Mentor Update 13/14 University Campus Suffolk
Mentor Update: Embedding NHS values Review of new NMC Competencies 2013 Nursing Curriculum Facilitating Learning in practice Scenario Group Feedback
Embedding NHS values and the 6Cs
Curriculum review - Nursing 2013 curriculum based on NMC (2010) Standards for Pre- registration Nursing Education End of Year 1 Common Foundation Programme Introduction of generic competencies for all fields of nursing Introduction of specific one off practical assessments throughout course Service User feedback in the summative assessment of student competence Competency assessment criteria remains unchanged Some changes to format but the team has tried to minimize radical changes
So what’s Changed in the Paperwork? Skills Document –Learning Objectives for Placement –Competencies Formative Summative –Specific One Off Practice Assessment –Essential Skills Clusters Skills Practiced by Student Student Self Assessment Competency Achieved
Record of Achievement Prior to placement students sign that they will abide by Trust, University and NMC policies and guidelines for practice Contains a consent form to enable UCS to share information with practice Mandatory training record (Moving & Handling, Basic Life Support, DRS, Occupational Health Clearance) Generic guidelines for mentors (raising concerns, communication process, assessment process) Escalating concerns – student guidance Sections for Year 1,2,3
Mentor Signature Sheets
Pre placement Planning
Short Placements –Mentor Signature Sheet (including PIN and manager verification of signature) –Short placement record Orientation to placement (1 st day) Evaluation of Student’s Professional Conduct Meeting form 4 week + Placements Orientation to placement (1 st day) Initial Interview Mid point interview Service User Feedback Sheets Record of visits / learning opportunites away from placement Subsequent student/mentor meetings sheets Action plan (if needed) Evaluation of student’s professional conduct Final Interview
Learning opportunities should be specific and individualised to your learner Teaching as you deliver care but remember to discuss the evidence based that supports practice Review nursing and MDT team expertise – you can’t know everything! Review current patients – condition, nursing care, treatments Guided reflection Patient Journey / Patient Care Pathways Facilitating Learning Opportunities
-Relates to the clinical skills sessions students have completed at university -On this page students record their discussions with you about how their clinical skills sessions link to observed practice on placement -The student completes the last box to record these reflective discussions and how they can translate the simulated learning to transferring their knowledge to practice placement experiences. Simulated Learning
Specific One off Practice Assessments Arrange with the student and service user an appropriate time within the placement to complete these assessments. They can only be completed for placements 4 weeks or longer Who can assess these: Student’s Mentor; another qualified mentor; CPF; or Link Lecturer These assessments contribute to the achievement of NMC generic & field competencies as well as ESCs Assessment 1 Communication with a Service user Year 1 Semester 2 Assessment 2 Individualised Care of a Service User Year 2 Semester 4 Assessment 3 Medicines Management Year 3 Semester 6 Assessment 4 Care Management Year 3 Semester 6
NMC competencies Sets out the standards for competence every student must acquire before applying to be registered at first level on the nurses’ part of the register. There are separate sets of competency requirements for each of the four fields of adult nursing, mental health nursing, learning disabilities nursing or children’s nursing. Each set is laid out under the following four domains: professional values communication and interpersonal skills nursing practice and decision-making leadership, management and team working.
Competencies Formative –At this point you need to discuss the student’s progress and identify areas for development so that the student can achieve each competence –The formative assessment and signing of competencies should be documented at mid-point and recorded in the Record of Achievement Summative –By the end of each year the student must have been summatively assessed and passed for all competencies –always base this assessment on the levels of performance, supervision and practice for each specific year rather than seeing the competencies in isolation
Example Competencies
Essential Skills Clusters Nursing 1.Compassion and communication 2.Organisational aspects of care 3. Infection prevention and control 4.Nutrition and fluid management 5.Medicines management Midwifery 1.Communication; initial consultation between the woman and the midwife 2.Normal labour and birth 3.Initiation and continuance of breastfeeding 4.Medicines management
Essential Skills Clusters Assessment must be based on each years specific level of performance, supervision and practice Students should achieve a range of ESCs over each placement of 4 weeks or longer For each skill the student MUST have a signature by a Registered Professional identifying the student has had opportunities to practice the skill The student must self-assess that they have achieved competence which is to be discussed at your summative assessment of the student At summative assessment you must use the student self assessment, service user feedback and discussions with the MDT team to assist you in assessing student competence
Example ESC
Formal Engagement of the Service User in Assessment Service Users are an integral part of student learning and development The NMC now requires all mentors to approach service users to give their feedback about students’ performance and competence in practice The student is required to have the opinions of 2 service users for each placement of 4 weeks or more Final placement students must have the opinion of 3 service users Service User anonymity is essential You must prepare the service user for this role Purpose of the assessment How their feedback will be used in your assessment of the student
NMC Student Guidelines for Practice Treating people as individuals Respect of confidentiality Collaboration Consent Professional boundaries Team working Recognise and work within limits of competence Ensure knowledge and skills up to date Documentation Honesty and Integrity Protecting from harm Uphold the reputation of the profession
For further consideration Effective Governance –Student evaluation of placement –Quality Assurance / Mechanisms –Triennial Review –Clinical Learning Environment Review Service Improvement –Local initiatives –Student involvement
Scenario Divide into groups -Look at the following scenario and discuss how you would mentor this student -What are your key concerns? -How would you approach the mid- point interview? -Who can support you in practice? – Identify 1 person to feedback 3 or 4 key points or observations
Scenario Susan is a pre-registration student who is two weeks into a five week placement with you. At initial interview Susan was unable to identify any specific learning needs Since then Susan has appeared unmotivated, unenthusiastic, unwilling to engage in offered learning opportunities and has stated that she is often bored, and that she is not interesting in pursuing this specialty when qualified
Group work feedback
UCS website Type this into the web address space This goes straight to
To take away… Triennial Review FAQs Hand-out of session slides 2013 Curriculum hand-out
Useful Resources UCS Link Lecturers / Personal tutors / Programme Leader Allocations Office tel: ( ) Assessment office tel: ( ) Clinical Practice Facilitators & Practice Education Facilitators RCN (2007) Guidance for Mentors of Nursing & Midwifery students. RCN London CODP (2009) Standards and Guidance for Mentors. CODP, London NMC (2008) Standards to support learning & assessment in practice 2 nd Edition. NMC, London NMC (2011 ) Guidance on professional conduct for nursing and midwifery students. 3 rd Edition. NMC, London Mentorship Team at UCS -