Head Teachers’ Appraisal and Pay 2014 Pete Gaskin Julie Chow
Structure Governor’s responsibilities Pay and appraisal policies What’s new for 2014? Effective assessment of performance Pay decisions Appeals and monitoring
Whole school responsibilities Develop, consult and adopt a pay policy Develop, consult and adopt a teachers’ appraisal policy Moderate and agree pay determinations Hear appeals Monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the policies
What are Ofsted thinking? “Inspectors should consider the use of performance management and effectiveness of strategies for improving teaching, including the extent to which the school takes account of the Teacher Standards…” Ofsted Handbook, January 2014
What did Ofsted look for? Links between whole school priorities, performance and pay progression Clear references to the Teaching Standards Clear reporting to governors showing trends over 3 years If evidence shows teachers’ practice was less than good: Support provided Impact What are schools doing to move good teachers to outstanding?
Governors’ responsibilities for head teachers To determine the head teacher pay range (HTPR) To set performance objectives To undertake performance appraisal To decide on head teacher pay progression
What’s new in 2014? Performance related pay decisions for classroom teachers No differentials between values of TLR1 and TLR2 payments Abolition of Chartered London Teacher scheme New head teacher standards being drafted
Leadership pay changes No pay points ‘Reference points’ available for 2014 3 stage approach Performance related progression Flexibility on appointment Leadership allowances incorporated in to pay range, except for: Genuinely temporary payments Relocation and residential payments
The 3 stage approach Determine the group Set an indicative range Context Complexity Challenge Decide the individual range
MODERATION Appraisal cycle Set objectivesProvide SupportMonitor progressReview Pay recommendation
Measuring performance Targets: Not met? Met? Exceeded? Are there common areas of concern? Any patterns or trends emerging? What would trigger a conversation about poor performance?
Pay recommendation Need to know: Pay range and structure Scope for progression Criteria for progression Documentation and evidence to use Time constraints What would you award?
Appeals and monitoring Appeal procedure set out in pay policy Informal and formal stages Appeal panel decision is final Monitor who is eligible for and awarded pay progression, who appeals and the outcomes Budget ahead for pay progression
Resources and support Model Teachers’ Appraisal Policy Model Whole School Pay Policy Collective consultation by HR Local consultation guidance HR and Link Inspector teams Hands on support with appeals
Teachers’ Appraisal Policy Appraisal period Appraisers Relevant standards Means of assessment Career stage expectations Observation protocol Planning and review paperwork
Whole School Pay Policy Responsibilities Pay ranges: ‘points’ or something else Pay on appointment Process for progression Upper Pay Range application process Structure, including allowances