1 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Lead a team, plan, organise and assess their work
2 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Lead a team, plan, organise and assess their work ModulesTopics P&P3EL Leadership P&P3EL Meetings P&P3EL Planning TE309 Understand the basic principles of leadership TE309Understand the basic functions of management TE309Apply situational leadership principles Total Notional Hours TE309Apply good planning principles TE309Conduct effective review meetings TE309Apply good performance management Notional Hours P&P3EL Performance management
3 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: ERVLead a team, plan, organise and assess their work TE309 Understand the basic principles of leadership Be able to identify the characteristics of good leadership Understand what leadership is Understand what the difference between leadership and management is Be able to identify personal leadership developmental needs Understand that both management and leadership skills can be developed
4 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Topic Specification: TE309 Understand the basic principles of leadership Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Plant investigation Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Group Discussions Describe List / tabulate Develop recommendations Execute, test and evaluate Make presentation Complete documents Draft a report Complete a questionnaire Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Understand what leadership is Understand what the difference between leadership and management is Understand that both management and leadership skills can be developed Are able to identify the characteristics of good leadership Are able to identify personal leadership developmental needs Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW 1.Discuss with other co-learners and: describe what leadership is tabulate the differences between leadership and management list the characteristics of good leadership discuss what aspects need to be developed in young leaders and how this can be done 2.Given a leadership developmental questionnaire, the learner has to identify his own personal needs 3.Compile a leadership portfolio for assessment Notional Hours 6 A group or individual exercise of viewing video material on leadership followed by a group discussion and an assessment of own needs Use checklists Job assignment
5 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development TE309 Understand the basic functions of management US: ERVLead a team, plan, organise and assess their work Be able to identify how the functions of management is reflected in company policies, procedures and practices Understand the basic psychology of management Understand the evolution of management leadership Understand the functions and activities of management
6 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Topic Specification: TE309 Understand the basic functions of management Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Group Discussions Educational games Case studies List / Tabulate Develop recommendations Execute, test and evaluate Job assignment Make presentation Compile checklist Draft a report Complete checklist Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Understand the basic psychology of management Understand the evolution of management leadership Understand the functions and activities of management Are able to identify how the functions of management is reflected in company policies, procedures and practices Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW Notional Hours 6 Plant investigation Learners compare company leadership functions with company policies and goals 1.Supply learners with relevant company policies and goals 2.Discuss with other co-learners and tabulate the functions and activities of management 3.As a group, identify in a discussion how management functions are reflected in these policies, procedures and practices 4.The learners present their findings to the facilitator Media search
7 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development TE309 Apply situational leadership principles US: ERVLead a team, plan, organise and assess their work Be able to identify personal preferred leadership style Understand the value of principle based leadership Understand the basic philosophy of leadership styles Understand the basic principles of situational leadership Be able to identify follower readiness levels Be able to use professional leadership techniques to lead a team
8 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Topic Specification: TE309 Apply situational leadership principles Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Group Discussions Case studies List / tabulate Questionnaires Develop recommendations Execute, test and evaluate Make presentation Complete log sheets Draft a report Practical test Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Understand the value of principle based leadership Understand the basic philosophy of leadership styles Are able to identify personal preferred leadership style Understand the basic principles of situational leadership Are able to identify follower readiness levels Are able to use professional leadership techniques to lead a team Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW Notional Hours 8 Plant investigation The principles of situational leadership will be viewed on video, highlighted by the facilitator and discussed in the group. Learners complete questionnaires to determine their own style preferences 1.Facilitate a discussion on the: value of principle based leadership basic philosophy of leadership styles and principles of situational leadership. 2.Through given questionnaires, the learners determine their: own preferred leadership style and follower readiness levels 3.Given several case studies, the learners demonstrate their ability to lead people by using professional leadership techniques Job assignment
9 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development TE309 Apply good planning principles US: ERVLead a team, plan, organise and assess their work Be able to use process questions to identify opportunities, problems and issues Understand the use of the process in planning, problem solving and decision making Be able to use a variety of basic planning techniques Be able to plan day to day work and small projects using process questions, visual displays and basic computer planning software Be able to incorporate instructions with planned activities and agree with relevant parties after consultations
10 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Topic Specification: TE309 Apply good planning principles Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Group Discussions Case studies Questionnaires Develop recommendations Execute, test and evaluate Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Draft a report Practical test Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Understand the use of the process in planning, problem solving and decision making Are able to use process questions to identify opportunities, problems and issues Are able to use a variety of basic planning techniques Are able to incorporate instructions with planned activities and agree with relevant parties after consultations Are able to plan day to day work and small projects using process questions, visual displays and basic computer planning software Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW Notional Hours 8 Plant investigation Educational games 1.Summarise the process of planning, problem solving and decision making 2.Learners identify opportunities, problems and issues in a range of short case studies 3.Learners demonstrate their ability to plan by using a variety of planning techniques in response to case studies 4. Given role play situations, the learners have to be able to incorporate instructions with planned activities and agree with relevant parties after consultations 5.Using process questions, visual displays and basic computer planning software, learners have to plan day-to-day work and small projects A lecture followed by a group exercise where skills in planning, problem solving and decision making will be developed through a variety of exercises
11 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development TE309 Conduct effective review meetings US: ERVLead a team, plan, organise and assess their work Be able to develop and apply an agenda based review meeting Understand the importance of individual and group performance review Understand the basic principles of review meetings Be able to draft and distribute effective minutes for review meetings Be able to participate in and chair effective review meetings
12 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Topic Specification: TE309 Conduct effective review meetings Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Group Discussions Case studies Use checklists Develop recommendations Execute, test and evaluate Make presentation Complete documents Draft a report Practical test Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Understand the importance of individual and group performance reviews Understand the basic principles of review meetings Are able to develop and apply an agenda based review meeting Are able to draft and distribute effective minutes for review meetings Are able to participate in and chair effective review meetings Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW Notional Hours 6 Plant investigation View video material on review meetings. A group exercise where learners will learn how to participate in and chair review meetings through a variety of exercises 1.Discuss with co-learners the importance of individual and group performance reviews 2.Given video case studies, the learners have to demonstrate their understanding of the principles of review meetings by commenting on these meetings 3.Given role play situations, learners have to: develop and apply an agenda based review meeting draft and distribute effective minutes for the review meeting participate in and chair effective review meetings Educational games Job assignment
13 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development TE309 Apply good performance management US: ERVLead a team, plan, organise and assess their work Be able to develop performance objectives for self and team members Be able to conduct performance review interviews and discussions Be able to apply company performance management policies, procedures and practices
14 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Topic Specification: TE309Apply good performance management Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Group Discussions Educational games Case studies Use checklists Execute, test and evaluate Make presentation Complete documents Draft a report Practical test Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Are able to develop performance objectives for self and team members Are able to conduct performance review interviews and discussions Are able to apply company performance management policies, procedures and practices Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW Notional Hours 6 Plant investigation A short concise lecture followed by a group exercise where skills in performance management will be assessed through a variety of exercises 1.Making use of everything the learner has learned, he has to develop performance objectives for him/herself and his/her team members 2.Given role play situations, learners: conduct performance review interviews and discussions and apply company performance management policies, procedures and practices Develop recommendations Job assignment