Systems Theory and Integration Design Eliza Neumer
The systems approach is methods used to create a carefully designed system of instruction or instructional design. Integrating technology strategies is a pivotal part of the approach. It is a system of instruction based on behaviorist information processing, and cognitive behaviorist theories.
Roots: Systems theory and integration design is based on the work of a lot of different educational psychologists. They blended together all of their findings to come up with the end product.
Robert Gagne and Leslie Briggs had developed a way to apply principles learned from military and industrial training to develop curriculum and instruction for schools. They claimed learning was most effective when it was supported by a carefully designed system of instruction.
Other contributors to this approach were: Robert Mager (Instructional Objectives) Glaser (Criterion-referenced testing) Cronbach and Scriven (Formative and summative evaluation) David Merrill (Component display theory) Charles Reigeluth (Elaboration theory)
Integrating Strategies: Instructional design is highly structured sequences of instruction, so computer tutorials and self-paced distance learning courses are often used. They offer ideal delivery systems for instruction design. Structured drills are also used that focus on providing a step-by-step sequence of learning activities matched to specific performance objectives. Whichever method is used, it must have clearly defined objectives and a set sequence.
Example of an instructional system: 1) State goals and objectives 2) Do task analysis to set a learning sequence 3) Match the proper assessment and instruction to objectives 4) Create the materials 5) Field test and revise the materials
Write instructional objectives What participants will be able to do Conditions under which they will be able to do what you have asked them Criteria for achieving what you have asked Construct test items based on the instructional objectives valid reliable consistent Design the curriculum structure, instructional strategies, and materials. Design all learning and reinforcement activities Design the evaluation criteria and tools
These theories have been used in the education world and the business world. It blends together theories from many educational psychologists to help educators and employers effectively instruct their students using technology in the most efficient and beneficial way.