Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Heads of Agencies Workshop on Measuring Outcome 3-4 April 2014 Feedback to the MANCP WG (May 2014)
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Context Meeting of the Heads of Agencies or their representatives –Sharing experience –Networking between agencies –Forum to discuss management issues Sharing best practices: 4 workshops –Sampling programs –Smiley system and other methods to communicate with stakeholders –Measuring outcome –Influencing behaviour of FBO
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Goals of the workshop Exchange views Clarify definitions Understanding the approaches of different MS –Presentations (plenary) –Discussion (smaller workgroups & plenary) To give feedback to the next meeting of Heads of Agencies
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Presentations International context –MANCP Network Document on Performance Objectives & Indicators (UK) –Codex Alimentarius (CCFICS) proposal for new work on ‘monitoring performance of national food control systems’ (EC)
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Presentations Existing tools – global –Food safety systems – Share & compare (FI) –Barometers for the safety of the food chain: approach & methodology (BE) –Indicator systems for food chain safety strategy (HU)
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Presentations Existing tools – specific –Using a consumer survey to monitor delivery of strategy (UK) –Measuring microbial food safety output and comparing self-checking systems of FBO in BE –Evaluation & Impact Assessment by Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA)
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Outcome of the discussions Defining the scope –Need for further clarification and harmonized understanding of different key terms (output, outcome, impact) finalized MANCP network document could be used as a reference tool ! –Measuring FS outcome ‘Must’ Improve control systems Communication tool Link with (clearly determined) FS strategic objectives
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Outcome of the discussions Measuring outcome –Indicators vs. scope Performance measurement vs. FS status Outcome vs. impact measurement Improve vs. compare systems Communication # of indicators and level at which we set indicators depend on what we want to measure –Baseline & trends vs. status –Criteria for indicators Robustness, comparability between systems, quantifiable/qualitative…
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Outcome of the discussions Is a common approach possible? –Standarization or harmonization of indicators or criteria: no consensus –Measuring systems can be set up at both national and supra-national level –(Peer) reviewing & ranking: no consensus –Guidance for elaborating measuring tools sharing measuring outcome vs. measuring output
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Final conclusions Workshop was a good exercise in sharing views and practice Further reflection needed (CCFICS / EU / national level) Current state of play is encouraging to develop tools for measuring outcome
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Next steps? Feedback to HoA (June – Athens) –Continuation? –Avoid overlap – be complementary Outcome of the workshop Website FASFC WIKI MANCP