the reference network) -Definition of 3 scenarios of infrastructure investments -Calculation of resulting travel times  Objective: Evaluation of spatial effects (accessibility effects) of infrastructure investments  Scenarios: -Scenario 1 – Base development scenario -Scenario 2 – Possible further developments -Scenario 3 – Development of transnational high-speed schemes  Draft of results available, final report in preparation Accessibility study – Effects of infrastructure improvements on travel times along the PETC III – Central axis CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

5 Node cities (delimitation of reference network) CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

6 Scenario 1 – Base development scenario CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

7 Scenario 2 – Further developments CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

8 Scenario 3 – Development of transnational high- speed schemes CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

9 Comparison of all scenarios (European node cities) CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

10 Examples for the visualisation of accessibility effects CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

11 Accessibility study – Results & conclusions CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague  The base development scenario leads to significant improvements of national relations  The further developments proposed by partners would extend these effects to cross-border relations, too  High-speed lines in PL / CZ effect the Via Regia corridor, since selected relations (e.g. Berlin-Kraków) might be served faster by alternative routes  General conclusions: -There is rather no use to discuss about high-speed investments along the Via Regia corridor, taking into account the relevance of the corridor for freight transport, too -Improvement of cross-border connections should have high priority

12 Accessibility study – Next steps CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague  Evaluation of investments in terms of travel time available, but evaluation in terms of cost/benefit ratio yet missing -Need to evaluate results from the point of view of costs and possible benefits  Idea about investments available, but no idea about possible demand and possible travel offers (in terms of quality and quantity) -Need to develop large-scale concept for travel offers, taking into account possible demand  Complementary studies will investigate additional potentials of long-distance connections (e.g. Berlin-Vienna) as well as investment strategies for crucial sections (e.g. Cottbus-Görlitz)

13  Objective: Development of a cross-border integrated timetable concept  Methodical steps: -Analysis of demand and infrastructure -Development of cross-border integrated timetable concept -Definition of investment measures needed to realise the timetable concept -Allocation of measures to priorities  Currently, the concept is verified by the partners and it is checked, which measures might gain broad political support  Quite ambitious approach with possibly high regional benefit for integrated development Timetable study – Integration of rail transport in the German-Polish-Czech border region CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

14 CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

15  Economic migration = megatrend along the Via Regia  Methodical steps: -Comparative analysis of attitudes towards paid work migration in Wrocław, Dresden and Lviv (phone interviews) -Analysis of framework conditions of labour markets (expert interviews)  General results: -Germany is the second (after the UK) most popular destination of migration for Polish workers -The Saxon labour market is less attractive than in the western federal states of Germany; the Polish labour market is still unattractive for German workers Migration study – Economic migration as joint challenge CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

16  Regional results: -Rather low unemployment in Germany, but lack of skilled workers expected -In Wrocław the number of queries concerning Polish specialists made by Germans has doubled -High quality technical universities are the source of well- educated personnel -Additionally, job offers for specialists and social facilities are less competitive than those provided in Germany  Further impulses for the integration of labour markets will result from the opening of the German market  Significant effects on travel demand expected – but will offers of public transport be competitive? CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague Migration study – Economic migration as joint challenge

17  In 2011, the Third Saxon State Exhibition will take place in Görlitz and Zgorzelec  Theme: „Via Regia – 800 Years of Movement and Mobility“  From June to October 2010 the Via Mobil travelled along the Via Regia from Santiago de Compostela to Kiev to promote this event  From Eisenach to Lviv this activity was used to promote the cooperation and the objecives of Via Regia Plus, too  Result: Very high visibility of the Via Regia theme Via Mobil – Promotion of the Via Regia as tourist route CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

18 CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague Left: Political visibility Right: Visibility in public space

19  In 2008 the first edition of the Via Regia brochure was published (language: DE)  In 2009 and 2010 updated versions followed, 2010 as extended version (languages: DE / PL)  Objectives: -Promotion of Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia as tourist destinations -Information about timetables and possibilities to use public transport to explore these areas  Very successful marketing activity, one of the most popular and visible outputs of the project  Latest innovation: Travel flyers for selected trains Via Regia brochures – Exploring the project area by rail and bus CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague

20  Currently preparation of final phase of project implementation, first steps to prepare final conference (probably in 09/2011)  Step-by-step finalisation of local and regional studies  Preparation of strategical studies in the fields of accessibility and cooperation of cities and metropolitan areas  Elaboration and discussion of conclusions (core outputs), follow-up communication with stakeholders Next steps CENTRAL EUROPE Annual event, 23./ , Prague ?