Performance Management and Evaluation 2 2 Team Management 3 3 Personality Analysis and Coaching 4 4 Productivity Challenges 5 5 Team work and presentation. 6 6 Which HR tools exists 1 1 Subtitle comes here 13th June '122Getrude Childrens' Hospital
1. HRM Strategy 2. HRM Planning 3. Recruitment interview scorecard 4. Performance Management System 5. Talent Management Tools 6. HRM Audit 7. Employee Satisfaction Rating 8. Competence Development Guide
9. Job Evaluation 10. Personality Profile Assessment 11. Employee Handbook 12. Training Manuals 13. Policies and Guidelines 14. Job Description 15. Employee Exit Dialogue 16. Dashboard
Employee performance management is about: Planning work and setting expectations, Continually monitoring performance, Developing the capacity to perform, Periodically rating performance in a summary fashion, and recognizing good performance.
Why should HRM have a set of tools to use in executing is mandate. Discuss the impact of any 3 tools in achieving HRM effectiveness In which ways can the tools help executive leadership ensure HR activities benefit the organization? What strategy should an organization deploy in order to effectively reduce some of the benefits already being enjoyed by employees? What should be the cause of action to mitigate a situation where a company benefit has a negative impact ? Employees taking too long to pay for parking. Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
A team is made up of a number of diverse specialists They are - in many cases - multi- leveled, multi-cultural, and cross- functional One individual may be assigned as the team leader.
The team leader ensures the team is on track and moving in the right direction within an assigned mandate In the team individuals operate with mutual respect for each others’ opinions, they must be open, honest, and direct. They must develop a common cause mentality rather than operating out of self interest.
Thus, it is the notion of common goal, common cause. The team leader then, is one who manages and/or coordinates the team members activities bring them into the whole.
A leader may be assigned responsibility of coordinating a number of teams. He/she may give assignment, set goals or performance targets Will help in the development of plans, strategies, critical thinking, information gathering and may present findings to other senior level officials.
Team Management means planning, coordinating and controlling the activities of a team or teams to achieve organizational performance objectives.