UDL Lesson Plan By Colleen Posey-Nelson ISTC 541
Goal: Students will be able to represent numbers 0-20 using ten frames as well as correctly identifying numerals Maryland State Curriculum Standard K.6.A.1.d Build meaningful relationships by using 5 and 10 frames.
Warm Up/Prior Knowledge Pass out pieces of a number line puzzle and call on a few children at a time to assemble the pieces until the entire number line is constructed. Count from with the class. Show a video clip of Sesame Street’s “Countilocks and the 20 Bunnies.”
Model New Knowledge Invite children to show 10 counters on the video visualizer. Then ask them to add one more. Ask “How many do I have now?” “What is one more than this?” continue until 20 is reached. Invite children to match number cards to the correct number of counters.
Guided Practice A small group will meet with a teacher to complete practice pages while other students complete practice pages independently. Option 1: They can practice math concepts online. Option 2: Make a number book. Students can use pencil, crayons and premade booklets to show their knowledge of numbers. Option 3: Build models of numbers using unifix cubes and number cards alone or in pairs. Below grade level children will receive individual help from teacher at table.
Assessment Formative/Ongoing Assessment: Stop periodically to ask students how they’re doing. Check to see if they’re practicing one-to-one correspondence when counting objects. Make sure that numerals are written correctly. Summative/End of Lesson Assessment: Students should be able to model any number between 0 and 20 using the unifix cubes.
Grading Rubric: PR (Progressing)- Student was able to correctly match at least 10 number symbols to the correct number of objects. IP-(In Progress) Student was able to correctly match at least 8 number symbols to the correct number of objects. EM-(Emerging) Student was able to correctly match at least 7 number symbols to the correct number of objects. ND-(Needs Development) Student was able to correctly match at least 6 number symbols to the correct number of objects.